June is the most suitable for eating croissant honey. The fruit grower will teach you these 3 tricks. It is fragrant and sweet without bad fruit

Every summer to June is a stage suitable for eating various melons, such as watermelon, melon, cantaloupe, green melon, white orchid melon, and croissant melon that many people like to eat in recent years. To say that you can eat croissant melon with the skin.

In summer, the croissant melon also has the saying that "the white sugar is so mad and sweeter than the first love". The overall taste is sweet and refreshing, but some people will not choose it. From the appearance, the croissant The honeydew melon hasn't deteriorated, but it can't be eaten inside, and some croissant melons taste very good.

Don’t worry, croissant melon has higher nutritional value among many kinds of melons. From the point of view of the nutritional composition of croissant melon, it is rich in nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, vitamin B family, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, carotene.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that croissant melon is also a kind of cold fruit, which has the benefits of clearing heat and eliminating heat, eliminating summer heat and reducing inflammation. If you have frequent coughing, dry throat, and symptoms of getting angry recently , You might as well choose croissant melon.

Then how should we choose? The fruit grower personally teaches you these tricks, which are fragrant and sweet without bad fruit.

First of all, take a closer look at the skin of the croissant melon. The difference between it and other melons is that the skin of the croissant melon has a layer of white frost, and the whole surface is very smooth when touched by hand. Just like the winter melon we eat, this croissant melon is more crispy to eat.

Judging from the color of croissant melon, the skin of good-tasting croissant melon is off-white, but the taste of croissant melon is poor, and the color of croissant melon that has not fully matured may be greener.

Secondly, some croissant melons have different overall shapes. It is recommended that you buy a uniform shape. The two ends of the croissant melon are smaller at one end and the other end is larger. Its shape is like a horn.

Finally, a method that many people are accustomed to buying melons and fruits is to smell the croissant melon carefully. If you haven’t gotten close to the horned melon, you can smell a scent, indicating that the melon is ripe and the taste is not too bad.

On the contrary, when we got close and smelled the scented melon, the scent was not very strong, which means that the melon has not been fully matured, and the taste may be worse than the noodles. Good to go to other fruit stalls to buy.

Finally, when it comes to the content of croissant melons, you still need to follow the daily amount of fruit. According to the latest version of the "Chinese Residents Dietary Guidelines", the total amount of fruit to eat per person per day should be 200g~ Within 350g.

If the diabetic people eat croissant melon, because the melon is generally sweet, eating more is not conducive to blood sugar control, it is recommended to eat half a day. The general population can also eat half of it, and the remaining nutrients may wish to be ingested from other fruits.