In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and "Premier of the Pup

2024/06/0722:09:33 history 1734

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were the puppet emperor of Manchukuo Puyi who had been supported by the Japanese, as well as the great traitor and "Prime Minister of Manchukuo" Zhang Jinghui , and other war criminals.

was escorted back to China as a war criminal. Both Puyi and Zhang Jinghui and others felt uneasy. How would the Communist Party deal with them? Is it an execution? Or go to jail while opening up the internet?

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui

Zhang Jinghui is the most uneasy. Earlier, his son Zhang Mengshi was escorted back to the country as the first batch of extradited war criminals. How is his son now? Has he been given any trouble?

As soon as he arrived at Fushun War Criminals Management Center , Zhang Jinghui couldn't wait to look around, and then he saw an incredible scene: his most beloved son Zhang Mengshi, wearing the work uniform of the War Criminals Management Center, was walking towards him.

The scene in front of him shocked Zhang Jinghui's mind. In the flash of lightning, an idea he had never thought of appeared in his mind, and he suddenly realized: "That's it! Boy, you deceived me so hard!"

On the surface, he is a war criminal, but in fact It is agent

In 1945, the victory of the domestic Anti-Japanese War was decided, and it was only a matter of time before the Japanese were defeated.

htmlOn August 15, The Emperor of Japan announced to the whole of Japan and the world through nationwide broadcasts: Japan unconditionally surrenders!

html During the Anti-Japanese War in 2014, the efforts of countless patriots finally paid off. The country cheered and people rushed to tell each other.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

However, in the northeastern corner of China, some people are not happy, and even look sad.

This group of people are traitors who served in the "Puppet Manchukuo" and worked for the Japanese.

The most terrifying people are the puppet emperor Puyi and the "Prime Minister" Zhang Jinghui.

Puyi felt panicked, not only because his dream of relying on the Japanese to "recover the Qing Dynasty " was shattered, but he also followed the instructions of the Japanese and committed many crimes that harmed the country and insulted his ancestors.

The same goes for Zhang Jinghui. Without the Japanese, how should he, a big traitor, deal with himself?

Neither the Kuomintang nor the Communist Party can accept him as a traitor. The only way out is to flee abroad!

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and


This coincides with Puyi. The two discussed with many "ministers" how to escape.

Little did they know that when they were planning to escape, a "red agent" lurking among them grasped the escape route of these people in time and passed the information to the Soviet Red Army through communication channels.

When Puyi and other traitors appeared at various train stations and airports preparing to escape, the Soviet Red Army's "magic soldiers descended from the sky" and caught them all.

Puyi, Zhang Jinghui and various "ministers" have since become war criminals and were sent to the Soviet Union for detention.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Jinghui was arrested together with his youngest son, named Zhang Mengshi.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui and Zhang Mengshi

The Soviet Union did not give any embarrassment to these war criminals. It just imprisoned them and allowed them to undergo reform and education.

is just one level, which is five years.

Zhang Jinghui felt quite guilty for letting his son suffer with him, but Zhang Mengshi was very strong and never complained.

Five years later, the Soviet Union wanted to extradite these prisoners back to China. Zhang Mengshi was among the first to leave.

It was already 1950. Our party had won a great victory in the Liberation War. New China had been established. Although there were still some minor riots in the country, it was generally in a state of peace.

It is precisely for this reason that the Soviet Union wants to extradite these war criminals back to China.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Mengshi was one of the first prisoners to return. When he learned the news, he revealed a shocking news to the Soviet Union: "I am a 'Red Agent.'"

This news is earth-shattering. How could the Soviet Union have imagined that one of their own "people" had been imprisoned by them for five years!

Not only that, Zhang Mengshi also revealed that he passed the news to the Soviet Red Army and arrested Puyi, Zhang Jinghui and others. The "Red Agent" is Zhang Mengshi, a rich young man who appears to be the son of a traitor, but is actually a communist fighter with firm beliefs.

He was born into wealth, but he did not bring happiness.

Why would a wealthy young man, the son of a traitor, do so. What about becoming a "red agent"?

It's a long story to solve.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Mengshi

Let's talk about Zhang Mengshi's father, Zhang Jinghui, who was born in Bajiaotai, Fengtian Prefecture in 1871 (some say 1872). His family background was not prominent, he was a farmer, and his father made a living by selling tofu.

Zhang Jinghui had been restless since he was a child, and he often visited various gambling establishments when he was young.

During the late Qing Dynasty, the country was divided by foreign powers, and the Qing government was unable to manage it. Many tycoons among the people rose up and became dominant.

Zhang Jinghui, unwilling to lag behind, established a self-defense regiment in Bajiaotai Town. He became the regiment leader and served as a bodyguard for the local wealthy families.

Later, Zhang Zuolin was attacked by bandits and fled to the village. Zhang Jinghui enthusiastically supported Zhang Zuolin at the Bajiao Terrace. From then on, he took up his arms and followed Zhang Zuolin.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Zuolin

Zhang Zuolin, who was born in a grassland, eventually became the " Northeast King " and dominated the Northeast. Zhang Jinghui followed Zhang Zuolin and rose to prominence, becoming a brigade commander, a division commander, and a military commander. Commander.

