Is your prostate healthy? It will give you 3 signals when there is a disease, men should pay attention

The prostate is a unique male reproductive organ, but it is prone to pathological changes, such as prostatic hyperplasia , prostatitis and prostate cancer. No matter which type of prostate disease you have, it is very difficult to treat, reducing the quality of life, and even causing male infertility . If the following manifestations occur in men, it is likely that prostate disease has occurred, and you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What symptoms do men experience that indicate prostate disease?

1. Abnormal urination

The prostate surrounds the urethra. When the prostate is diseased, urination abnormalities occur first, such as frequent urination, urgency, , painful urination, thinning of the urinary line, and improper urination. Exhaustion and difficulty urinating, etc. Under normal circumstances, the frequency of nocturia is about 0~1, and more than two times should be paid attention to. You should go to the hospital for prostate examination as soon as possible.

2. Abnormal sexual function

Many patients with prostate disease have different degrees of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation . In addition, prostate disease can also cause endocrine abnormalities, causing neurological and mental symptoms, such as sweating, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, irritability, memory loss, and inattention.

3. Local pain

After the prostate has lesions, it will also cause local pain.In particular, the testicles, posterior urethra and lower abdomen, as well as the groin, between the anus and scrotum, and the roots of the thighs, may appear full and discomfort.

How to protect prostate health?

1. Drink plenty of water

Men should develop the habit of taking the initiative to drink water to ensure that their daily urine output reaches more than 2000 ml. Drink plenty of water to urinate more. Too short an interval between urination can increase the concentration of microorganisms in the urine, stimulate the urethra and prostate, thereby increasing the risk of prostate disease. The bad habit of holding back urine is not allowed at any time. Holding back urine will cause pathogenic bacteria in the urine to enter the bladder and prostate, thereby damaging the health of the prostate. Therefore, as long as there is an intention to urinate, it should be excreted in time.

2. Refusing to drink alcohol

Men should not drink alcohol, because alcohol is an irritating substance that can cause the prostate to be congested, reduce prostate resistance, and increase the risk of prostatitis. At the same time, you should not eat spicy and pungent foods, such as hot pot, chili and garlic.

3. Sit less and move more

Due to the special position of the prostate, sitting for a long time will compress the prostate, causing the prostate to become congested and swollen, causing prostatitis. Therefore, the sedentary time should be reduced and stand up and exercise for 10 minutes for every hour of sitting. Take part in more physical exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging or swimming, which can improve local blood circulation and improve resistance. However, do not do sports that will rub the perineum, such as riding a bicycle or motorcycle.

4. Massage the prostate

First wash your fingers,Then apply an appropriate amount of lubricating oil, gently insert your fingers into the anal area, massage the prostate slowly, as far as possible under the guidance of a doctor. Massage 2 to 3 times a week, which can promote the excretion of prostatitis substances.


Men of every age group should take good care of the prostate, maintain a regular life, and cannot indulge in order to avoid excessive congestion of the prostate and cause inflammation; but also cannot abstain, or it will cause a large number of prostates The accumulation of fluid in the body affects the recovery of the disease; at the same time, it is impossible to tolerate ejaculation or excessive masturbation, let alone use aphrodisiac drugs at will. Insist on taking a bath with warm water, which can relax the local muscles and prostate, promote blood circulation, and facilitate the absorption of inflammatory factors and edema.

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