For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created.

2024/06/2414:18:32 history 1643

Author: Monsoon

During a long historical period, Deutschland or Germany was just a geographical concept. Within Germany, there are many independent states . Although there was Holy Roman Empire , this so-called empire was just a short term. But even this false reputation was wiped out in the smoke of the Napoleonic War .

After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification was still out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. This confederation is similar to the later Commonwealth of Independent States after the collapse of the Soviet Union . All participants are independent political entities. However, this German Confederation is more loose, with 34 absolute monarchy countries and 4 free cities. There are also Denmark controlled Schleswig, Holstein and Netherlands controlled Luxembourg are also included. The Confederacy had no real power to rule over the states. Each state was actually independent, with different laws, currencies, and weights and measures.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

The Habsburg territory in the 19th century

Internationally, Several major European countries do not want German reunification. For the troublemaker Britain, the rise of any continental power is intolerable. The two European hegemons, Russia and France, do not want a unified power in China and Europe. Especially Tsarist Russia ! Successive czars worked to keep Germany divided. After the Napoleonic Wars, the Tsar had been trying to balance the two strongest states in Germany - Prussia and Austria. He also supported other small states against Prussia and Austria... He had only one purpose, to keep Germany divided.

There are also many people in Germany who do not want to unify. If Germany unified, the rulers of those states would lose their supremacy. This is intolerable to these kings and royal families who have been isolated and isolated for hundreds of years. Moreover, the biggest unifying banner is nationalism, which is an existence that the Austrian Habsburg family cannot accept. Because the Habsburg family controls many ethnic groups in a vast area. The rise of nationalism was not gospel for the Habsburgs, but more like a reminder.

Among the people, capitalism large industry's demand for unification has become increasingly obvious. However, opposition from various political forces makes unification difficult to achieve.

Fortunately, as the most powerful state in Germany, Prussia has a deep obsession with unification. In the middle of the 19th century, due to the advancement of the industrial revolution , Prussia was already very strong, and Silesia , Berlin and other places had established relatively strong industries. In addition, a customs union with Prussia as the center including most of the German states was established. In the eyes of the bourgeoisie across Germany, Prussia is the most powerful hope for them to realize their dream of reunification.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

Iron Prime Minister Bismarck

The appearance of a man at this time officially launched the unification of Germany. This person is Otto von Bismarck , who is known as the "Iron-Blooded Chancellor". This strongman, who was born into a Junker landowner family, was considered by later generations to be one of the greatest diplomatic masters of the 19th century. He had diplomatic wisdom that was no less than Metternich's, as well as a strong will and rich experience in internal affairs. From the time he became the Prime Minister of Prussia in 1862 until he was forced to step down during the era of William II, he single-handedly shaped the foundation of German unity and strength for more than 20 years.

In his view, the unification of Germany must solve two problems. One is Austria, which was once the most powerful and is still very powerful at this time.

Although places such as Austria under the Habsburg rule were dominated by Germans, Bohemia , Hungary and other places were the territories of other ethnic groups. The Greater Germany plan to unify Germany with Austria as the mainstay was once popular.However, Austria was not enthusiastic about this, because the division of Germany was more conducive to the interests of the Habsburg family. Due to its long-term dominance in Germany, its influence on many small states cannot be underestimated. Without defeating this former big brother, it is really difficult to get all the small states to recognize Prussia.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

The map of Europe in 1712

Another great power with wolves and tigers around it. After all, Germany's national power increased after reunification, and its rise was inevitable. This is not necessarily a good thing for other European countries.

In order to solve these two problems, Bismarck made two preparations. At home, he routinely suppressed parliament and strengthened the army. In his view, the iron and blood of the army is the only way to unify Germany. Internationally, he maneuvered vertically and horizontally, divided and disintegrated, and finally ended the division of Germany through three dynastic wars.

In 1863, a crisis broke out around Schleswig and Holstein. Among these two principalities, Schleswig is one of the traditional German states, and Holstein has more than half of the German population. The Congress of Vienna in 1815 handed these two principalities and another small principality Lauenburg to the King of Denmark. The condition is that Denmark must guarantee the traditional privileges of the two principalities, and Denmark shall not annex Schleswig.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

King Frederick VII of Denmark

In 1863, King Frederick VII of Denmark announced that the two principalities would be separated, limiting the privileges of Holstein and Lauenburg. Later, Schleswig was further included in Denmark. This series of operations successfully upset Germany. German nationalists strongly demanded the liberation of these territories from Denmark.

As the leading brother of Germany, Prussia and Austria, which everyone expects to win, cannot sit idly by and must take action. The two countries also concluded a military alliance and organized a coalition force for this purpose. Bismarck even used this opportunity to reach a consensus with the European powers and secretly completed the deal, ensuring that other countries would not interfere in the war against Denmark, and laying the groundwork for the future against Austria.

