Ingredients for health preservation: garlic soaked wine, the more you drink it, the more you get it. Let's take a look at the 6 effects. Is there anything you need?

Garlic is sometimes a kind of seasoning that is difficult to accept and difficult to swallow for some people who have a light taste and do not like peculiar smell. Garlic is so common in daily life. Almost every household is a must-have seasoning and flavoring thing for cooking, and it is deeply loved by everyone.

Although the taste of garlic is not acceptable to everyone, it does have a truly good nutritional value and efficacy! The most common is that garlic has the effect of sterilization and sterilization. But not everyone knows that garlic and wine are soaked together, and it becomes a very good cure for diseases!

Garlic wine, the more you drink, the more you drink

The practice of garlic wine is quite simple. Soak one kilogram of clean garlic cloves with two kilograms of grain wine. It can be eaten after two weeks of fermentation. Generally, it is recommended to eat twice a day and 50 grams each time. Note that garlic cloves and wine can be eaten.

The taste of garlic is spicy and pungent and is not accepted by most people, but garlic and wine are a "made in heaven" pair.

Garlic wine helps detoxify the intestines

Allicin N and other substances produced by garlic soaking in wine can inhibit or even kill Helicobacter pylori and other pathogens. , It helps to remove bacteria and harmful toxic substances in the intestinal tract, effectively stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa and accelerate the digestion of food, improve gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms and increase personal appetite.

garlic soaking wine can prevent colds

garlic soaking wine is rich in "sulfide propylene", which can kill pathogenic bacteria and parasites, and it can also help cough, fever and fever caused by colds. Sore throat and nasal congestion have a good preventive effect.

garlic soaking wine can sterilize

Allicin, allicin, etc. released after garlic meets alcohol are all natural bactericidal substances, which can penetrate into the cytoplasm of pathogens and inhibit cell division of pathogens And the physiological process of protein synthesis, and then play a very good antibacterial and sterilization effect.

Garlic wine can improve sugar metabolism

Usually eating garlic wine can enhance glucose tolerance and increase insulin secretion. The utilization of glucose by the cells in the body has a certain effect on reducing blood sugar.

garlic soaking wine can improve energy

The effective substances released in garlic soaking wine are also required by the human kidneys. Therefore, it is recommended that people who are weak and tired due to insufficient kidney qi can consume garlic soaks in moderation. Alcohol improves symptoms.

Garlic wine can prevent and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Eating garlic wine can prevent fat from depositing in blood vessels, reduce cholesterol and inhibit platelet aggregation, and increase the expansion of arterioles At the same time, it will relax the blood vessels and help inhibit the formation of thrombus.

Why is there such a big benefit in removing clots from garlic wine?

As mentioned above, garlic soaking wine can inhibit the formation of blood clots. Do you know the reasons for this? Xiaobian to tell everyone.

In fact, garlic chemically reacts with grain alcohol and decomposes a compound called allicin N. When the body absorbs allicin, allicin will produce some physiologically active sulfur-containing groups in the body. These sulfur-containing genes can not only kill bacteria but also improve the immune regulation of human macrophages and lymphocytes.

It is worth mentioning that allicin N can also play a role in anti-platelet aggregation, it can inhibit the precipitation of fat or induce fat metabolism, and strengthen the lytic activity of fibrin And reduce the content of harmful cholesterol in the body, the permeability of blood vessels is also continuously enhanced, and can also effectively regulate human blood pressure levels, inhibit or remove blood clots in the body and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

Not everyone is suitable for drinking, what should I pay attention to when making garlic wine?

First of all, those with spleen deficiency and diarrhea should not eat garlic soaked in wine. Garlic is quite irritating in both its taste and taste. Usually, eating raw garlic occasionally can sterilize and promote food digestion. However, for people with spleen deficiency and diarrhea, eating garlic will often over-stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause local congestion. Edema or aggravate the discomfort of spleen deficiency and diarrhea.

Secondly, patients with liver disease should not eat garlic soaked in wine. "Compendium of Materia Medica" once recorded that "eating garlic for a long time hurts the liver and damages the eyes." Traditional Chinese medicine records that garlic is hot and pungent, stimulating and aiding fire, which means that patients with liver disease using garlic soaking wine may make liver fire more vigorous and unfavorable Recovery.

Finally, those who are weak and have heat should not eat garlic soaking wine. The description of garlic in "Materia Medica Congxin" is: "Garlic is hot and toxic. It produces phlegm and fires, dissipates qi and consumes blood. People who are weak and hot should not touch their lips." The consciousness is that people with poor physical fitness and weak blood tend to eat garlic. Dissipate blood without benefit.

Garlic bubble wine has very significant effects in anti-thrombosis, cold prevention, sterilization, etc., but it is not suitable for everyone. It is recommended that you consult a professional doctor before eating garlic bubble wine.


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