A Hundred Years of Party History Reading Everyday · September 4, Today in Party History

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A Hundred Years of Party History Reading Everyday · September 4, Today in Party History - DayDayNews

September 4, 1949

Mao Zedong drafted instructions for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to convene various representatives of various circles. The instructions pointed out: Experience has shown that those who fail to pay attention to convening representatives of all walks of life are still tied to the narrow circle of the party, they have taken a detour. We must oppose formalism. We must be fully prepared for each meeting, have central content, and discuss the issues that are of concern to the people in the work. We must develop criticism and self-criticism, and we must treat it as a major event. Otherwise, the political prestige of the party will be damaged. In the New Liberated Area, representatives from all walks of life started several times. Representatives can be selected and hired mainly, supplemented by democratic elections by reliable mass organizations. Later, they can be replaced by democratic elections by various organizations and all walks of life. Pushing and hiring are supplemented. The principle is always to ensure that the meeting is led by our party and to cultivate the spirit of democracy. Whether it is a conference of representatives of all walks of life or the people's congress, there should not be too many party members, and the principle is to ensure that resolutions are passed. In general, slightly more than one-half of party members and reliable leftists is enough to absorb a large number of middlemen and a few non-reactional rightists and win them closer to us.

September 4, 1979

Deng Xiaoping Tan Ye Jianying pointed out when he revised Mao Zedong’s evaluation of the speech at the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and Mao Zedong’s thoughts. : I still have to say that Chairman Mao has made great achievements in 30 years of history.All our achievements were made under the shining of Mao Zedong Thought. Our party, army, and people were educated by Mao Zedong Thought and made meritorious services under the leadership of Chairman Mao. We must say that we have both positive and negative experiences. After summarizing the two experiences, we have educated our people and our party. It shows that Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought are our guide for progress. It is precisely because of this that our party has stood still, and our socialist system has also stood still. It is necessary to link upholding the four basic principles with the entire 30-year history, and to write this speech on the premise of upholding the four basic principles. To make people get a general impression after reading this speech, our party and people are now truly upholding Mao Zedong Thought, they are studying and applying Mao Zedong Thought in a complete and accurate manner, and they are truly setting the line and policy of Chairman Mao for us. The implementation of the policy is not just a rhetoric. This is a very big problem.

September 4, 2016

The Hangzhou Summit of the Group of Twenty leaders was held. Xi Jinping presided over the meeting and delivered an opening speech. In his opening speech, he pointed out that the current world economy is maintaining a recovery trend, but it faces multiple risks and challenges such as insufficient growth momentum, weak demand, repeated turbulence in the financial market, and continued downturn in international trade and investment. The international community is full of expectations for the G20 and has high hopes for this summit. It is hoped that the Hangzhou Summit can provide a prescription for the world economy with both the symptoms and the root causes and comprehensive measures, so that the world economy can embark on a path of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. He emphasized that the G20 carries the expectations of all countries in the world and has a major mission. We must work hard to build the G20 well and grasp the general direction for the prosperity and stability of the world economy. First, we must advance with the times and play a leading role. According to the needs of the world economy, adjust its own development direction and further transform from crisis response to long-term governance mechanism. Second, we must unite knowledge and action, and take pragmatic actions. Implement this year’s action plans in the areas of sustainable development, green finance, energy efficiency, and anti-corruption. Third, we must build and share together to create a platform for cooperation.It is necessary to fully listen to the voices of all countries in the world, especially developing countries, to make the work of the G20 more inclusive and better respond to the demands of the people of all countries. Fourth, we must work together in the same boat, carry forward the spirit of partnership, overcome the turbulent waves of the world economy, and open up a new voyage for future growth. We expect the Hangzhou Summit to achieve the goals of promoting world economic growth, strengthening international economic cooperation, and promoting the development of the G20.

September 4, 2020

Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the China International Trade in Services Summit. In his speech, he emphasized that the world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. The global pandemic of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has accelerated this big change. Economic globalization has encountered a countercurrent, protectionism and unilateralism have risen, the world economy has been sluggish, and international trade and investment have shrunk dramatically, bringing unprecedented challenges and tests to human production and life. At the same time, we must also see that in recent years, a new round of technological revolution and industrial reform has bred up, drove the strong rise of digital technology, promoted the deep integration of industries, and led the booming development of the service economy. During the global pandemic of the epidemic, services such as telemedicine, online education, sharing platforms, collaborative office, and cross-border e-commerce were widely used, which played an important role in promoting economic stability in various countries and promoting international anti-epidemic cooperation. Looking to the future, open cooperation in the service industry is increasingly becoming an important force for development. He made a three-point proposal. First, jointly create an open and inclusive environment for cooperation. Second, jointly activate the cooperation momentum led by innovation. Third, jointly create a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation situation.

History Review

1958 Nian

September 4 Chinese government issued the "People's Republic of China government Statement on the territorial waters.


On September 4, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the "Marxist-Leninist Theory on Strengthening and Improving Higher Education Institutions." The "Regulations" pointed out: The current curriculum and teaching materials must be reformed. The principle of the reform is: adhere to the principle of integrating theory with practice, enhance the scientific and realistic nature of the curriculum system and teaching materials, make Marxist theory truly become the ideological weapon for students to understand and transform the world, and help them form a proletarian world outlook.


September 4 Deng Xiaoping put forward calm observations, stabilized work, and guided the foreign policy in response to drastic changes in the international situation.


September 4-15 The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing. The theme of this world women’s event is "Seek Equality, Development and Peace by Action" and the sub-theme of "Education, Health, Employment". Representatives of 197 countries and regions, as well as representatives of international organizations and non-governmental organizations are in equality and truth-seeking. In the atmosphere, heated debates were launched on the issues of eradicating poverty, stopping wars, stopping violence against women, and eliminating inequality between men and women.A relatively unanimous opinion was obtained. The meeting adopted the "Beijing Declaration" and "Platform of Action", urging governments of all countries to make political commitments to eliminate all discrimination against women with actions and achieve the lofty goals of equality, development and peace.

historical moments

The picture shows the leaders of the Eighth Route Army on the ferry, front row from right: Zhu De, Ren Bishi, Zuo Quan.

A Hundred Years of Party History Reading Everyday · September 4, Today in Party History - DayDayNews

Source: Central Party History and Literature Research Institute website


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