During the Zhili-Fengtian War, due to Zhang Jinghui's lack of military discipline and the failure of the battle, he got close to the Zhili warlord Cao Kun, so he turned against Zhang Zuolin.

After the "September 18th" incident, the Japanese The Northeast established the "Puppet Manchukuo" and supported Puyi in an attempt to control China.

Zhang Jinghui, who was serving in the Kuomintang in Nanjing at the time, was moved when he learned about this.

On the one hand, he wanted to return to his hometown in the Northeast and live a comfortable life. In order to gain greater power, Zhang Jinghui openly surrendered to the enemy, went to the Northeast to work for the Japanese, and served as the "Prime Minister" of the puppet Manchukuo. He became a notorious traitor

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui

left a reputation in the country, but it did not prevent him from doing so. Zhang Jinghui's family lived a prosperous life in the Northeast.

At this time, his youngest son Zhang Mengshi also reached school age.

However, Zhang Mengshi soon discovered that although he was the young master of the "Prime Minister", his life was not happy.

Because his father is a traitor, his classmates at school are unwilling to get close to him.

Under the pointing fingers of people around him, Zhang Mengshi found that he heard words such as "traitor" and "traitor" more and more often.

He gradually understood that his father was a "traitor", and traitor means a traitor!

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui and Wang Jingwei

This cast a shadow on Zhang Mengshi's heart. Although he lived the life of a rich young master, he was not happy at all because he could not make any true friends.

Life seems to be rich and has everything you need, but in fact it lacks the true feelings of the world, which once made Zhang Mengshi feel hollow and illusory.

He didn't like the Japanese, and he had conflicts with his father about this. Every time he saw his father being respectful in front of the Japanese, Zhang Mengshi felt ashamed in his heart.

As he grew older, Zhang Mengshi came up with an idea: leave the Northeast, leave home, and see the outside world.

While studying abroad, he became an agent

In 1940, despite Zhang Jinghui's reluctance to give up, under his son's strong insistence, Zhang Jinghui still spent a lot of money to send Zhang Mengshi to study in Japan.

Arriving in Japan, Zhang Mengshi was like a bird escaping from the cage, and his mind suddenly opened up.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

While studying in Japan, Zhang Mengshi came into contact with the works of Marxism and Lenin, became fascinated by and admired Marxist thought.

After being influenced by Marxist thought, Zhang Mengshi increasingly felt that what his father had done was extremely shameful, and the ideological rift between father and son deepened again.

At that time, many children of puppet Manchukuo officials were studying in Japan with him, and Zhang Mengshi took the initiative to get close to them.

Zhang Mengshi was delighted to find that these classmates had the same idea as him. They were all dissatisfied with the "Puppet Manchukuo" and felt ashamed of their status as descendants of "Puppet Manchukuo" officials.

Therefore, Zhang Mengshi studied Marxism-Leninism with these like-minded friends and talked about his life ideals. During that time, he lived a very fulfilling life, and for the first time in his life, he felt that he was truly living in the world.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Later, the descendants of these "Puppet Manchukuo" officials established the "Northeast Study Abroad Youth National Salvation Association" in Japan. Zhang Mengshi was one of them. He officially embarked on the completely opposite path to his father Zhang Jinghui.

In 1941, the Soviet-German war broke out.

At that time, the Far East was very important as the docking point between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Soviet Union stationed troops here to ensure the safety of Far East and other transportation arteries so that support materials from various countries could be transported back to the Soviet Union.

The outbreak of the Soviet-German War put the Soviet Union into crisis for a time. The Soviet Union considered whether to withdraw its troops stationed in the Far East, and was afraid that Japan would take the opportunity to invade the area. Therefore, it needed to find out the whereabouts of the Japanese frontline commander Yamashita Tomofumi.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Yamashita Fengwen

This task was finally entrusted by the party organization to Zhang Mengshi, who was only 20 years old, because he was Zhang Jinghui's son and was convenient.

Zhang Mengshi, who has been influenced by his thoughts, is no longer the ignorant boy he used to be. He has great righteousness in his heart and firmly accepts this task. He leaves the Japanese school and returns home on the grounds of visiting relatives.

Zhang Jinghui was very happy, not only because his son, whom he had not seen for a long time, returned home, but he also found that his son had taken a trip outside and seemed to be very "filial" when he came back.

After returning home, Zhang Mengshi greeted Zhang Jinghui and his mother, and never disobeyed Zhang Jinghui again. He even offered to share his father's worries and learn how to handle official duties.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui

Zhang Jinghui did not doubt that he was there. He took his son to and from many offices in the "Puppet Manchukuo" and still sighed in his heart: My son has grown up and finally knows how to be filial to his father. It is not in vain to love him!

How did he know that his son was so "active" in order to complete the tasks assigned by his superiors.

