Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama "Menghua Lu" ended with a score of 8.5, and was considered by netizens to be "the best ancient puppet show this year." With the popularity of this drama, many viewers have develop

2024/05/2621:04:33 history 1460

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

Boya Primary School

Give children a lifelong humanistic background

Recently, the popular drama " Meng Hua Lu " ended with a score of 8.5, and was considered by netizens to be "the best ancient puppet drama this year". With the popularity of this drama, many viewers have become keenly interested in the culture of the Song Dynasty.

It turns out that in the Song Dynasty, women had begun to engage in purely commercial activities that were separated from agricultural and industrial activities. They could not only open tea shops and restaurants like Zhao Pan'er, but also restaurants, medicine shops, etc.

Women in the Song Dynasty also had a certain degree of freedom in marriage. For example, after Song Yinzhang was cheated, Zhao Paner took the initiative to ask for a divorce in order to save her from going to court. In the end, she won the lawsuit with sufficient evidence, and her ex-husband was sent away.

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

In "Meng Hua Lu", Zhao Pan'er went to court to save Song Yinzhang.

Speaking of divorce lawsuits, Li Qingzhao, known as "the most talented woman in ancient and modern times" in the Song Dynasty, also had a famous divorce case.

In order to get a divorce, she publicly filed a lawsuit, reporting that her second husband Zhang Ruzhou obtained an official position through illegal means. In the end, Zhang Ruzhou was assigned and Li Qingzhao successfully divorced.

Li Qingzhao comes from a family of high-level intellectuals. His parents are both writers and he has received a good education. Before meeting her second husband, she also had a beautiful love. The two had similar interests and were willing to discuss poetry and songs together. They both liked collecting gold, stone and antiques. During this time, Li Qingzhao's creations were also fully utilized.

So, with such a good love, why did Li Qingzhao marry again? What was the specific reason for her divorce from her second husband? How is she doing after the divorce? In what state of mind did she write those masterpieces?

Let’s take a look at her self-report~


Girls’ Generation

Frustrated and free-spirited

I am Li Qingzhao, please call me Master Yi An. I am a native of Jinan, Shandong Province, a poet in the Song Dynasty, and my nickname is Yi'an Jushi. Some people praise me as "the most talented woman in history".

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

The title "Yi An Jushi" has two meanings. First, I admire Eastern Jin Tao Yuanming's calmness and indifference, so I took a sentence from his "Returning to Lai Xi Ci" "Ji An Jieshi Yi An" "; Well, I have been wandering around in this life, which is quite difficult. I have witnessed the process of my dynasty turning from prosperity to decline. I am even more eager to have a place to live, so I have the word "Yi'an".

I lived a very happy girlhood. When I was about ten years old, my father Li Gefei became the minister of the Ministry of Rites. He was quite famous among the literati and scholars at that time. My mother is the granddaughter of the number one scholar, Wang Gongchen, and she is also a talented woman.

The ladies of our time usually stay at home and learn needlework, but I am different! My dad was very open-minded. He allowed me to read and write, hang out with my sisters, and even have a drink.

I like drinking. Wine is a good medicine for me to relieve my sadness. I also like gambling. Not only playing, I also invented many gambling games. But the "gambling" I'm talking about here is just a competitive game, not a bad hobby that can cost you all your money and life.

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

Although I drink and gamble, I am a good girl because I have a sense of proportion. As the saying goes, drinking to nourish your character and gambling to make you happy.

Like a dream,

often remembers the sunset in Xiting, intoxicated and not knowing the way back.

Returned to the boat late after having fun, and strayed into the depths of the lotus flower.

Fighting for the crossing, fighting for the crossing,

startled a pool of gulls and herons.

My sisters and I often go boating on the pond near our home, drink and chat, and reluctantly go home until it gets almost dark. We were about to go home that day, but we got lost among the lush lotus bushes. We were a little worried and anxious, so we rowed back one after another, but we frightened the gulls and herons flying by the pond.

This is the portrayal of my girlhood, free and easy, quite boyish.

