After eating pig blood and excreting black stool, is the body detoxifying? What does continuous black stool imply?

Most people will subconsciously look at the stool after defecation. This habit sounds a bit heavy, but it is indeed a healthy habit. Stool is a metabolite of the human body. If there is something wrong with the body, the stool will "tell" you.

The color of stool is an important criterion for judging physical health. Under normal circumstances, the color of stool is yellowish brown. If it becomes another color, it needs attention. Many people in life find that the color of their stool has turned black after eating pig blood. What is going on? What are the reasons for the continuous discharge of black stool?

After eating pig blood, the color of stool changed to black. What happened?

Pork blood is a common food in life. Some people say that it has the effect of detoxification. After eating, the toxins in the body are discharged. In fact, it is not. It is normal to discharge black stool after eating pig blood. It has nothing to do with detoxification or not.

actually has no food to detoxify, and there are no toxins in our body. The real function of pig blood is to replenish blood. Its iron content is very rich. If you eat pig blood twice a week, about 100 grams each time, it can play a good role in replenishing blood and preventing anemia.

If you eat too much pig blood at one time, or if you eat pig blood frequently recently, and consume too much iron, the body can absorb iron is limited, and the iron that cannot be absorbed will be transported together with food residues. The intestine will combine with the sulfide in the intestine to form iron sulfide, which is then excreted from the body, which causes the stool to turn black.

It is normal to excrete black stool after eating pig blood, but if you do not eat blood products such as pig blood, but you still have black stool, and it lasts for a long time, the stool color has not returned to normal, so be more vigilant , Prompting that there is a problem with the body, it is necessary to check in time.

continuous discharge of black stool, suggesting what is wrong with the body?

After bleeding from the digestive tract, the blood will flow to the intestines, and the iron in the blood will oxidize and react with the sulfides in the intestines, turning into black iron sulfide, causing the stool to turn black. This situation is likely to happen to people who have stomach problems, especially those who suffer from stomach ulcers. People with a bad stomach have black stools, abdominal pain, nausea, and other discomforts, indicating that the stomach disease may be serious and should be checked in time. Although the specific symptoms of

do not appear in the digestive tract, as it progresses, it can cause thrombocytopenia in the body, cause coagulation dysfunction, and then trigger digestive tract reactions, causing black stools.

When the stool is black, first you should carefully observe the stool. If the color of the stool is similar to dark gray black, it does not look shiny, and the shape of the stool is normal. This is generally due to some drugs or pig blood. Generally speaking, problems caused by foods with higher iron content are not serious. If the stool is dark and shiny, like asphalt on the road, and you still have symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, fever and other physical discomfort, it indicates a high possibility of disease.

Stool blackening may be caused by disease, but it usually lasts for a long time. If it only turns black for a short time, don’t worry too much, but if the blackening lasts for more than a week, pay attention to it and check it in time. .