Why is it that some people are not drunk for a thousand cups, and some people just pour one cup?

As soon as Lidong passed, the weather started to get cold. It's the most pleasant thing to meet with friends after get off work or on weekends to have a steaming hot pot with a few bottles of wine.

Although we always say that there is no good in drinking, but in the eyes of people who love to drink, there are only three words


But this drinking, everyone's state is different.

Some people start to "top up" after a glass of wine.

But some people just drink "A thousand cups are not drunk"

There are various sayings about this.

"The sooner you blush when you drink, the more you can drink"

"Blushing and depriving the kidneys, whitening and depriving the liver"

"The amount of alcohol is always practiced. The more you drink, the more you can drink"


So, are all the above statements true? Come and watch together.

Is it true that the face is red and the kidney is gone, and the face is pale.

Ethanol, commonly known as alcohol, The main part of human body to absorb ethanol is the small intestine, and the minor part is the stomach. After

is absorbed into the blood, most of the ethanol is metabolized in the liver, and only a small part of the ethanol can be directly exhaled from the lungs or excreted in the urine through the kidneys.

How is ethanol metabolized in the "factory" of the liver?

First of all, ethanol must be processed into acetaldehyde. mainly has two work stations. The

daily workstation is processed by alcohol dehydrogenase , and when the ethanol concentration is too high and exceeds the daily workload, the standby workstation will be activated and processed by P450 monooxygenase.

Then, acetaldehyde needs to be further processed into acetic acid, operator is acetaldehyde dehydrogenase .

After a series of catabolism, ethanol eventually becomes carbon dioxide and water and is excreted from the body, while releasing a lot of heat.

Therefore, Generally speaking, alcohol metabolism takes the liver first, and then the kidneys, which is indispensable.

The sooner you blush, the better your drinking?

I blush as soon as I drink. Some people say that this is a fast metabolism and a good amount of alcohol.

In fact, on the contrary, is most likely due to insufficient acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity, causing acetaldehyde to accumulate in the body, leading to facial flushing, conjunctival hyperemia, accelerated heartbeat, accelerated pulse and other blood vessel dilation.

Then what factors determine the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase?

Answer: Gene type of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.

There are 19 "siblings" in the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase family. Among them, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) is the key enzyme with the best activity, but when it undergoes genetic mutations, it will lose its activity , Become a mutant. At this time, the ALDH2 alleles from both parents will freely combine to form three different genotypes, namely normal vigor type, heterozygous type and non-viable type.

Most people’s hangover genes are normal vitality, but nearly 20% of inactive people cause acetaldehyde accumulation after drinking, the so-called "red face" reaction, so this gene is also Called the "red face gene".

"Red face gene" in different speciesThe distribution of ethnic groups varies greatly. Asians, especially Chinese, have a relatively high mutation rate, while Europeans and Americans rarely find this mutation.

In addition, related studies have shown that the "red face gene" is closely related to a variety of cancers, especially esophageal cancer.

Therefore, the earlier you blush, it is actually a signal light for your body, so you should drink less.

Can I really practice drinking?

In fact, the most critical factor is gene.

Those who are "up on their heads" as soon as they drink alcohol and are uncomfortable will largely involuntarily reduce or resist drinking. The so-called "gene determined behavior" is also the body's self-protection mechanism.

Secondly, it is the body's tolerance.

For people with heterozygous ALDH2 gene, the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase is partially impaired, and alcohol consumption is relatively difficult to control.

Drinking more alcohol can stimulate the compensation mechanism to a certain extent and enhance the activity of antialcoholic enzymes, but long-term overload of work may cause alcoholic fatty liver and even alcoholic cirrhosis.

These people must pay attention to drinking

Drinking is definitely not something everyone can participate in, these people must pay attention!

These ten types of people are contraindicated to drink:

Patients with hypertension, heart disease, severe liver disease, hemorrhagic gastrointestinal disease, high myopia, glaucoma and gout, pregnant, lactating women and children.

These four types of people should drink with caution:

1. Diabetics. Excessive alcohol intake easily leads to acidosis and glucose metabolism disorders, and the risk of hypoglycemia is greatly increased.

2, female. For the same alcohol intake, women are more likely to suffer from alcoholic liver disease than men, which may be related to the lower alcohol dehydrogenase content in women.

3, drink and blush. This population should be more cautious when taking nitroglycerin, antibiotics, diuretics and other drugs, because the metabolism of these drugs is mainly completed by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.

4. Face pale after drinking. It is very likely that these people have the defects of both alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in their bodies. It seems "not drunk for a thousand cups", but in fact, alcohol metabolism is slower and it is easy to cause organ damage.

To sum up, you must do what you can when you drink, and don’t drink as much as possible if you don’t drink. Don’t rely on drinking more to force the increase of alcohol.

As the saying goes, there are already a thousand cups of wine every time you know, you can drink as much as you can, and if you can’t drink, run away!