People who often eat citrus are prone to skin cancer? Is it true or not? Might as well have a look

Autumn is the season when oranges are on the market. In our opinion, eating more seasonal foods is better for the body, and the sweet and sour citrus is also a favorite of many people.

Citrus is one of the flavors of oranges. Compared with ordinary oranges, it has a thicker flesh and heavier sweetness. It is also the main raw material of tangerine peels _1span span3span is an appetizer and food, protects the liver, improves eyesight, beauty and beauty, lowers blood pressure and lipids , etc. It is especially suitable for people with poor appetite, liver dysfunction, high blood pressure and high blood fat.

is such a healthy type of fruit, but it has been found by French researchers to have a risk of cancer.

Because citrus fruits contain a substance called furanocoumarin may be toxic under ultraviolet light Can induce skin cancer.

In other words, eating oranges under the sun may cause cancer.Even eating oranges with the light on and drinking lemon tea may cause cancer.


People who often eat citrus are prone to skin cancer? Is it true or not? Take a look at

. This study was proposed by the University of Saclay in France. In order to verify the potential association between citrus intake and skin cancer, the University of Saclay in France also conducted a large Data survey, the study involved 520,000 participants, aged between 25 and 70 years old.

The researchers found that compared with participants with lower intakes of citrus, participants with higher intakes were mostly young women and also had higher levels of education and physical activity. They found that they consumed citrus. People with higher fruits are also more likely to develop skin cancer, especially melanoma .

In addition, the researchers found no link between lifestyle can change citrus intake and skin cancer risk, and there is no evidence that heterogeneity exists between different countries or different genders.

means that in citrus can interact with ultraviolet rays. is used, stimulates the proliferation of melanoma cells, is also distributed in many types of tissues, promotes DNA replication to be damaged by .

The results of various studies have shown that there is a potential link between citrus intake and the risk of skin cancer.

Here is a reminder that after eating citrus fruits, try to avoid ultraviolet rays, including sun and fluorescent lamps, especially those who have sensitive skin and are vulnerable to ultraviolet rays. Take necessary sun protection measures.


What are the high-risk risks of skin cancer?

long-term exposure to the sun Ultraviolet rays are more likely to cause skin cancer.

fair skin

People with fair skin are indeed beautiful, but they also have shortcomings. People who are born with fairer skin have less melanin content and are more prone to sunburn and have a higher risk of skin cancer.

Long-term exposure to chemicals

Chemical carcinogenesis plays an important role in a small number of cases, except for asphalt, tar derivatives, benzopyrene, etc. Some common high-risk occupations, such as tar workers, paraffin wax shale workers, etc.

red hair

strong when exposed to radiation, and now 10strong people who are more likely to have their hair dyed under ultraviolet light, are more likely to have red hair. Mechanism, the risk of skin cancer will be higher, usually try not to dye your hair anymore.


How to effectively prevent skin cancer?

We may not be able to change some genetic factors,But we can do a good job of prevention from other factors.

  • The first thing to do is to do a good job of sun protection, whether it is physical sun protection or chemical sun protection when going out, it can also effectively block UV rays.
  • High-risk workers must wear work clothes and avoid direct contact with carcinogenic chemicals.
  • Eat as many foods rich in vitamin A as possible in the diet, which can effectively reduce the risk of developing epidermal cancer . You can increase your diet with spinach, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. Waiting for food, usually more vitamin A can also maintain the health of skin cells.

Of course, it’s not that drinking a cup of lemon tea or eating a little citrus can cause cancer. For the sake of safety, it’s all about the toxicity. When eating citrus fruits, try not to get in the sun. Rather than not eating citrus, it is better to do the above points. Maybe your skin will be healthier.
