Should I have hemorrhoids removed? Expert: Unless these 5 situations, do not lightly operate

How painful does hemorrhoid surgery hurt? Xiao Jiu collected some experiences from people who came here:

@青青的暖:On the third day of the operation, the first time I had a bowel movement, the anus hurts like pepper noodles. I didn’t dare to move my ass when I had a bowel movement. It hurts, and the heart that wants to die is gone.

@难得糊涂a: I had the operation and it was very painful. It hurts and sweats when I fart. After a month, I got better. I found that I didn't clean it. Hey! It's terrible!

@大江大河: I had just been discharged from the hospital for a hemorrhoid surgery, and I felt like I wanted to die for the first three days. I didn't expect that a hemorrhoid surgery would be more painful than having a baby! In the next few days, it is difficult to go to the toilet. I don't want to make a gimmick and dare not exert any effort. It hurts even if I hit the fart. Now I recuperate at home and I hope to recover soon.

People who have had hemorrhoids have a history of blood and tears. Even if it hurts, the key is that hemorrhoids still grow in the awkward part. After the operation, it is not only inconvenient to move, but even the daily routine of large size has become a disaster.

Why did you become a person with "hemorrhoids"?

The strange thing is, how come the other parts of the hemorrhoids are not long, so they "stare" on the ass?

At present, the definition of hemorrhoids is still controversial in medicine, but most of them agree that hemorrhoids are the mass formed by pathological hypertrophy, displacement of the anal pad and blood flow stasis of the perianal subcutaneous vascular plexus, which can cause Symptoms such as bleeding, pain, and prolapse.

The so-called "ten women and ten hemorrhoids" and "ten men and nine hemorrhoids" indicate that there are many people who have hemorrhoids. People who have hemorrhoids often ask the heavens and the earth after they have been tortured by the hemorrhoids: "Why did I get hit?"

Why do you have hemorrhoids, do you still have no points?

First of all, we need to know that there is an important structure in the body called rectal sponge . When you have a bowel movement, the rectal cavernous body will enlarge, shrink, and move down with the contraction of the muscles around the anus, helping you to defecate more smoothly. After pulling, the corpus cavernosum of the rectum will enlarge and swell, and the "door" will be closed.

As the age grows, the corpus cavernosum of the rectum will continue to age and become loose, increasing the vertical pressure that pushes down the anal cushion, causing the anal cushion to move down, prolapse, swell, hemorrhage, and hemorrhoids Appeared.

For office workers who need to stand and sit for a long time, hemorrhoids are also very common . Maintaining the same posture for a long time will cause the rectal corpus cavernous body to over-swell and the structure that supports the rectal corpus cavernous body loses its elasticity, which can cause hemorrhoids.

Frequent constipation and diarrhea can also induce hemorrhoids . On the one hand, people with constipation are used to squatting in the toilet for a long time. On the other hand, the stool is too hard or the stool is too dry, which can easily damage the corpus cavernosa and cause hemorrhoids. In people with diarrhea, the blood vessels in the anus will expand and congest repeatedly, irritating the corpus cavernosum and causing hemorrhoids.

Genetics can also cause hemorrhoids , if your parents have hemorrhoids, you are also at risk of hemorrhoids.

In addition, there are some diseases that can also cause hemorrhoids , such as enlarged prostate, abdominal tumors, heart failure, liver cirrhosis, etc.

The harm of hemorrhoids is more than bleeding.

If you have hemorrhoids, can you just ignore it and let it develop? After reading about the dangers of hemorrhoids, you may not think so.

First, blood in the stool is the main symptom of hemorrhoids. Long-term blood in the stool will cause dizziness, fatigue, pale complexion and other anemia symptoms , which can reduce the body’s immunity and easily cause other diseases.

Second, hemorrhoids for a long time can cause rectal prolapse, incarceration, necrosis , aggravate pain, affect normal work and life, and even threaten life.

