Major dynasties in history often experienced internal and external turmoil when they reached the middle stage of their development. However, the dynasty's momentum is not exhausted. In the middle and later stages, there will always be an accomplished emperor who will cooperate wi

2024/06/0814:12:33 history 1345
When the major dynasties in

history reach the middle stage of their development, they often experience turmoil caused by internal and external troubles.

However, the dynasty's momentum is not exhausted. In the middle and later stages, there will always be an accomplished emperor who will cooperate with the current situation and form a resurgence situation.

Tang Xianzong Li Chun's Yuanhe ZTE

After the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty went from prosperity to decline overnight, and its vitality was seriously damaged. At the same time, a situation of separatist rule among vassal towns was formed, and the authority and influence of the central government was greatly reduced.

After more than forty years of recuperation and accumulation of strength, the central government's strength was restored during the Xianzong period.

Li Chun was a talented and enterprising emperor. He was decisive and capable of using loyal tactics. The so-called "Yuanhe Zhongxing" represented by the elimination of feudal vassals and reunification of the country is its reputation.

If Li Chun was born in the early Tang Dynasty and the prosperous Tang Dynasty, his achievements may not be inferior to those of TaizongXuanzong, and he himself wanted to imitate these two ancestors.

However, times have changed, and by this time, the Tang Dynasty had entered a period of decline. Even though Xianzong had ambitions and talents, he was ultimately powerless.

Major dynasties in history often experienced internal and external turmoil when they reached the middle stage of their development. However, the dynasty's momentum is not exhausted. In the middle and later stages, there will always be an accomplished emperor who will cooperate wi - DayDayNews

During the reign of Jiajing Zhongxing

Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao, Zhengde Emperor , he favored eight eunuchs headed by Liu Jin, which were called the "Eight Parties" at the time.

Wuzong played and had fun all day long and was busy with government affairs. Liu Jin and others took control of the power and acted arbitrarily. This provoked a popular uprising. After Liu Jin was executed, Emperor Wu Zong favored the general Jiang Bin, and his debauchery continued unabated. The royal clan Anhua King Zhu Zhixiu and King Ning Zhu Chenhao successively raised troops to seize the throne.

Jiajing came to power under this background.

Immediately, Emperor Jiajing launched a series of reforms.

Economically, in response to the increasingly difficult financial situation due to the concentration of land, Emperor Jiajing ordered an inventory of the imperial estates and Xunqi estates , and returned the land to the people; politically, he cracked down on the influence of eunuchs and relatives, and rectified officialdom; culturally, he rectified the academic style and improved Academic officer system.

Emperor Jiajing’s New Deal achieved remarkable results. However, since it was already the middle and late Ming Dynasty at this time, the decline of the Ming Dynasty was an inevitable trend.

In the late Jiajing period, social problems gradually came to light, and peasant uprisings occurred one after another; "Southern Japanese and Northern Captives" made the Ming Dynasty tired of coping; Emperor Jiajing was superstitious about alchemists and carried out large-scale construction projects. Jiajing New Deal 's achievements were ruined.

The so-called ZTE actually became the beginning of the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

The two emperors of the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty had many similarities.

Their era was in the middle and late stages of the decline of the two dynasties.

They are all ambitious, hard-working, iron-fisted emperors who can turn the tide of collapse. The

era needed such an emperor, so there was such an emperor.

They also have one thing in common, that is, they all pursue immortality, favor alchemists, and are obsessed with elixirs.

Xianzong reused eunuchs, and Jiajing favored treacherous ministers Yan Song. Both

have obvious shortcomings, and future generations really cannot demand perfection.

In their period, these shortcomings may be difficult to overcome. This is a problem of the times and an inevitable disease of the dynasty at this time. The situation forces no one to adopt a solution that seems more reasonable but is actually impossible.

It is said that time also means luck and destiny.

All the resurgences in history have ultimately been proven to be just flashbacks.

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