In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for

2024/05/2722:08:33 history 1192

1 In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty , was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent an envoy to request peace. The Jin Dynasty emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for surrender, knelt down in front of the Jin army, and bowed his head. At this point, the Northern Song Dynasty, which had existed for 166 years in history, finally perished.

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were detained in the camp by Jinren . They asked to surrender and were willing to become their ministers. They said that as long as the Zhao family's country is preserved, they can do anything. But the Jin people showed no mercy at all and firmly refused to preserve the Zhao family. They wanted the subjects of the Northern Song Dynasty to establish a puppet government with a different surname.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

During the attack on the Song Dynasty and their peace talks, the Jin people dealt with Prime Minister Zhang Bangchang many times. They found that Zhang Bangchang was not hostile to the Jin people and could best obey orders. Therefore, they advocated making Zhang Bangchang the emperor to help the Jin people manage the Yellow River Southern region.

Zhang Bangchang knew that the Song Dynasty both the army and the people were opposed to establishing a different surname as the emperor and still advocated supporting the Zhao family. Therefore, he did not dare to offend everyone or agree to the Jin people's request.

In order to help Zhang Bangchang out of the siege, the Jin people ordered all officials of the Song Dynasty to gather for discussion and sign a petition to elect someone with a different surname as emperor. Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I don’t know who to recommend. At this time, Song Qiyu, a foreign minister of the Shangshu, came back from the Jin camp. Everyone asked anxiously who the Jin people wanted to make as emperor. Song Qiyu wrote the three characters "Zhang Bangchang" in his handwriting to indicate it. Sun Fu, Zhang Shuye and others firmly opposed it and refused to sign the petition. Some people also advocate that it is better to first make Zhang Bangchang emperor according to the opinions of the Jin people, and then cancel the emperor's title after the Jin people withdraw their troops. Everyone was talking about it, and no one could make up their mind.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

The Jin people were very angry when they saw that the officials of the Song Dynasty were debating and refused to make Zhang Bangchang the emperor. They issued an ultimatum, ordering the officials of the Song Dynasty to make Zhang Bangchang the emperor within three days, otherwise, all the people in the city would be killed. die.

After receiving this order, all officials in the Song Dynasty were extremely frightened and signed petitions to persuade them to enter. Zhang Bangchang was afraid of public outrage and did not dare to take his position. Some ministers said to him: "In order to save all life in the city, I hope you will take this position temporarily and wait until the Jin people retreat before making plans." So Zhang Bangchang agreed to everyone's request and was captured by the Jin people on March 7, 1127. He was canonized as emperor, and the country was named "Da Chu". It was planned to build the capital in Jinling, China, which was known as "Pseudo-Chu" in history.

Zhang Bangchang was appointed emperor by the Jin people. He was afraid that the Song people would transfer all their hatred of the Jin to him, with disastrous consequences. Therefore, he did not dare to call himself emperor in front of the Song people, did not sit on the emperor's throne, and did not wear the emperor's crown and uniforms. He is not subject to the regular dynasty, and does not accept the long live shouts of the ministers. When he sees the ministers calling themselves "Yu" instead of "I", he calls the ministers "face edict" in front of them. When the imperial edict comes from the palace, he calls it "zhongzhi" and declares it to all directions. The imperial edict is called "xuanzhi", and the hand-written edict is not called "zhao" but "handwritten" and so on.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

Only in front of the golden man or when the envoys from the Jin Dynasty came, would he hurriedly change into emperor's clothes and pretend to be an emperor in order to defraud the golden man.

After the Jin people conquered the city of Tokyo, they immediately searched the treasury inside and outside the Song Dynasty's official court, as well as the gold and silver treasures of officials and private households. After Zhang Bangchang became the "emperor", he asked the Jin people to stop searching for gold and silver. In order to support this puppet, the Jin people agreed to Zhang Bangchang's request and ordered to stop searching for gold and silver property. Then, they escorted Song Huizong, Song Qinzong, their concubines, princes, clan nobles, etc., loaded with gold and silver treasures, and returned north in a mighty manner.

Zhang Bangchang put on the emperor's clothes, walked out of the palace with his ceremonial guards and legal chariots, and saw off the Jin army as they returned to the north.

When the Jin people retreated to the north, they collected all the concubines, princesses, etc. according to the royal family's genealogy and escorted them all to the north. However, there were also some palace residents who were not in the capital and who were not included in the genealogy, who were spared and still stayed in the palace. Among them, Mrs. Li of Jinggong of Hua Kingdom is a typical one.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

Who do you think this Mrs. Li of Jinggong of the Hua Kingdom is? It turns out that she became Song Huizong’s concubine before he became emperor. Because of his intelligence and good looks, he was deeply liked by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

However, this Mrs. Li was very competitive and wanted to be the top no matter what, even the position of the head wife. Therefore, Song Huizong was annoyed for a while and kicked her out of the house and married her. She was married to Nie, a native of the capital.