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

Play to the professional level, I am serious


"I want to be called Langbi and watch"

I was shy and had

When I was 18 years old, my father helped me marry me I met Zhao Mingcheng, a student who is 3 years older than me. . Mingcheng's father Zhao Tingzhi and my father were officials in the same dynasty, and our two families were well matched. But later, due to party disputes, the relationship between our two families developed a rift, so I wrote the sentence "hot people are hot but hot people are cold", so I won't mention it here for the time being.

Mingcheng and I truly love each other. We both like to collect gold and stones, which you can think of as antiques and cultural relics. Our married life is full and happy. Whenever he discovers a collection of gold and stones, he is always the first to take it home and enjoy it with me. We have endless things to say and endless feelings to express.

" I'm afraid that the man will guess that the slave face is not as good as the flower face . The hairpin is slanted on the temples, so I want to call the man to compare and look at ." At that time, I was such a shy little lady, and I didn't know what sorrow was.

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

Sometimes, Mingcheng went out to collect gold and stone inscriptions, and could not return home for a long time, which made me suffer from lovesickness. I had no choice but to drown my sorrows in wine, which is what you all know from "Like a Dream":

It rained and the wind blew violently last night, and I couldn't eliminate the remaining wine from my deep sleep.

The interviewer asked the question, but Haitang remained the same. Do you know

? Do you know it?

should be green, red and thin.

is what I did during this period, as well as the sentence in " Drunk Flower Yin " " I can't help but be in ecstasy, the west wind blows, and people are thinner than yellow flowers. "


My husband left me

my heart As dead as ashes

However, I gradually discovered that Mingcheng seemed to love those stones far more than he loved me. As we collected more and more gold and stone artifacts, he began to think that I was careless and not as caring as he was. I also had to save money on food and clothing to provide for his collection of gold and stones. The joy that collecting originally brought us was gradually replaced by frequent quarrels.

Soon the golden soldiers came. Because Mingcheng's mother passed away, he had to rush to Nanjing to deal with his mother's funeral and at the same time accept the appointment from the court to be the mayor of Nanjing. So he set off first, and I took the fifteen carts of gold and stone artifacts we carefully selected to meet him in Nanjing. Later I learned that all the dozen or so houses of gold and stone artifacts we had left in our hometown had been burned down by the Jinren !

On the way to Nanjing, I heard the news that he abandoned the city and fled, and I was very disappointed with him. After meeting him, Jin Bing quickly caught up with us, so we continued south.

When I arrived at Wujiang , I looked at the rolling river in front of me. I thought about the years of war that had displaced us, the weakness of the imperial court, and the thought that Mingcheng, as a parent official in Nanjing, abandoned the city and fled because he was afraid of the Jin soldiers. I deeply remembered the great hero Xiang Yu, and wrote "Summer Quatrains": "Be born as a hero, and die as a ghost hero. I still miss Xiang Yu, refuses to cross the river!"

Born as a human being, When you are alive, you must be a hero among people, protect your family and country, and make contributions; when you are dead, you must be the leader of the ghost world, and you cannot be submissive and live an ignoble existence.Today's emperor and some scholar-bureaucrats, regardless of the life and death of the people, only care about their own lives, allowing thousands of miles of rivers and mountains to be trampled by the iron hoofs of the Jin soldiers! Compared with Xiang Yu's feat of committing suicide in Wujiang River after his defeat, he could have made a comeback, but felt shameless to see his father and fellow villagers again!

Later, Mingcheng was appointed as the prefect of Huzhou . Before taking the post, I needed to meet the emperor first, so he left me alone and asked me to continue my journey south while he went to the post alone. When I was leaving, I asked him: "What should I do if the Jin soldiers come over?" But he said a few words that chilled me: "Then you just run away with everyone! If you have to, just put on your clothes and bedding." Throw away the books and scrolls, but you have to carry the ancestral temple ritual vessels yourself, and don't let them fall into the hands of the Jin people. Don't forget them!" After that, he left.

