Role models are visible philosophies that interpret the spiritual character of Communists. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, we especially miss those "ordinary heroes" who wrote their loyalty with their lives and defended their faith with thei

2024/06/0609:49:33 history 1173
Role models are visible philosophies that interpret the spiritual character of Communists. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, we especially miss those

□Wang Wen

Example is a visible philosophy that interprets the spiritual character of Communists. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, we especially miss those "ordinary heroes" who wrote their loyalty with their lives and defended their faith with their flesh and blood. They come from the struggle of revolution, construction, and reform; they integrate their original aspirations into their souls and carry their mission on their shoulders; they are qualified respondents on the way to the exam. At that time, we often "looked back", reviewed the inspirational stories of advanced models, gathered strength from the "flag spirit", and continued to write a gorgeous chapter of "struggle for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

adheres to the rock-solid belief in national rejuvenation while revisiting the principle of "living and dying for the benefit of the country" without regrets. The "hero crossing the Yangtze River" Ma Maojie who braved bullets and rain six times; the "reform pioneer" Wang Shumao who charged forward to protect the country's sea; the "second-level combat hero" Wang Zhanshan who bravely killed the enemy... A hundred years have passed, Generation after generation of Communist Party members have used their rock-firm will and determination to never regret, taking high-spirited steps in the journey of following the Party, and writing touching chapters in their loyalty to listen to the Party's words. The wheel of history has been turning for thousands of years, and the spirit of patriotism remains unwavering. Party members and cadres in the new era must cultivate and hone their strong character of being loyal to the Party and sharing the country's worries in difficult environments and passionate years. They must engrave patriotism in their bones as the "deepest, most fundamental and most eternal" feelings, and keep their personal integrity in mind. Ideals should be consciously integrated into the great cause of national development, actively participate in the new era and new journey, and make contributions where the motherland needs it most.

stands up with a strong backbone of pragmatism while revisiting the selflessness of "submitting one's head and willing to be a coward". "Principal Mom" ​​ Zhang Guimei has dedicated her life to education, supporting the education dreams of more than 1,800 girls in poor mountainous areas with her thin body; "straw shoe secretary" Zhou Yongkai volunteered to plant trees and vowed to turn barren mountains into green forests; A model of the era"Huang Wenxiu led the poor people out of poverty and dedicated their lives to the cause of poverty alleviation... They come from the people, have roots in the people, and benefit the people. They are the backbone of the nation that moves forward in times of hardship. Party members and cadres must inherit this bloody responsibility of "the mission and responsibility are on their shoulders, and I am the one who fights hard", never change the primary principle of "people first, life first", and constantly overcome the " Loushan Pass" on the road to the new Long March. " and "Lazikou", constantly pushing forward the practice of striving for lofty ideals.

writes a chapter of the era of forging ahead while revisiting the fearlessness of "not giving up until the other side is guided". From the "iron man" Wang Jinxi who "would rather lose 20 years of his life to win the big oil field" to the "contemporary foolish old man" Huang Dafa who "can't get through the water and risk his life"; from "realizing the career of thoracic surgery" from 0 to Xin Yuling who "made a breakthrough" to Lu Yuanjiu who "made outstanding contributions to the ' two bombs and one satellite ' and the construction of major aerospace projects"... Struggle is the melody of the times and an eternal topic. It is precisely because of the great dreams and the grand ambition of generations of Communists to "go forward if there are conditions, and if conditions are not available, we must go forward" that have injected strong impetus into the sailing of the "China Giant Ship". Party members and cadres must inherit the high morale of their ancestors to "face up to difficulties and overcome difficulties" and the fearless spirit of "going forward indomitably", be full of energy, work hard, and persevere, use practical actions to fulfill the mission entrusted by the times, and constantly overcome We will face all the difficulties in the new journey of promoting rural revitalization and building a modern socialist country, and open up a new situation in the construction of socialist society.

"When the martyrs look back, they should smile and be comforted. There will be successors holding the flag." Looking back is to move forward better. Today's China has stood at the historical intersection of the " Two Centenary " goals. We must continue to maintain the spiritual power of our revolutionary ancestors and outstanding models, and unify revolutionary spirit and revolutionary actions in the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. , rise up, cut through the waves, and open a new chapter of the era.

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