After Huizong became emperor, although there were many women accompanying him, he always felt that Li was not as considerate and satisfactory as she was, so he summoned this beauty into the palace again.

When Li entered the palace and saw Song Huizong again, she couldn't help but have a runny nose and burst into tears. Song Huizong looked at this beauty who was both sad and happy, and felt even more touching. That night, they rekindled old friendships and became more affectionate. From then on, day after day, I received more favor and trust, and my favor was unparalleled. Just because she was kicked out of the house and married to the Nie family, she could not be named a concubine. Later, Song Huizong only gave her the title of Mrs. Jinggong of Hua Kingdom. In peacetime, Song Huizong often teased her and called her "Po Li", and sometimes called her "Po Nie".

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

The Jin people destroyed the Song Dynasty and captured Song Huizong, Song Qinzong and their concubines and returned north. Because Li Shi, the wife of Jinggong of Hua Kingdom, was not included in the concubine position, the Jin people did not ask for the position of concubines. They only stayed in the inner court and became one of the few in the huge harem. One of several beautiful women.

Li Shi has been a person unwilling to be lonely since she was a child. When she saw that Song Huizong had been kidnapped by the Jin people and the throne had been changed to Zhang Bangchang, she wanted to erase the old Song Huizong from her mind and seek the favor of the new emperor. She thought that she was about the same age as Zhang Bangchang. Even though she was a mature woman, her charm was still there. If she could be favored by the new emperor, even though she would not be able to get the position of queen, concubines and nobles would always have their turn. She would never be like before, what? You can't even get a seat.

As a result, Li often dressed up in gorgeous clothes, personally held fruits and presented them to Zhang Bangchang, who also thanked him generously. During this period, Mrs. Li had to show off her beauty and twist her body as much as possible so that Zhang Bangchang could admire her waist. Of course, she also had to use flirting techniques and try her best to flatter. You think about it, Zhang Bangchang is not a fool. How can he not understand Li's performance? In fact, Zhang Bangchang has already understood and understood Li's thoughts. Just because Li is over forty, he thinks her beauty is getting old, so he can't watch her. It catches my eyes, so I pretend not to know.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

When Li saw Zhang Bangchang ignoring her, she felt very distressed. One day, Mrs. Li was melancholy thinking about something in the palace. Suddenly, her mind turned around and she came up with a second beauty trick.

After Mrs. Li knew that Zhang Bangchang was canonized as emperor by the Jin people, she was afraid of causing public anger. She did not dare to wear the emperor's clothes, sit on the emperor's throne, or live in the emperor's palace, and just became a fake emperor. So he secretly prepared an ocher half-armor worn by the emperor and put it on Zhang Bangchang so that he could become a true emperor.

One day, near dusk, Mrs. Li dressed up specially, put on a skirt with half-arm exposed, and with an ocher half-arm, carrying a plate of fruit, she came to Zhang Bangchang's palace again. Li personally opened a banana and gave it to Zhang Bangchang, urging him to eat more. Then, he pretended to be concerned and said to Zhang Bangchang: "The powerful Jin Kingdom has appointed you as emperor, and hundreds of officials in the Song Dynasty have also written to support you as emperor. Now that the matter has come to this, what else can you say? You still don't want to go against everyone's wishes. As long as you wish, you can be an emperor generously!" As he said that, he took out his ocher half-arm, approached Zhang Bangchang, and began to change Zhang Bangchang's clothes.

Zhang Bangchang saw Li leaning towards him, raised his eyes and saw that Li had exposed his arms. He was very frightened and hurriedly declined. Li didn't care about Zhang Bangchang's refusal at all, she just took off Zhang Bangchang's coat, put an ocher half arm up, and deliberately touched Zhang Bangchang's body. But Zhang Bangchang didn't like Li, and he was afraid that Li, a woman favored by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, would cause a lot of trouble in the future if she made a mistake. Therefore, he forced himself to calm down, keep a clear mind, pushed Li away forcefully, and told her to be more respectful.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

When Mrs. Li saw that Zhang Bangchang was angry, Gu Shi burst into tears and said while crying: "I asked you to wear an ocher half-arm for your own good, but you don't know what is good and you treat me like this. It really makes me sad." "As he spoke, he started crying again.

Zhang Bangchang's heart softened when she cried like this, and he hurriedly tried to persuade her. After saying many gentle words, Mrs. Li stopped crying and slowly walked out of Zhang Bangchang's palace.

After this incident, Li knew that it was impossible for her to catch up with Zhang Bangchang. If she wanted to win the favor of Zhang Bangchang, the puppet emperor of Chu, she had to find another way.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

Mrs. Li returned to her bedroom listlessly, and her adopted daughter Mrs. Chen hurriedly stepped forward to greet her. Mrs. Chen saw that Mrs. Li was unhappy with tears on her eyes, so she hurriedly asked, "Mom, why are you so troubled?"

