Especially Bogu, who was the supreme leader of the party at the time. Because of his wrong leadership, the Central Soviet Area failed in its fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" and the base area could not be saved.

2024/06/2122:58:33 history 1109

Why did the Red Army embark on the Long March road? This is related to the names of three people, namely Wang Ming , Bogu and Li De. Especially Bogu, who was the supreme leader of the party at the time. Because of his wrong leadership, the Central Soviet Area failed in its fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" and the base area could not be saved.

had no choice but to march. From this point of view, Bogu made a serious mistake and caused immeasurable losses to the Red Army and the Chinese revolution. At the Zunyi Conference in 1935, Bogu's supreme leadership was abolished and Chairman Mao's correct military line was adopted. The Red Army and the Chinese revolution turned the corner.

Especially Bogu, who was the supreme leader of the party at the time. Because of his wrong leadership, the Central Soviet Area failed in its fifth counter-campaign against

In 1946, the plane on which Bogu, Ye Ting and others were traveling unfortunately crashed. They were killed together and became revolutionary martyrs. Bogu's life was full of merits and demerits, and he became a controversial figure with a profound influence on history. He has a younger brother, who can be said to have influenced him to this day.

Bogu's original name is Qin Bangxian, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu. His biological brother's name was Qin Bangli, and later he adopted the pseudonym Yang Lian'an. Judging from the photos, both brothers are wearing glasses. They look gentle, modest and gentlemen, with handsome features and gentle faces. They are indeed people who grew up in the Jiangnan water town.

Qin Bangli is one year younger than his brother and lost his father when he was young. He gave up his studies when he was only 14 years old and became an apprentice in a bank. With the money he earned, he helped his brother and sister study. Bogu was able to go to college and then went to study in the Soviet Union. Thanks to his good brother.

In 1927, when Bogu was studying in the Soviet Union, Qin Bangli participated in the revolutionary uprising in his hometown. After the uprising failed, he came to Shanghai to join relatives and help run a small shop. The special experience in his early years taught Qin Bangli how to manage money.

In Qin Bangli's life, there is an important person, that is Chen Yun, a famous financial management expert in the party. Chen Yun was in Shanghai to succeed Premier Zhou in charge of Special Branch work. After the original Special Branch personnel were exposed, Chen Yun had to recruit a new group of people.

Although Qin Bangli was not a party member at the time, he was Bogu's younger brother, and Chen Yun believed that he was reliable and could be tested in practical work. Chen Yun handed Qin Bangli two gold bars and asked him to open a store. On the surface, it is doing business, but in fact it is a cover for the party organization.

Especially Bogu, who was the supreme leader of the party at the time. Because of his wrong leadership, the Central Soviet Area failed in its fifth counter-campaign against

Qin Bangli did not let Chen Yun down. He first opened a rice store and transported Wuxi rice to Shanghai to sell. After making money, Qin Bangli opened a furniture and woodware store. This is another stronghold of the party organization, an underground transportation station.

The party organization holds a meeting in the store. If the enemy comes to search, they will hide various documents in the furniture. The furniture is specially made with mezzanines and organs inside, so outsiders cannot search it out. Qin Bangli was able to retrieve the documents safely.

In 1931, Qin Bangli joined the party gloriously. Chen Yun sent him to Shantou, Guangdong to set up an underground transportation station. Why so far? It has to be this far. At that time, the Party Central Committee was in Shanghai and the Red Army led by Chairman Mao was in the Central Soviet Area.

The connection between the two must go around Guangdong and through Shantou. Qin Bangli opened Shantou Branch, a Chinese-French pharmacy in Shantou. This was the sixth store he opened for the revolution. Don't underestimate this store. Through it, many party members and confidential documents were secretly transferred.

After the Shanghai Party Central Committee was destroyed, all agencies and personnel had to be transferred to the Central Soviet Area. Qin Bangli successfully escorted many senior party leaders to the Soviet Area, including Chen Yun, Zhang Wentian, and his brother Bogu. and Chen Geng et al.

After Chen Yun came to the Central Soviet Area, he switched to economic work. The six shops opened by Qin Bangli carried out trade with the Central Soviet Area in a legal capacity, and transported a large amount of medicine and salt into the Central Soviet Area, making great contributions to the revolution. .

Especially Bogu, who was the supreme leader of the party at the time. Because of his wrong leadership, the Central Soviet Area failed in its fifth counter-campaign against

(Qin Bangli)

During the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Yun served as the minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an. Qin Bangli also came to Yan'an and taught at the Party School. Later, Chen Yun gave him an important task. He went to Hong Kong to assist the Eighth Route Army Office in Hong Kong under the cover of starting a company.

In 1938, Qin Bangli came to Hong Kong and established a business name called "United Bank".Why this name? In Wuxi dialect , Lianhe has the same pronunciation as Qin Bangli's pseudonym Lian'an at that time. In fact, this business name is named after Qin Bangli's pseudonym.

The "United Bank" purchased a large amount of medicines and supplies for the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army, and also exchanged foreign currencies. It was actually a comprehensive transportation station. In 1948, "United Bank" was reorganized and expanded and renamed China Resources Company, with Qin Bangli as the general manager.

Many people may not know what China Resources means? Hua, that is, Zhonghua, represents China, and Run is taken from Chairman Mao’s word, Chairman Mao’s word Run. Huarun means the land of China, moistened by rain and dew.

Development to this day, China Resources Group has become a Fortune 500 company in the world, a central enterprise with assets worth trillions in various businesses including retail, real estate and gas industries.

I hope that China Resources Group, which has a glorious history, will go better and better. As the founder of China Resources Corporation, Qin Bangli served as director of the Planning Bureau of the Central Ministry of Foreign Trade after the founding of the People's Republic of China. He died in 1969 at the age of 61.

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