The legendary life of the youngest Red Army | warm reviews

2021/07/1521:33:15 history 254

【Character】The youngest Red Army soldier on the Long March.Xiang Xuan

【Story】Xiang Xuan was once determined by the General Political Department of the PLA as the youngest Red Army in China. At the age of 7, he found the Red Army several times. At the age of 9, he started the great Long March with the Second and Sixth Army of the Red Army. went through a hail of bullets and trekked all the way. Xiang Xuan and the Red Army soldiers climbed the snow-capped mountains and crossed the grass together. After untold hardships, they finally arrived in northern Shaanxi. He fought valiantly for the victory of the revolution. He was seriously injured, and there are still shrapnel in his body that have not been taken out.

The legendary life of the youngest Red Army | warm reviews - DayDayNews

(Source: China Military Network)


html joined the Red Army at the age of 27 without hesitation, and participated in the arduous Long March at the age of 9; Army building... not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle, Xiang Xuan spent his life interpreting the original mission of the Chinese Communists, which is awe-inspiring.

In the eyes of many people, 9 years old is the age of innocence. However, the young but sensible Xiang Xuan resolutely embarked on the road of revolution, withstood the test of blood and fire, and grew into a soldier "ready to sacrifice at any time". In the face of frequent battles, high-intensity marches, and harsh environments such as disease, hunger, and snowy mountains and grasslands, Xiang Xuan on the Long March never regarded himself as a child. As the deputy monitor of the communication class, he always gave his horse to others to ride, and when he took turns to stand guard, he also took the initiative to ask for more time to stand. Recalling that experience, Elder Xiang Xuan said firmly, "I have a strong will, no matter how hard it is, I will go on. It is with this belief that I can keep going all the way to northern Shaanxi." The perseverance and perseverance of the Red Army soldiers convey the tenacity and strength of their ideals and beliefs.

"Go on no matter how hard it is", it is exactly the portrayal of 's Long March spirit ."Bone in the wind and rain is harder, and wild vegetables are hungry, and the ambition is stronger; the officers and soldiers are united in joys and sorrows, and the revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky." On the stormy Long March, lofty ideals and firm beliefs inspired and guided the Red Army all the way forward. Whether it is Xiang Xuan, who is only 9 years old, Xu Teli, an old Red Army soldier who finished the Long March with his horse tail, or a female Red Army soldier who overcame unimaginable difficulties, this heroic team has unshakable belief and tenacity. Pulling the will, breaking through the limits of life, overcoming one difficulty after another, and finally reaching the end of victory. The noble spirit of , which regards death as home, lives towards death, moves forward, dares to overcome all difficulties and is not overwhelmed by any difficulties, has become a valuable spiritual wealth that inspires future generations, and is always worthy of being remembered and carried forward.

Looking back at history, the reason why the Communist Party of China can always maintain its strong creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness, from one victory to another victory, the reason why the people's army is invincible and invincible is the strong spiritual strength . On the Long March in the new era, there are still many "snow mountains" and "grassland" to be crossed, and many "Loushan Pass" and "Lazikou" to be conquered. As long as we continue the red spiritual blood and carry forward the spirit of the Long March, there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome, and no goals that cannot be achieved.

"Now I still have shrapnel in my body that was wounded back then. Seeing that today the Chinese have stood up and China has become prosperous and strong, the injury is worth it." Elder Xiang Xuan's remarks were touching. Remembering the sacrifices of our ancestors, continuing their careers, inheriting the revolutionary spirit, and taking the long march of our generation well, this is the best tribute to our ancestors.

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