Notice! Face this direction when sleeping, it is easy to get sick

Sleep is something we must do, it can rest our high-speed brain and body, and make our body full of energy in the next day's life and work.

1/3 of life is related to sleep, so insomnia is a painful and life-saving thing. And what do you need to pay attention to if you want to get health and longevity through sleep?

Today, let us understand the impact of sleeping in different directions on human health, and the impact of different sleeping positions on health.

The impact of sleeping in four directions on the body

Nowadays, most people live in commercial houses, and some houses have set the direction for the placement of beds. Are these directions really good for health? Next, let’s take a look at the effects of Chinese medicine How to explain sleep and orientation.

1. Head north

Many people in life find that the sleeping direction of head north to foot south can improve insomnia, increase appetite and energetic.

The interpretation of this in Chinese medicine is that the direction of the meridian of the human body is the same as that of the geomagnetism, so that when sleeping, it conforms to nature and makes the blood flow smoothly, so that you can sleep soundly.

In Chinese medicine, there are also disputes about the direction of sleep. In "Lao Lao Heng Yan" and "Qian Jin Yao Fang · Dao Lin Yang Xing", it is mentioned that it is not suitable for sleep to face north, otherwise the body will easily accumulate yin qi.

2. Head south

Sleeping with your head facing south is in the opposite direction of sleeping with your head facing north, but the movement of the blood meridians and the geomagnetic direction are balanced, which is also conducive to the body's metabolism and circulation.

However, there is a saying in our country that the north is high and the south is low. Sleeping with your head facing south, too short head will cause more blood to flow into the head, affecting blood circulation in the head, blood vessels are prone to congestion, and dizziness and swollen eyelids will appear in the morning. Phenomenon.

3. Head east

In the ancient consciousness of health preservation, sleeping with head eastward is the best way to maintain good health. It is recorded in "Ji Yuzao" that "Ming Heng Dongshou,That said Shun was angry and lying down. "

It believes that the eastern lord is the germination, and the head is the meeting of the yang, sleeping with the head facing the east, the human body can easily obtain the yang energy, and the yang energy will not leak out.

4. Head west

Of course Some people will also advocate sleeping head-to-head, because the body's health regimen is different in each season. It is called " to nourish yang in spring and summer, and to nourish yin in autumn and winter." "Therefore, sleeping head westward in autumn and winter is more conducive to nourishing yin and moisturizing the body.

In addition, some people have proposed that sleeping head westward will cause fatigue, nightmares and insomnia because of the opposite direction of the autobiography of the earth.

However, modern science believes that the direction of sleep has a relatively weak impact on health and can be ignored. The reason why sleep is good or poor is affected by psychology and habits. On the contrary, various sleeping positions have an impact on health.

The effects of the four sleeping positions on the body

1. Lying on the left side


First of all, when a person lies on the left side, the body is arched, which is conducive to the relaxation of muscles and various organs.

Secondly, the right lung of the human body is 3 lobes, which can absorb more oxygen when lying on the left side, which is conducive to the metabolism of human cells.

Furthermore, if pregnant women take the left side, it can improve dextrorotation. The uterus increases the amount of oxygen supplied by the mother to the fetus.


First, the heart is on the left. Lying on the left side can easily compress the heart, which can easily lead to insufficient blood supply, especially affecting the blood supply to the right brain.

Secondly, the human arteries are easily twisted, which can cause cerebral thrombosis in patients with cerebral obstruction.In order to eliminate this hidden danger, it is best to choose a suitable pillow and sleeping on your back.

Again, patients with heart disease, stomach disease, acute liver disease, gallbladder stones , etc. should not be lying on the left side.

2. Lying on the right side

Lying on the right side has always been recognized by health-preserving people, and the right side is also called the Lion King Sleeping in the "Medical Heart Book".


First of all, like lying on the left side, the muscles of the human body are relaxed, and it is conducive to the recuperation and rest of the viscera.

Secondly, lying on the right side can also reduce the burden on the heart, and the blood supply to the liver is sufficient, and people with stomach problems are also suitable for lying on the right side. Lying on the right side of the baby can also reduce vomiting up.


The lungs are compressed and the oxygen intake may be insufficient. Pregnant women, people with poor lung function and spine problems should not lie on the right side for a long time.

3. Supine


First, the lungs increase oxygen intake and the left and right brain blood supply balances, which is beneficial to the metabolism of human cells, and the brain fatigue can be restored and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases .

Secondly, avoid facial wrinkles and sagging of women's breasts.


Muscles cannot be relaxed, hands are easy to put on the chest, nightmares and respiratory obstruction may occur.

4. Prone


The only advantage of sleeping on your stomach is that you can avoid snoring.


First of all, the heart and lungs are compressed, resulting in poor breathing and poor performance.

Secondly, sleeping on the stomach easily compresses the eyeballs, causing eye congestion in and increased intraocular pressure in .

Again, the heart rate of the human body is prone to drop when sleeping on the stomach, and the blood supply to the brain is insufficient. It is also not conducive to women's breast development.

Conclusion: We can get rest and health through sleeping, but the wrong way of sleeping can also harm our health.

Above we briefly introduced the advantages and disadvantages of sleeping with the head in different directions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different sleeping positions. If we want to achieve health and longevity, we must take care to avoid these problems in this 1/3 of our lives.

edit / Sun Chaohui

information / small encyclopedia
