Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and doves in peaceful times. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility.

2024/06/2521:34:32 history 1921
Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and doves in peaceful times. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility. - DayDayNews

Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and white doves in peaceful times. They dedicated themselves silently and unyieldingly, devoting their lives and youth to the motherland. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility. We will also use our veterans as an example and our youth to defend China in this prosperous age.

Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and doves in peaceful times. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility. - DayDayNews

Dong Qingyu

Age: 90 years old

Time of joining the army: 1949

Place of joining the army: Jishu Street

Participated in wars: Liberation War, Resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea

Affiliated unit: Engineer Corps of a certain unit

Time of retirement: 1955

Current place of residence: Jishu Street

Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and doves in peaceful times. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility. - DayDayNews

Guan Juntang

Age: 92 years old

Time of joining the army: 1945

Place of joining the army: Jishu Street

Participated in the war: Liberation War

Affiliated unit: Northeastern Democratic Coalition

Time of retirement: April 1954

Current place of residence: Jishu Street

Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and doves in peaceful times. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility. - DayDayNews

Guo Xin

Age: 86 years old

Time to join the army: March 1956

Place to join the army: Jishu Street

Participated in the war: Korean aid, stationed in Qinghai

Time to join the party: 1956

Unit: 9872 unit

Time to retire: August 1961

Current place of residence: Baiqi Town

Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and doves in peaceful times. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility. - DayDayNews

Lang Dingyuan

Age: 84

Time of joining the army: January 1956

Place of joining the army: Jishu Street

Participated in the war: North Korean aid

Affiliated unit: 337 unit, retired from artillery

Time: April 1958

Current place of residence: Jishu Street

Editor|Hu Hukun Editor|Wang Ying

Pictures and text materials are provided by the Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau

Soldiers are cheetahs in troubled times and doves in peaceful times. Pay tribute to the veterans. It is because of their selfless efforts that we are now enjoying peace and tranquility. - DayDayNews

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