If you love bread, be careful: eating too much bread has side effects

If there is one thing that many of us agree with, it is how great the bread tastes.

Now the way of life is gradually westernized, many people usually take bread as the beginning of their breakfast. If you are not sure what to eat, baking some buttered toast for yourself is also a very classic way to quickly relieve your hunger.

But if you find that you often eat a whole bag of bread, you may also think about whether it will have any bad effect on you.

When a person wants to reduce carbohydrate intake or wants to lose weight, bread is usually the first to bear the brunt.

Delicious croissants

But what are the side effects of eating too much bread? If it does, what are the side effects? This may be a problem that people rarely really think about, but health issues are always worthy of attention.

1. You will end up hungry

The key is what type of bread you eat.

All kinds of bread

Obviously, the carbohydrate content of bread is very high. especially white bread with refined grains has a high glycemic index.

A study found that eating foods with high glycemic index may increase hunger and lead to overeating. The effect of alleviating hunger cannot be achieved at all.

2. Your blood sugar will soar

Control blood sugar

Eating a lot of bread will cause your blood sugar level to rise. When your blood sugar level rises, it may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.

white bread is refined grain, and is not whole grain . If you eat this way, it will directly lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.

3. You will gain weight


In addition to overeating and craving for more food, bread will also make you gain weight, white bread It also loses fiber and nutrients.

This means that your body will break them down very quickly and you will soon be hungry again.

This is a vicious circle!

4. Your digestive system is starting to be abnormal

Another disadvantage of not taking in enough fiber is that your digestive system will start to become a little abnormal. You may feel a little nauseated and even suffer from constipation.

5. You will have bloating

White bread tends to have a high sodium content, especially when you eat a few slices at a time, and the bread provided by restaurants is famous for its high sodium content.

Ingesting so much sodium at one time can cause abdominal distension, which is painful.

Therefore, adhere to the principle of moderation, eating too much white bread as a refined grain is not good for your health. A truly healthy diet should be nutritionally balanced. In addition, eat more Whole grains, adhere to dietary diversity.