Mrs. Li Without saying anything, she glanced at Chen with clear eyes and saw that she had a slender figure and a round face with rosy cheeks. She was twenty-eight years old and in her prime. He thought to himself: "I am old, and Zhang Bangchang looks down on me. But my adopted daughter is in her prime, as tall as a green onion, and smart. If she is given to the Emperor of Chu, Zhang Bangchang will definitely like her. If the Chen family is favored, , as an adoptive mother, I don’t have to worry about being rich.”

After the third beauty trap was brewed, thinking of this, Mrs. Li said to her adopted daughter Chen: “My child, you are not too young now, you should consider it. It's a big event in your life. You were born so beautiful. I originally wanted to ask the emperor to make the decision and choose a son-in-law for you, so that you could be rich and happy for a lifetime. Unexpectedly, things turned out differently, and the emperor was escorted to the north by the golden man. "The world has returned to Emperor Chu Zhang Bangchang. If you want to find a way out, get a title, and become a concubine, you have to serve Emperor Chu."

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

Chen's face suddenly turned red when her adoptive mother said this. He lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said: "Chu Emperor Zhang Bangchang is so old. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for children to serve him. Besides, I heard legends from people in the palace that the hearts of the people in the world do not return to Chu Emperor Zhang Bangchang, and many ministers in the court advocate his support." Mrs. Zhao, someone proposed to welcome Kang WangZhao Gou to the capital in order to support King Kang on the throne. If that were the case, wouldn't my child go astray and miss his lifelong event if he went to serve Zhang Bangchang?"

Mrs. Li said: " Age doesn't matter, as long as there is glory and wealth, you should fight for it by any means. As for the problem of people's hearts not turning to Emperor Chu, I don't think it matters, because Emperor Chu has the backing of the Jin Kingdom, and he follows the order of the gold master. Who dares to do anything to an official who has ascended the throne of God? Even if someone refuses to accept the throne and enthrones King Kang, the Jin people will definitely not agree. As soon as the Jin soldiers arrive, they will be captured. Who dares to go against the Jin people? So, you go. Serve Zhang Bangchang, and you will be safe."

After hearing what her adoptive mother Li said, Mrs. Chen couldn't figure out what was going on. She had no idea and had to let her adoptive mother make the decision. Mrs. Li was very happy to see that Mrs. Chen had agreed. The mother and daughter talked for a long time before falling asleep.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

The next day, Mrs. Li said to Mrs. Chen: "Today, you have to dress up well. I will prepare a banquet seriously. When I invite Emperor Chu Zhang Bangchang to come, we will drink with him and get him drunk... ..."

Chen lowered his head shyly and didn't say a word. Seeing that Chen was silent, Mrs. Li added: "This matter is not only related to your personal happiness, but also to me. You can't be shy and delay this matter, which will delay the important events of your life."

Mrs. Chen, who had no idea, then After listening to her adoptive mother's words, she went to bathe in the fragrant soup and tried her best to groom herself.

In the evening, Li personally invited Zhang Bangchang to the harem for a night banquet. Zhang Bangchang didn't want to think about it, but then he thought that he had offended Mrs. Li by speaking a little harshly last night, so he might as well agree to her and ease the relationship. So, he agreed to Li's request.

When Mrs. Li saw Zhang Bangchang's promise, she happily returned to the harem and ordered the cook to prepare the royal banquet. She helped her adopted daughter to dress up as if Xi Shi had come back to life or Wang Zhaojun had been reincarnated.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

After a while, Zhang Bangchang came to the harem, and the mother and daughter greeted each other with smiles. Zhang Bangchang was stunned when he saw Mrs. Chen. He never expected that there would be such a fairy-like beauty in Li's palace. He didn't hear the sound of Mrs. Li and Mrs. Chen coming to greet her at all.

After a while, Zhang Bangchang came to his senses and asked Li urgently: "Who are you, this beauty?" Li replied: "She is my niece. Because her parents died, I kept her in the palace. "I consider her my adopted daughter." After saying that, he hurriedly invited Zhang Bangchang to take a seat, and Mrs. Li sat beside her. Mrs. Chen hurriedly poured wine from a pot and persuaded her with a smile. He kept staring at Mr. Chen. Seeing that the two parties were interested, Mrs. Li was secretly happy. She picked up the wine pot again and earnestly asked for a drink. After Zhang Bangchang drank a few drinks, he fell asleep at the table and pretended to be drunk.

Seeing that Zhang Bangchang was very drunk, Mrs. Li thought that the time had come. She immediately helped Zhang Bangchang up with Mrs. Chen and pushed him into the emperor's palace - Funing Hall, which Zhang Bangchang had never dared to enter. They ordered him to take a nap, leaving Mrs. Chen to wait on him. , Mrs. Li went back to her bedroom to sleep peacefully.

