In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country in Jingyu County to review

2024/05/1600:33:33 history 1214

The pines are tall and tall, the monuments stand tall, and the revolutionary spirit is immortal.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, the leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to Jingyu County where General Yang Jingyu died for his country, to review the oath of joining the party and carry out revolutionary traditional education . Remember the great achievements of the martyrs, fulfill the original mission of the party members, and supplement the "spiritual calcium" with the spirit of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, thereby motivating the majority of party members and leading cadres to practice the sense of responsibility, honor and mission of the "Two Mountains" theory, and comprehensively contribute to the green transformation and high-quality development Revitalization brings together powerful forces.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country in Jingyu County to review - DayDayNews

After the rain, the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country was solemn and solemn under the cover of lush pines. The monument to General Yang Jingyu stood majestically. In front of the monument, more than 500 party members and cadres who participated in the event laid flower baskets at the monument of General Yang Jingyu, reviewed the oath of joining the party, paid homage to the monument of General Yang Jingyu with full reverence, and felt the fierce and powerful spirit written by General Yang Jingyu and the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance. The heroic symphony. In the memorial hall, everyone visited the special exhibition on the history of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. Precious historical photos, real historical objects, and evocative revolutionary deeds deeply shocked the hearts of party members and cadres. Everyone's spirit was baptized and their thoughts were purified.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country in Jingyu County to review - DayDayNews

Inheritance is the best commemoration, and development is the best comfort. During the on-site teaching under the evergreen trees and the investigation at the Changbai Mountain Cadre Academy, the party members and cadres were immersed in it and listened carefully to the lecturers' explanations. They seemed to have returned to the smoke-filled red era, reliving the prosperous years of the revolutionary ancestors and following the Follow their footsteps to understand the true meaning of national sentiment.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country in Jingyu County to review - DayDayNews

Touch the century-old party history to supplement the "calcium of faith." Meng Fanying, Propaganda Director of the Changbai Mountain Party Working Committee, said with deep emotion: "Today, at the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country, we review the oath of joining the party, carry out education on revolutionary traditions, remember the great achievements of the martyrs, and fulfill the original mission of the party members. This is a time to strengthen our faith. Baptism, this is very important for us to follow the footsteps of the Anti-Japanese League, review the revolutionary process, use the Anti-Japanese League spirit to supplement the "spiritual calcium", and practice the "Two Mountains" theory. As a Changbai Mountain native, I want to put myself in the shoes of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Army The arduous journey we have gone through, the echoes of that arduous period, and the great achievements that have been passed down from generation to generation have made us deeply aware of the greatness of the party. While being moved, we also feel the responsibility and mission on our shoulders.”

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country in Jingyu County to review - DayDayNews

The Changbai Mountain area is the main activity area of ​​the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance. Carrying out revolutionary traditional education at the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country is of great significance to inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance. All party members and cadres expressed that they should draw wisdom and nutrition from the spirit of General Yang Jingyu and the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, better leverage the value of the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists, and provide inexhaustible impetus for the comprehensive revitalization of the green transformation and high-quality development of the Greater Changbai Mountain area.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country in Jingyu County to review - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, leading cadres of Baishan City and Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone went to the place where General Yang Jingyu died for his country in Jingyu County to review - DayDayNews

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planning: Jiang Zhongxiao

Author: Jilin Daily All-Media Reporter Han Jinxiang Intern Li Shaoyuan

Editor: Yu Yue

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