At the end of July, I received a letter saying that he was suffering from malaria. I rushed to see him overnight, but he was already terminally ill. Mingcheng left me like this, without telling me where to go. That year, I was 46 years old.

Although our marriage has been bumpy and not as perfect as you say, we have always loved each other deeply, at least I love him deeply. So his leaving was a heavy blow from fate, and I just felt like my heart had been ripped out.


I couldn't bear it anymore.

I divorced my second husband

Some of the epigraphs, calligraphy and paintings that our couple collected in the early years were stolen, some were snatched away, and some had to be abandoned by me because of the war. Those stored in The relatives’ houses were also burned by the Jin people! Nowadays, there are not many truly valuable ones left, but I still protect them with my life.

Having suffered so much from homelessness, I finally settled down in Hangzhou with my younger brother. Here, I met a man named Zhang Ruzhou, a low-ranking military attaché. At the beginning, he cared for me in every possible way and showed his kindness in every possible way. Alone and alone, I thought I had found a harbor where I could live, so I married him with the remaining gold and stones.

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

Who knows, he just wants these treasures from me. Of course I will not give them to me even to the death, so he beats and scolds me. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I reported him for dereliction of duty, and used the power of the court to demote him to the distant Liuzhou , and I was able to escape. Because of this incident, I was imprisoned. Fortunately, a friend rescued me and I was only detained for a few days, but I think it was worth it.

From then on, there was no beauty of spring in my life, only the desolation of autumn. I am like a duckweed, wandering in this huge river and lake.

The sound is slow

Looking and searching, deserted and miserable.

It is most difficult to catch your breath when it is warm and then cold.

Three cups and two glasses of light wine, how can I defeat him? It comes late and the wind comes in a hurry!

The wild goose has passed by, and I am sad, but we are an old acquaintance.

The yellow flowers are piled up all over the ground, and they are haggard and worn out. Who is worthy of picking them now?

Guarding the window, how can one be black by being alone!

The phoenix trees also drizzle, bit by bit at dusk.

This time, how can I be so worried! The words

are my last words.

On a late autumn morning, the autumn wind came and went, and the hatred of country subjugation, the pain of losing a husband, the pain of being homeless, and the sorrow of being a widow all came out in my heart. I shouted out with 14 repeated words. Out of my loneliness, but only the autumn wind listened.

In this dimly lit room, I desperately tried to find some warm memories in my mind, but there were very few of them. All that was overwhelming was coldness and loneliness. How could I bear such sadness? In such a season, the human body is inherently fragile. Even if you drink three or two glasses of light wine, you cannot withstand the biting cold wind.

A line of wild geese flew in front of me, reminding me of the old days, the time when Mingcheng and I were most in love, the time I waited for Mingcheng to return in the "Return Hall", and my girlhood... Haha , those geese are probably old friends who once brought me letters. The little lovesickness and slight sadness I felt back then are simply not worth mentioning now.

Outside the window, the ground is full of fallen chrysanthemum petals. Just like me, who is old and yellow now, who will appreciate and pity them? I had to stay by the window alone until dark. Dusk is easy to make people melancholy, but the autumn wind has not stopped, the autumn rain has come again, and the raindrops are falling on the sycamore leaves. Why! How can such a scene be summed up by the word "sorrow"!

The dashing girl who was full of spirit, energy, and loved drinking and gambling has long since turned into an old woman with gloomy eyes, wrinkles on her face, and an old woman who is so old that even I am too lazy to take a second look. I have gone through things that are unimaginable to ordinary people. A hard life.

In the early years, the phrase I chanted about the double ginkgo tree "Who has mercy on the rivers and lakes, whose jade bones and ice muscles will not wither?" actually became a prophecy.

Although I have gone through many vicissitudes of time, the tenacity and pride in my bones have never been diminished. Those warm memories of the past have long since been reduced to ashes by the flames of war, and the fate of the Song Dynasty may also be at an end.

Boya Primary School provides children with a lifelong humanistic background. Recently, the hit drama

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