The threat of tumors "from head to toe", even the tongue will not let go

WHO statistics show that China's cancer incidence and mortality rate are the highest in the world. And the scary thing about cancer, in addition to the high mortality rate, a person may be threatened by tumors from head to toe ......

Before, we had the top ten high-incidence cancers in China, and we also had cancers that may be inherited. Let’s take a look today. From tongue to feet, is the most likely cancer and how to prevent it!


points of head and neck cancer prevention

tongue : alert oral ulcers oral

Ulcer is an ulcerative injury disease that occurs in the oral mucosa, also known as aphthous. Once suffering from oral ulcers, some oval or round ulcers will appear on the patient's mouth, which has a very obvious pain.

When this phenomenon occurs, as long as the patient takes appropriate topical medications and at the same time do a good job of dietary conditioning, this symptom will soon be relieved.

But if it lasts more than a month, be careful, it may be a precursor to tongue cancer!

Thyroid cancer

Anti-cancer points: There may be malignant thyroid nodules on average.However, nodules generally grow slowly, and most of them are not in a hurry for surgery. You can observe for a period of time to review the B-ultrasound , and decide how to treat it according to the changes.

If the doctor considers highly suspicious thyroid nodules with a diameter greater than 1 cm, biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Esophageal cancer

Anti-cancer key points: do not drink too hot water

When water and drink exceed 65℃

The risk of cancer. So whether it is drinks or food, it is not recommended to eat too hot.

In addition, eats less pickled foods, smokes and drinks less is also very important for preventing esophageal cancer.



lung cancer

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1111111strong2 Especially those with "number of cigarettes per day" x "how many years" ≥ 20 are at higher risk.

Routine physical examination X-rays may not be able to capture early and smaller tumors. It is recommended that people over 50 years old (at risk groups need earlier) to do regular low-dose spiral CT of the chest. Smaller tumors can be found early.

Breast cancer:

Anti-cancer essentials: Don't be afraid of hyperplasia, check regularly

Most of the breast hyperplasia is not simply a disease. However, if the pathological examination of indicates "dysplasia of the breast", the chance of developing breast malignant tumor will increase in the future.

The breast B-ultrasound and mammogram should be reviewed regularly. In addition, the doctor will recommend a needle biopsy when it is suspicious.

It should be mentioned that men also have a certain chance of developing breast cancer, and most of them are already in advanced stages when they are found.


anti-cancer elements abdomen


: killing Helicobacter pylori

World Health Organization International The Cancer Research Institute lists Helicobacter pylori as a category 1 carcinogen (definite carcinogen for humans),It is believed that 78% of gastric cancers are caused by chronic infections caused by snails.

Almost half of people in China are infected with Helicobacter pylori. Long-term infection can cause chronic atrophic gastritis of , gastric ulcer of , thereby increasing the risk of gastric cancer.

If an adult is found to be positive for pylorus snails on physical examination C13 or C14, it is recommended to go to the gastroenterology department and take 4 drugs for about 2 weeks to clear up the treatment according to the doctor's instructions. At the same time, pay attention to gastroscopy and eat less processed meats and preserved foods.

Colorectal cancer

Cancer prevention points: Eat more dietary fiber

Colorectal cancer is related to a certain degree of dietary fiber intake. It should be noted that colorectal cancer has a family inheritance of 10-15%.

recommends the following lifestyle habits:

  • Eat more vegetables, fruits/legumes every day, and replace 1/3 of the staple food with coarse grains to ensure dietary fiber intake;
  • eat less processed meats and pickles Prepare food;
  • Develop the habit of regular colonoscopy .

Liver cancer

Anti-cancer key points: drink less alcohol and eat no moldy food

The high incidence of liver cancer is patients with various types of hepatitis and cirrhosis. Such groups of people need to undergo B-ultrasound + alpha-fetoprotein examinations on a regular basis.

In daily life, be careful not to eat moldy foods, such as expired yogurt, bitter nuts and moldy rice, because aflatoxin in these moldy foods is a strong carcinogen. At the same time, drink less alcohol, eat less oil, and exercise regularly. Fatty liver and alcoholic liver can get cancer in severe cases.

In addition, heavy metals are the culprit for liver injury, such as damage to the coating of the non-stick pan, unqualified cosmetics/accessories, etc., should also be noted.


waist and buttocks

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It's a big deal. Studies have shown that diets high in animal fat can increase the risk of prostate cancer. In addition to eating less red meat, quit smoking and limit alcohol.

Prostate cancer may not have obvious symptoms in the early stage. It is recommended that men over the age of 50 check the tumor marker once a year. It mainly depends on the PSA. If it is elevated, you need to see a doctor. If someone in the immediate family has prostate cancer, the screening age should be advanced to 45 years old.

cervical cancer

Cancer prevention key points: use HPV vaccine

The occurrence of cervical cancer is closely related to high-risk HPV infection.Therefore, vaccination to prevent high-risk HPV infection is currently the most effective way to prevent cervical cancer.

It is recommended that women over the age of 25 who have sex should undergo regular cervical cytology and high-risk HPV examinations under the guidance of a doctor.





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, Chinese melanoma is common in the distal end of the four fingers, such as the toes, soles of the feet, ankles, and fingers. Most patients have experience of treatment such as "moles".

Malignant moles are generally asymmetrical in shape, irregular edges, and dirty in color. The diameter is generally >5mm, and may increase or thicken in a short period of time, or have bleeding or ulcers. Therefore, if you have moles on your hands and feet, you should avoid "mole spots" and other treatments. It is best to find a specialist hospital for preventive resection.

Of course, there are several other types of cancer, so I won’t describe them one by one. We hope that everyone remembers to detect early, treat early, and take prevention as the first priority. You must develop good living habits at ordinary times. Prevention is the ultimate Purpose!
