#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty

2024/05/2712:35:32 history 1565

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

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Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), Western Han Dynasty famous general, military strategist, and national hero. The nephew of Emperor Wu of Han Empress Wei Zifu and General Sima Wei Qing , and the half-brother of Great Sima General Huo Guang .

At the age of eighteen, Huo Qubing became a lieutenant of the Yao School. He led 800 cavalrymen deep into the desert. He twice won the entire army and was awarded the title of Marquis. At the age of 19, he was promoted to General of Hussars and commanded two battles in Hexi. He annihilated and surrendered nearly 100,000 Xiongnu in Hexi, captured the Huns to offer sacrifices to heaven, and captured the Jinren, and captured the Qilian Mountains. This was the first time that the Chinese regime occupied the Hexi Corridor, and from then on the Silk Road was opened up. In the fourth year of Yuanshou (119 BC), Huo Qubing and Wei Qing led their troops deep into Mobei. In the Battle of Mobei, they wiped out more than 70,000 of the Xiongnu Zuoxian Wang main force, and pursued the Xiongnu army until Lang Juxu. The mountain and Guyan Mountain offer sacrifices to heaven and earth respectively, and then return to the Hanhai Sea. This battle caused "the Xiongnu to flee far away, and there was no royal court in the south of the desert." After the war, he became the Great Sima Hussar General and was in charge of military affairs with Wei Qing. In the sixth year of Yuanshou (117 BC), Huo Qubing died of illness at the age of twenty-four. Emperor Wu gave him the posthumous title "Jinghuan" and was buried with Maoling. A tomb was built for him in the shape of the Qilian Mountains.

Huo Qubing was flexible in the use of troops, focused on strategies, and did not adhere to ancient methods. He was good at long-distance raids, rapid raids, large detours, large-scale penetrations, and annihilation battles. He made significant contributions to the military expansion during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

The following pictures are from stills

To talk about Huo Qubing, we must first talk about Wei Qing, not only because they are relatives, not only because they are the result of their parents' affair, or they are also generals, the most important thing is Wei Qing When he and Huo Qubing were officials in the same dynasty, his youth was declining and Qubing was becoming more and more expensive.

Wei Qing has been working as a servant since he was a child. It was really difficult for a servant to become a general, but luckily God helped Wei Qing. After his half-sister Zifu became the emperor's house-filler, because of the Being pregnant, she was jealous of the eldest princess , but because she was pregnant with a dragon child, she couldn't afford to offend her, so she took Wei Qing's idea and arrested him and planned to kill her. Thanks to her good friend Gongsun Ao paid for the underworld to help rob the prison, so he survived. The prison robbery naturally made the matter a big deal. When the emperor learned about it, he rewarded Wei Qing with an official position.

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

Wei Qing, who had experienced this incident, finally understood the saying that people are unpredictable. Therefore, when he went to fight against the Xiongnu and came triumphantly, and the emperor wanted to reward his nursing child as a marquis, he was very frightened. . So he asked for merit for the generals and returned gifts for his children. Having survived the unforeseen disasters, he knew that humans are animals that cannot afford to be offended. They walk like crabs and must give way. Because of this understanding, Su Jian was completely wiped out in the battle with Shan Yu , and escaped alone to defect to Wei Qing. Wei Qing invited everyone to discuss how to deal with this failed general, that is, a standing committee meeting was held. , so that we can have an explanation in the future.

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

In comparison, Huo Qubing's life experience is much better than Wei Qing's. Huo Qubing was born to Wei Qing's half-sister, and he inherited the family tradition of stealing from others. Huo Qubing was also an illegitimate child. Huo Qubing calls Uncle Wei Qing, which means that when he was young, he had an aunt who was the emperor's wife in the palace. He also had an uncle who ate the emperor's food in the yamen. Compared with Wei Qing, who shepherded sheep in his childhood, he had never been in jail. This was his happiness, but if he doesn't die early, then this will be his tomb.

