If a woman is over 40 years old, if there are these 5 "changes", it means that aging has come and it's time for maintenance

Birth, old age, sickness and death are unavoidable for each of us, especially when many female friends reach middle age, they are subconsciously afraid of aging. So, when does the aging of women begin? In fact, everyone's function is different, and the age at which women age is also the same. Some women look very young at the age of 40, but some begin to age at the age of 30. In addition to age, some subtle changes in life also mark the beginning of aging. It is not easy for a woman to admit that she is getting old. Many people want to stay young forever, but when there are some changes in the body, it means that aging is really coming. So what are the changes in women's aging? Let's find out together!

If a woman is over 40 years old, if there are these 5 "changes", it means that aging has come. It is time to take care of

eye bags and wrinkles. The growth of

eye bags and wrinkles is the most worried thing for women, but it is also one of the obvious manifestations of aging. The skin around the eyes is relatively fragile, and women have rich facial expressions every day, coupled with the loss of collagen in the body, so the area around the eyes is most prone to fine lines. At the same time, bags under the eyes will cause the lower eyelids to droop and give a sense of uncoordinated facial aging. These all indicate that aging is coming quietly.

Hair becomes thinner

When the human body ages, the kidney qi will also go to exhaustion, and hair may fall out as a result. Especially at the hairline, it is more obvious. The hairline moves more and more backwards, and the hair volume gradually changes in the process. Now after the age of 40, the secretion of estrogen in the body gradually decreases. It will make the hair loss problem more and more serious. Especially when combing and washing your hair, one drop is a lot. It can be seen everywhere on the pillow or on the shoulder. The more hair loss, the more estrogen in women's body is gradually decreasing, and they are beginning to age.

Irregular or decreased menstruation

menstrual performance is a barometer of women’s health, and it is a true manifestation that cannot be hidden. As age increases, ovarian function will gradually decline, female estrogen secretion will be correspondingly reduced, and too little estrogen, it is easy to slow down the circulation speed in the body, in the long run, irregular menstrual cycles, menstrual flow, sometimes less, blood appears Phenomena such as black and even amenorrhea often indicate that aging is coming step by step.

Waist circumference began to gradually thicken

as we age, skin becomes loose, and long-term diet is unreasonable. Of course, slow metabolism is also an inevitable reason. After a woman is over 40 years old, all aspects of the body's functions have begun to decline, so the rate of metabolism has also slowed down, and the garbage in the body cannot be discharged in time, which will cause them to accumulate in the body and cause the waist to become more and more Rough, this is also a manifestation of body aging.

Height and weight loss

If we find that our height begins to decrease gradually, it is very likely that there is an abnormal calcium metabolism in our body, which will lead to osteoporosis, so this is a very obvious symptom of premature aging. The bones and muscles of humans become atrophy, the metabolism in the body will also be out of balance, then our weight will also drop. For women over 40, the weight should be maintained at a healthy level in order to delay aging and ensure physical health.

If you have the above 5 changes in your body, you don't need to panic too much. Keep a young heart and face life positively. Although we can't change aging, we can slow down the pace of aging. Therefore, in real life, we must set our minds, exercise more, pay attention to a healthy lifestyle, develop good habits, and pay attention to diet. Nutrition is matched, so that you can become younger and not easy to age.