Everything is ready, the war begins! The small country of Denmark could not withstand the joint attack of Austria and Prussia, the two continental powers. It was quickly arranged and forced to spit out the three small principalities that had been annexed. Bismarck's first step was successful, and now it was time to dig a hole for his former eldest brother.

In order to find a reason to deal with Austria in the future, Bismarck made some manipulations in the "Gastein Convention" signed with Austria to prepare for the back stabbing of Austria. At the same time, Bismarck was also actively working to isolate Austria diplomatically.

Tsarist Russia was captured first. They could not let go of the betrayal of the Austrians in the Crimean War. Austria united with Britain and France to support Poland's uprising to get rid of Russian rule, which made Tsarist Russia even more indignant. Prussia won the favor of Tsarist Russia by supporting Tsarist Russia in suppressing the Polish uprising. This not only allowed Charles to remain neutral in future German wars, but also added heavy weight to the stability of German-Russian relations during Bismarck's administration.

France is much simpler. Napoleon III, who was ambitious but not talented, expressed neutrality just because of Bismarck's few empty promises.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

Napoleon III

In order to isolate Austria to the maximum extent, Bismarck even pulled in the weak Italy. Italy is weak, but it can still be done to open a new front and disperse Austrian forces.

Everything was ready, Bismarck began to stimulate Austria in various ways, and the Austro-Prussian War broke out. To everyone's surprise, the war was short-lived. On June 7, 1866, the war began; on July 3, in the Battle of Sadowa, the Prussian army severely damaged the main force of the Austrian army and sealed the victory... The seemingly powerful Habsburg returned with a disastrous defeat in just a few weeks.

The decline of Austria has become a topic that Prussian decision-makers must face.This was Bismarck showing his political wisdom. He defied all opinions and spared Austria. Simply excluding Austria from Germany established Prussian hegemony in Germany. Apart from this, does not have any excessive requirements.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

The Battle of Sadowa

The Austro-Prussian War ended in a way that no one could have imagined. It was too late for Napoleon III to intervene. Austria withdrew from Germany and recognized the North German Confederation established by Prussia. Leniency to Austria reduced resistance to unification and also ensured Austria's neutrality in the next war.

Austria is done, now it’s time for the French.

As for France, Prussia has been holding back its fire for a long time. In the Battle of Jena , the great reputation of the Prussian army was crushed to dregs by Napoleon. This left a deep impression on the Prussian officer corps with a long military tradition. How to regain position on the battlefield has become the only question that Prussian soldiers have been thinking about for a long time. It was against this background that the far-reaching staff system was born. Now there is finally a chance. Although Napoleon is no longer here, it would be a good choice to find his nephew Napoleon III to pay off the debt.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

Napoleon in the Battle of Jena

In order to finally defeat France, Bismarck was very well prepared. He first attracted several southern German states to form an offensive and defensive alliance targeting France, and then drew them into the customs union. This ensures that they will not reach some kind of tacit agreement with France and cause unnecessary trouble.

Then he began to isolate France in various ways. He first found his old friend Russia and supported Russia's various demands in Europe in exchange for Russia's neutrality. Prussia and Russia reached an agreement: Once the Franco-Prussian War begins, Russia will send troops to the Russian-Austrian border to divert Austria's attention; Prussia will support Russia's demands in the Black Sea and the Balkans. The possibility of Austria supporting France thus disappeared.

Everything was ready, Bismarck categorically denied his previous commitment to France and made France's demands public. This angered Britain and Russia, and France fell into unprecedented isolation.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

However, Prussia cannot take action first, otherwise it will be at a disadvantage in international public opinion, and several southern German states will not support him. If they want to take the initiative, they must let France take action first. The opportunity soon came when France and Prussia had conflicts over the succession to the Spanish throne. France demanded a promise from the King of Prussia that the Hohenzollerns would not interfere with the Spanish throne. William I Although he felt humiliated, he chose to compromise, but Bismarck changed King Prussia's reply and successfully stimulated France.

In July 1870, France took the lead in declaring war on Prussia, and the Franco-Prussian War broke out. Although France is confident, reality is really a slap in the face. On September 1, France suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Sedan. Napoleon III and 100,000 French officers and soldiers became prisoners of the Prussian army.

Bismarck did not intend to let France go this time. The Prussian army pushed directly to the city of Paris. What was even more embarrassing was that Prussia announced the establishment of the German Empire in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles, which was the pride of the French.

For a long historical period, Germany or Germany was just a geographical concept. After the Congress of Vienna in 1815, German unification remained out of reach, but a so-called German Confederation was created. - DayDayNews

The Second German Empire was established

After three wars, the unification of Germany was finally completed. However, this also leaves a huge hidden danger, that is, France's endless desire for revenge. Bismarck has been using various methods to prevent this from happening. And that's another story.

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