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

Huo Qubing's official career rose rapidly. Compared with Wei Qing, who was appointed as a general in times of crisis, he had people to worry about everything. When Empress Wei came to power at the age of eighteen, he became a candidate. Huo Qubing was good at riding and shooting. He bravely rode eight hundred miles away and killed two thousand and twenty-eight enemies. We cannot say that he has no ability. Since his debut, it can be said that he has been successful all the way, so he was promoted quickly.To others, it seems to others that he has an aunt who is a queen, and he does have some skills. Please pay attention to the order of my words. Yes, there are many capable people, and there are also many people who can ride horses and shoot arrows. Why? He was not promoted, but he was lucky, so the focus had to be on the Queen's aunt. In the eyes of the emperor, promoting Huo Qubing is very beneficial. Firstly, Wei Qing's prestige is too great, and Wei Gao is jealous of the emperor. Secondly, Huo Qubing can also be regarded as his bedmate's nephew. He can be promoted. Wei Qing's majesty makes it easy for you to manage yourself. Secondly, you can calm down your family and clear your ears. Look, the people promoted are all your family members. Now you should be satisfied, right? So, the most evil one is the emperor. , and the most confused thing is that Huo Qubing is a young man. For a while, he can hide under his pride on the bed, but his eyes cannot be on the top of his head. When Wei Qing was not favored, most of Wei Qing's former disciples went to Huo Qubing's yard to look for jobs. Huo Qubing was a good man and never refused anyone who came. When it comes to this matter, we have to talk about Wei Qing's Lao Jianghu. The deep meaning of Lao Jianghu is insidious. Of course, this insidiousness is not like Empress Liang's "every palace person gives birth to a child, but few get the whole one", but a wise way to protect herself. Ever since the emperor began to destroy his prestige, Wei Qing knew that his great achievements shocked the master, and he had to restrain himself. Being restrained meant that when he went to war, he would fight less beautiful battles, and if his hands were itchy, he would just kill a chicken for fun. Playing, being restrained also means not being too kind to the guests, and the people who are opposite you can't be nice, just be average, otherwise the emperor will grind his teeth if you treat the guests well. As a result, there was a loss of disciples and guests. This is an explanation to the emperor. I am not a threat to you. I am old and useless. The same can be said to Huo Qubing. I am not competing with you. Don't hurt your uncle.

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

Huo Qubing naturally did not know about these powerful relationships. Not only did he not know, but he also said arrogantly: "The Xiongnu will not be destroyed, and there will be no home for them." This statement is certainly very sensational, and we cannot doubt its meaning. Authenticity, youthful vigor, and triumph all the way. This is indeed refreshing to say, and the emperor is indeed comfortable listening to it. But the problem is that leading troops to fight is really just the light of swords and shadows on the battlefield? Wrong, very wrong, Huo Qubing If I knew that there would be Yue Fei later, I wouldn't be so naive.

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

It is not unreasonable to say that Huo Qubing is naive. His arrogance can be seen from the fact that he did not refuse when his uncle's disciples came to join him. That was the person who taught him horse riding and archery since he was a child. When he was a man, he often did things that made people applaud. This is even more childish. A general who has military power and wins the hearts of the people is probably not far from death. Fortunately, God couldn't bear to let such a young hero die of illness because his head was missing. Otherwise, with his pride and his hospitality to the soldiers, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would not have held a grand funeral for him. It is impossible to enjoy such treatment when officers and soldiers in armor lined up to escort the coffin to the emperor's tomb, let alone the 14 large round stone carvings erected in recognition of his military exploits. Cao Cao can make Kong Rong stink, why couldn't Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty frame Huo Qubing.

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

Wei Qingyun: "Honoring guests, the emperor often gnashes his teeth."

Empress Liang made it: "Every palace person gives birth to a child, but few get the whole thing."

The human heart is just that, and the world is still the world.

[Liu Wenlong in Deshan, Changde on July 5, 2022]

#史有knowledge# Interpret history and explore the future. Pictures are for appreciation only. Biography: Huo Qubing (140 BC - 117 BC), a native of Pingyang, Hedong (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province), a famous general, military strategist and national hero in the Western Han Dynasty - DayDayNews

Warm message:

People with real temperament and cultivation are tender, elegant, romantic, and wise. Tenderness comes from caring and understanding; elegance comes from calmness, self-confidence, and the harmony of inner and outer beauty; romance comes from innocence, enthusiasm, and all kinds of charm in the bones; wisdom comes from Reading comes from perception and the tireless pursuit of life!

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