Today, Zhang Mengshi is already a red agent, but Zhang Jinghui is still kept in the dark.

After Zhang Mengshi's unremitting efforts, he finally found out Yamashita Fengfumi's recent whereabouts in his father's two confidential documents, and sent the information through special communication channels.

Based on this intelligence, the Soviet Union judged that the Japanese had no time to launch an attack on the Far East, so they decisively recalled the Soviet troops stationed in the Far East to join the Moscow defense battle to help the Soviet army win.

The truth came out, and the old man sighed: You deceived me so hard!

In 1943, Zhang Mengshi completed his studies and proposed work assignments to the party.

The party organization assigned him to the Changchun Intelligence Group of the underground party and became an underground party member.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Changchun is an important city in the Northeast, and the Northeast is Zhang Mengshi's hometown. Assigning him to the Changchun Intelligence Team will be more conducive to his work.

As a result, Zhang Mengshi returned completely transformed into an "agent".

After studying in Japan for several years, Zhang Mengshi has become full of cultural literacy and is deeply loved by Zhang Jinghui. Zhang Jinghui often takes him to various political exchanges and gets to know major military officials.

Over time, the officials of the "Puppet Manchukuo" all got to know Zhang Mengshi, a handsome and noble son. His network of contacts expanded and he often came into contact with senior officials of the "Puppet Manchukuo" and Japanese senior officials, making it easier to carry out work.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Mengshi and his wife

Once, Zhang Mengshi met the Japanese Tanici Hiroshi in a social setting. With his eyes, he immediately saw that Tanici Hiroshi's status was of great importance, so he quietly made friends with him.

Gu Ciheng never thought that this "Prime Minister" who spent a lot of money and was always scrambling to pay for himself would be an agent, and he had no defense against him.

It was through Tani Tsuihiro that Zhang Mengshi obtained important information. It turned out that Japan's core governing body in the "Puppet Manchukuo" was an unofficial group called the Huoyao Society, and the Japanese had deceived everyone.

Zhang Mengshi sent this information to help the party formulate strategies to deal with the "Puppet Manchukuo".

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Puyi (second from left) Zhang Jinghui (first from right)

During the latent period, no one could see through Zhang Mengshi’s identity, and he was able to send a lot of important information to our party.

Who would have thought that the young son of the "Prime Minister" family is a secret agent? Zhang Mengshi just lurked among all senior officials in such a grand manner, silently contributing to the party.

Until 1945, the Emperor of Japan announced unconditional surrender, and Puyi and others planned to escape.

Zhang Mengshi did not consider his own safety and did not hesitate to pass on the escape route of Puyi and others, including his father and himself. In the end, the Soviet Red Army captured Puyi and others.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui

Then why did Zhang Mengshi not confess his identity immediately after he was arrested, but chose to hide it and was imprisoned for five years with his father?

He has his own reasons.

Although the Anti-Japanese War is over, the Kuomintang reactionaries led by Chiang Kai-shek have always been hostile to the Communist Party, and the second civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is very likely to break out.

If Zhang Mengshi exposes his identity, it may lead to the exposure of the "Changchun Intelligence Group" to which he belongs, which will affect the whole body. He doesn't know what the subsequent impact will be.

Therefore, out of caution, Zhang Mengshi stayed in a Soviet prison for five years without revealing his identity.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

It wasn’t until the Soviet Union wanted to send him back to China. After he learned about the domestic situation from the Soviet military, he confidently and boldly revealed his true identity as a red agent, which led to the scene at the beginning of the article.

At that time, Zhang Jinghui, Puyi and others were deported back to China. The moment she saw her son appear in uniform, Zhang Jinghui suddenly understood everything.

He never dreamed that his youngest son was a Communist Party agent. Thousands of words turned into a sigh: "You deceived me so hard!"

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui

Zhang Mengshi felt somewhat guilty, but he was still determined. He explained to his father that the Chinese should help the Chinese and that he did not want to be a traitor.

In the end, under the persuasion of his son, Zhang Jinghui entered the prison for reform with peace of mind.

Our party did not embarrass Zhang Jinghui, Puyi and others, it just asked them to actively study and accept transformation.

Zhang Jinghui failed to wait for the first batch of amnesty. In 1959, he died of illness in prison at the age of 88.

In 1950, the Soviet Red Army arrived in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, China with a group of war criminals. Among these prisoners were Puyi, the puppet emperor of the Manchukuo State who had been supported by the Japanese, Zhang Jinghui, the great traitor and

Zhang Jinghui

Later, Zhang Mengshi held important positions in the country and served as a member of the Seventh National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. After retirement, he lived in Changchun and lived a peaceful life with his family.


For his father, Zhang Mengshi may not be a good son, because he sent his father to prison.

For the country, Zhang Mengshi is the "good son" of the entire Chinese people and a well-deserved son and daughter of China. Everything he did was not for personal gain or future, but for the future of China as a whole and for the sake of millions of Chinese people.

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