Zhang Bangchang was interested in Chen Nu, so he pretended to be drunk. When Li went out, he sat up and hugged Chen Nu...

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

Chen said: "In the future, the emperor should not start in chaos and end in chaos. Abandon her!" Zhang Bangchang vowed to each other and said he would never abandon her. Mrs. Chen added: "Thanks to my mother Li for today, don't forget my adoptive mother." Zhang Bangchang quickly said: "Of course." Mrs. Chen left Funing Hall and returned to her bedroom.

Soon after, Zhang Bangchang secretly made Chen his concubine, and also doubly favored Li.

Li's clever beauty trap succeeded temporarily.

The Jin people destroyed the Song Dynasty and installed Zhang Bangchang as the pseudo-Chu emperor. After escorting the second emperor Huizong and the clan nobles back to the north, someone wrote to Zhang Bangchang saying: "The officials of the Song Dynasty elected a different surname as the Chu emperor because of the lustful power of the gold master. They had no choice but to do so." And for that. Now that the Jin people have retreated, you, Zhang Bangchang, should not take this position. Kang Wang Zhao Gou is the ninth son of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Because he has been away for a long time, everyone has returned to the Zhao family. Why don't you think of a way to support Zhao Gou as emperor?"

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

Lu Haowen also said to Zhang Bangchang: "For the current plan, we should welcome Queen Yuanyou and ask King Kang to take over the throne as soon as possible. You may not be punished and can be preserved."

Zhang Bangchang was deeply convinced after hearing what Lu Haowen said. He immediately sent people to Hebei to express his willingness to abdicate and ask King Kang to take over the throne as soon as possible.

At the same time, people were sent to welcome Queen Yuanyou. Queen Yuanyou was originally the Meng family of Zhezong's deposed queen. When the Jin people destroyed the Song Dynasty, all those with titles in the Sixth Palace were kidnapped by the Jin people. Because the Meng family was deposed, they did not have titles and were able to survive alone. Zhang Bangchang welcomed Meng into the Yanfu Palace, and after honoring him with the title of Yuanyou, he asked Meng to listen behind the curtain and handle national affairs. Zhang Bangchang himself moved out of the palace to express his sincerity in abdicating the throne and supporting King Kang.

Zhang Bangchang retired from the imperial palace to Zishan Hall in the inner east gate, but he still did not forget the beauty Chen and took Chen there.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

After Kang Wang Zhao Gou ascended the throne, Zhang Bangchang presented the emperor's royal treasures, carriages and various royal objects, bowed his head and proclaimed himself, ending his life as Emperor of Chu for more than a month.

After Zhang Bangchang surrendered to Song Gaozong, he was appointed as Taibao, Fengguojunjiedu envoy, and was granted the title of Prince of Tong'an County. Later, Li Gang went to Shu and believed that Zhang Bangchang was treasonous and unethical by claiming the throne and should not stay in the court. Therefore, Zhu Gaozong deposed Zhang Bangchang as the military governor of Zhaohua Army and demoted him to Tanzhou, where he was resettled.

Not long after, someone else wrote to him, saying: "When Zhang Bangchang assumed the throne, he secretly raped the palace people, messed up the palace, had an ambiguous relationship with Mrs. Li of Jinggong of China, and Zhang Bangchang moved out of the palace and retired to the East Palace. When he came out of the palace to see him off, Li sometimes criticized the emperor and said, "Such people cannot stay in the world and should be severely punished" and so on.

Emperor Gaozong was furious when he saw this. He immediately issued an edict to imprison Li, and ordered the imperial censor to interrogate her. Li could not deny it, so he had to explain everything about her offering to the beauty Chen. After hearing this, Emperor Gaozong became more angry and cursed: "Zhang Bangchang dares to stay in the palace and rape the palace people. I really don't know how high the heaven and earth are. What's the use of keeping such a person?" After saying that, he immediately issued an edict and gave Zhang Bangchang the gift. Deadpool State. Zhang Bangchang received the edict, looked up to the sky and sighed, climbed the tower and hanged himself to death.

In 1126, Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was captured by the Jin army. Song Qinzong sent envoys to request peace, but the Jin emperor asked Song Huizong to discuss ceding territory and detained him. Then, Song Qinzong personally went to the Jin camp to ask for - DayDayNews

At the same time, Emperor Gaozong enumerated Li's crimes, stopped him, and ordered that he be assigned to the military camp and marry a soldier.

In order to obtain fame and wealth, Li carefully designed a beauty trap. Although it was successful for a while, because he offered the beauty and missed the owner, he was finally beaten to pieces. The sky wipes away tears and lets others slaughter you. All the fame, status and wealth were all gone.

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