The name of enoki mushroom "see you tomorrow" is not for nothing

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This is related to the large amount of dietary fiber in Flammulina velutipes. From the perspective of the nutritional content of Flammulina velutipes, there are 2.7g of dietary fiber in every 100 grams of fresh Flammulina velutipes, even canned in the supermarket Flammulina velutipes, the dietary fiber content in it can also reach 2.5g. Compared with other vegetables, Flammulina velutipes has more dietary fiber content.

The name "see you tomorrow" of enoki mushroom is not for nothing!

The chitin component of Flammulina velutipes is a kind of dietary fiber, which cannot be directly absorbed by the stomach and intestines, but can play a role in promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and enhancing satiety. And its final result is being expelled, which is the last thing people see.

But everyone does not need to worry. Although dietary fiber cannot be digested and absorbed by the stomach, it can also delay the emptying time of the stomach to a certain extent for people with constipation and people with chronic diseases. It has a positive effect on controlling blood sugar level and blood lipid level after meal.

The name "see you tomorrow" of enoki mushroom is not for nothing!

In addition, Flammulina velutipes is not only prominent in this substance, but also rich in nutrients such as zinc, selenium, potassium, and magnesium. It was once rated as an intellectual mushroom. For children who are growing and developing, eating Flammulina velutipes in moderation is also beneficial to promote the development of children's intelligence, provide the body with the necessary mineral components, and is also beneficial to health.

The name "see you tomorrow" of enoki mushroom is not for nothing!

Therefore, eating enoki mushrooms is still very beneficial, but when eating, you should also pay attention to two aspects. One is to fully cook the enoki mushrooms. This is because if we accidentally eat raw enoki mushrooms or It is the unripe enoki mushroom. The colchicine component contained in it reaches our intestines and stomach, and it is also easy to cause irritation to the gastrointestinal mucosa, resulting in abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. But cooked enoki mushrooms can be absorbed more easily by the stomach.