At that time, normal telegram exchanges used "clear codes", while intelligence personnel used "cipher codes", which were encrypted "clear codes" when exchanging intelligence.

2024/06/2707:02:32 history 1203

In 1943, the Japanese army changed the telegram code. It took our intelligence personnel several months to crack it, so they had no choice but to ask Hua Luogeng for help. After Hua Luogeng took over the code, he successfully cracked it in just one night, saving thousands of lives in Kunming.

Since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, our patriotic soldiers and civilians have faced off against the Japanese army on many frontal battlefields. Military intelligence is important information in war. If you obtain some important information about the enemy, you are likely to gain a huge advantage on the battlefield. At the time of
, normal telegram communication used "clear code", while intelligence personnel used "cipher code" when exchanging intelligence, which was encrypted "clear code".

At that time, normal telegram exchanges used

Because Chinese intelligence personnel had cracked the Japanese army's "code" many times before, the Japanese army's combat deployment was leaked. After several battlefield defeats, the Japanese army put the change of "code" on the agenda. In 1943, after careful research, the Japanese army re-encrypted the "code".

The latest Japanese military "code" has been cracked by Chinese intelligence personnel for several months to no avail, so they can only give up temporarily. After learning about this incident, Yu Dawei , then director of the Ordnance Industry Department of the Nationalist Government, had a headache. If the Japanese military intelligence could not be obtained, the Chinese army would be extremely passive in battlefield operations. Yu Dawei studied in the United States in his early years. He was well aware of the relationship between mathematics and cryptography, so he set his sights on the patriotic mathematician Hua Luogeng.

One day, Hua Luogeng heard a hurried knock on the door at home. When he opened the door, it was his old friend Yu Dawei. Yu Dawei looked anxious. After entering the room, the two of them chatted for a while, and then Yu Dawei talked about the purpose of the trip. The Japanese army changed the "code" and hoped that Hua Luogeng would help them crack the "code". Hua Luogeng is a mathematician who cares about his motherland. He has always hoped to use the knowledge he has learned to contribute to the country. The "code" is related to the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War, and he understands that mathematics and cryptography are closely related. Hua Luogeng immediately agreed to crack it and took over the Japanese "code" numbers intercepted by intelligence personnel from Yu Dawei. That day, he locked himself in the room and asked no one to disturb him.

At that time, normal telegram exchanges used

In the room, Hua Luogeng frowned. He looked down at the messy numbers. After thinking for a while, he picked up a pencil and started to check.

Before Yu Dawei left, he left Major General Cai Mengjian to take care of Hua Luogeng. Cai Mengjian did not dare to make any sound in the room.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally late at night, Hua Luogeng put down his pencil, slapped his head and said: "I see!" He successfully discovered the Japanese army's method of encrypting the "password". It turned out that the Japanese army used the Mubius function to encrypt the "password" encryption.

Early the next morning, he told Major General Cai Mengjian how to crack it, and Cai Mengjian quickly informed Yu Dawei of the news.

At that time, normal telegram exchanges used

On that day, after Chinese intelligence personnel used the Mubius inverse function to easily crack the Japanese "code", they learned that the Japanese army was about to launch a large-scale air attack on Kunming. Our troops immediately strengthened their deployment after learning the news, avoiding heavy personnel and economic losses in Kunming.

The scientific master cherished his country and uncovered the Japanese pirates' conspiracy overnight.

Mr. Hua Luogeng, as a contemporary scientific master and a well-known mathematician at home and abroad, fully applied his knowledge into practice and made significant contributions to my country's Anti-Japanese War and the modernization of the motherland. He deserves the title of People's Mathematician!

#人mund的故事# #史#

article "Hua Luogeng cracked the Japanese coded telegram overnight, and the national army lieutenant general was amazed after reading it"

At that time, normal telegram exchanges used

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