As the saying goes, "a widow has a lot of trouble at her door." Young widows are most likely to attract trouble, not to mention that most people have certain prejudices against widows. In 2009, a widow in Shandong Province had an affair with her lover in a cornfield, but was secr

2024/06/2506:53:32 history 1171

As the saying goes, "There are many disputes before a widow." Young widows are most likely to attract disputes, not to mention that most people have certain prejudices against widows. Therefore, the life of a widow is actually not peaceful. In some remote areas, due to the influence of customs and habits, widows cannot even remarry, so many widows can only have affairs behind the scenes.

As the saying goes,

In 2009, there was a widow in Shandong who had sex with her lover in a cornfield. As a result, they were secretly photographed by passers-by. One sentence led to tragedy. In order to conceal their affair, the widow and her lover brutally killed passers-by, and both of them were destined to pay the price for their actions.

Li Yunxiang, who lives in Shandong, lost his father in his early years and became a widow at the age of 30. The village where Li Yunxiang is located is relatively feudal. People in the village believe that it is not good for a woman to remarry after her husband is widowed. It can easily bring bad luck to her second husband and is a symbol of unruly women. Therefore, after Li Yunxiang became a widow, he gave up the idea of ​​remarrying.

Even though Li Yunxiang was tired of living a poor life alone, even her parents did not support her remarriage, and no one dared to marry her. Until 2009, Li Yunxiang met Zhang Long. Zhang Long was more than ten years younger than Li Yunxiang and was in his prime of life. Seeing that Li Yunxiang was working hard on her own, he often helped her with farm work.

Over time, the two of them became more familiar and their relationship became better and better. Zhang Long is a young man who has long been fed up with the conservative thinking in the village, so he doesn't care about Li Yunxiang's identity as a widow. However, Li Yunxiang doesn't want to delay Zhang Long, so after confirming their relationship, the two decided to secretly get together.

As the saying goes,

In this way, the large cornfield outside the village became a good place for the two of them to meet and have sex, but he never thought that having sex in the cornfield would also be secretly photographed. In the end, it led to a murderous crime, ruining the future of the two people.

One day in 2009, Zhang Long and Li Yunxiang came to the cornfield to have sex as usual. Just when the two of them were having sex with each other, a white light suddenly flashed, and a young man was seen holding a camera in his hand. Someone filmed it. This move frightened Li Yunxiang into screaming loudly, and Zhang Long immediately stepped forward to stop him.

After the two got dressed, they discovered that the young man taking the photo was wearing a casual suit and carrying a large backpack. He was obviously a passerby. The person who took the photos was Li Qionian, a student at Shandong University of Fine Arts. He was on vacation, so he took his camera out to collect photos. I just happened to find Zhang Long and Li Yunxiang having sex in the cornfield. I felt it was of great artistic value and couldn't help but take photos.

After learning about it, Zhang Long and Li Yunxiang immediately asked Li Qiaonian to delete the photos in the camera, but Li Qiaonian was unwilling. He finally took such artistic photos and refused to delete them at all. Not only that, Li Qiaonian also said that he would send the photo to the newspaper office to participate in the competition, and maybe it could be published in the newspaper.

As the saying goes,

This sentence completely angered Zhang Long and Li Yunxiang. The reason why they were together secretly was because they were worried about their relationship being discovered. If Li Qiaonian sends the photos to the newspaper, sooner or later people will know about the two of them. In a fit of anger, Li Yunxiang raised the big stone on the side and hit Li Qionian hard.

Li Qiong, who had no time to prepare, was crushed to death on the spot. Seeing that Li Qiaonian was dead, Zhang Long and Li Yunxiang took away his camera and fled the scene. Afterwards, the two never went to the cornfield again and rarely interacted with each other.

The next day, villagers found Li Qiaonian’s body in the cornfield. After calling the police, the police rushed to the scene. Through clues at the crime scene, the police identified the suspect as a resident near the village. After a visit and investigation, they finally found Li Qionian's camera at Li Yunxiang's home, and the intentional homicide case was solved.

Li Yunxiang and Zhang Long explained what happened at the time of the incident. The two teamed up to stone Li Qionian to death and dragged the body deep into the cornfield. They originally thought that no one was aware of the incident, but they didn’t expect that Li Qionian’s death would occur the next day. The body was discovered by the owner of the cornfield.It is obvious that both Li Yunxiang and Zhang Long constituted the crime of intentional homicide, but Li Yunxiang was the principal offender and Zhang Long was an accessory.

As the saying goes,

According to Article 232 of the " Criminal Law ", the crime of intentional homicide refers to the act of deliberately and illegally depriving others of their lives. Life is the basis and prerequisite for the exercise of all other rights, and the life of any citizen is protected by law. Whoever commits intentional homicide shall be sentenced to death, life imprisonment, or a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years ; if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.

In this case, Li Qionian himself had certain faults. He took private photos of Li Yunxiang and Zhang Long without their consent. This was an infringement of other people's privacy rights and constituted infringement. But even so, Li Yunxiang should not kill him. Considering that Li Yunxiang's cruel methods, egregious circumstances, and unwillingness to plead guilty were not positive, the local court sentenced him to death after trial and deprived him of his political rights for life.

As for Zhang Long as an accessory, the circumstances were relatively minor and he did not directly participate in the killing process. According to Article 27 of my country's Criminal Law: Anyone who plays a secondary or auxiliary role in a joint crime is an accessory. For accomplices, the punishment should be lighter, reduced or exempted from punishment.

Therefore, the court sentenced Zhang Long to 10 years in prison after the trial, and the relationship between the two was exposed. When the villagers learned about it, they criticized them verbally. Li Yunxiang and Zhang Long's parents even moved out of the village overnight.

As the saying goes,

This tragedy is actually mainly due to backward customs and habits. Although Li Yunxiang is a widow, she is a citizen and has the right to get married. Since Zhang Long is unmarried, he can definitely marry Li Yunxiang. It's a pity that due to the influence of customs and habits, the two could only be together secretly all the time, and when they were discovered, a sentence caused a murder.

Of course, the most pity in this case is Li Qiong. It is not easy for the country to train a college student, and Li Qiong was able to avoid the tragedy. But he was stubborn and refused to give in. In the end, he angered Zhang Long and Li Yunxiang, and also brought death to himself.

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