三, Causes perianal eczema, anal fissure, anal fistula, etc.Intestinal disease , for women, is also easy to induce gynecological diseases, because the physiological structure of the female uterus is special, and the vagina and anus are close, which will cause a large number of bacteria to enter the vagina.

I have hemorrhoids, how do I judge whether to have surgery?

In short, hemorrhoids are to be treated, but small treatment is still a major treatment, depending on the condition of hemorrhoids.

Currently, hemorrhoids are divided into 3 types, namely internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids . Internal hemorrhoids are easy to bleed, but not painful; external hemorrhoids are severely painful, especially when stools, the pain is obvious; mixed hemorrhoids mix the symptoms of internal and external hemorrhoids, which can cause bleeding and pain.

The purpose of hemorrhoid treatment is to eliminate and reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids . If the symptoms are mild, there is no bleeding, and the pain is not obvious, drink plenty of water and eat more fiber. Good food, correcting bad bowel habits, etc. can be solved. After adjusting your lifestyle and eating habits, if your symptoms have not alleviated, you can go to the hospital to prescribe some medicine for hemorrhoids.

Once these conditions occur, surgery is required , such as repeated bleeding, internal hemorrhoids incarceration, unbearable external hemorrhoid pain, prolapse and anal orifice formation, long-term conservative treatment has no effect, etc.

In short, if the hemorrhoids cause obvious discomfort, and it has affected the normal life, you can no longer bear it, and you must go to the hospital for treatment in time.

How does hemorrhoid surgery work? What to pay attention to after operation?

People who have had hemorrhoid surgery shouted: "It hurts too much!" "It hurts to cry." Actually, how does hemorrhoid surgery work?

At present, there are two main methods for hemorrhoid surgery. One is which is more traditional ligation , which directly removes the hemorrhoids; the other is hemorrhoid mucosa circular cutting and nailing operation , namely PPH micro Invasive surgery. The operation needs to be performed under anesthesia, otherwise the anus cannot be completely relaxed, which will affect the operation.

After incising the skin, free the hemorrhoids to above the dentate line. After the complete resection, put Vaseline gauze strip with and cover the bleeding with gauze. Compared with traditional surgery, the postoperative pain of PPH minimally invasive surgery is lighter, the operation time is about 20-30 minutes, the complications are less, the recovery is faster, and the advantages are relatively large.

As the netizen at the beginning of the article said, the operation is just the beginning, and the experience after the operation is the torture... The normal postoperative recovery is already painful and unbearable. If you encounter complications, it will be difficult to defecate and restless. . Therefore, the reasonable suggestion is that must meet the surgical indications before surgical resection is recommended, otherwise, do not "act" lightly.

No matter which type of hemorrhoid surgery you choose, you should pay attention to the following things after surgery:

First of all, take care of it to avoid infection . For a period of time after the operation, you should choose bed rest, less activity, and liquid food for diet. If you have no intention of defecation, do not force the bowel movement, but also pay attention to keeping the anus clean. If necessary, you can choose drugs to clean the anus under the guidance of a doctor.

Secondly, after the hemorrhoid surgery, it does not mean that everything is going well, should try to avoid recurrence . When physical strength allows, do anal contraction exercises two or three times a day for 3 minutes each time. In addition, we must develop a good habit of regular bowel movements to prevent constipation.

Finally, usually eat less spicy and irritating food , increase protein intake appropriately, drink water regularly, which is conducive to smooth stool. It is also necessary to observe whether there is any pain, bleeding, edema, difficulty in urination, etc. after the operation. When these symptoms are not relieved for a long time, it is necessary to go to the hospital for review.

The above methods are not only suitable for postoperative recovery, but also for preventing hemorrhoids and delaying the development of hemorrhoids.Great help.

"The chrysanthemum is broken and the floor is hurt." This lyric vividly describes what kind of experience it is to get hemorrhoids. Don't think that small hemorrhoids are harmless to your body. If you have a lot of bleeding or pain, you must pay attention to it and treat it in time. The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to develop healthy eating habits and keep exercising.


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