When I go to bed at night, I always feel bitter in my mouth and dry? Note: or related to these 4 reasons

Lead: When you go to bed at night, do you have this symptom? You feel bitter in your mouth, so you habitually drink water, especially in the middle of the night, because of a dry cough you wake up and drink water. If you don't drink water, you can easily fall asleep.

I believe that many people have encountered this condition of thirsty at night. It is usually thought that it is caused by lack of water in the body. Replenishing water in time can relieve the body, and there is no abnormality.

People who smoke, habitually drink saliva before going to bed at night to relieve dryness in the mouth, and can also clear the throat and relieve the respiratory organs.

If you often have dry mouth and bitterness at night, you should pay attention to it. It may be related to the points mentioned below.

When I go to bed at night, I always feel bitter in my mouth and dry? Note: It may be related to these 4 reasons.

1. What causes the symptoms of dry and bitter mouth?

1. Foods with higher salt content

Some people are used to eating some heavy-tasting foods during dinner, which tends to cause more saltiness during dinner. Suffering, especially when sleeping at night, The body decomposes salt , lacks water makes it easy to wake up with thirst.

When you sleep at night, try to replenish as much water as possible. Although you will go to the toilet frequently, this phenomenon is normal, and it can also alleviate the phenomenon of dry mouth and bitterness, which is more helpful for sleep.

Try to choose some fruits and vegetables for dinner at night, which can not only supplement the lack of vitamins and nutrients in the human body, but also enhance human digestion.

2. Stomach disease

If you often experience oral dryness and bitterness in your life, you should pay attention to it. It is very likely that there are diseases in the body and stomach.

There are diseases in the stomach. In the long term, it will cause dryness and bitterness in the mouth, decline in stomach function, and even affect the body's digestion of food, which will be accompanied by it. acid reflux bloating symptoms.

3. Gallbladder disease

Decreased gallbladder function will cause excessive secretion of bile, which will affect the body when there is a problem with cholecystitis. Span7span People’s appetite leads to dry mouth and bitter mouth.

When the abdomen is painful, you must go to the hospital for examination in time and take reasonable treatment plans to cure it to avoid more serious illnesses from harming the human body.

4. gingivitis

gingivitis is the most common cause of mouth disease, which may be caused by mouth disease.

Human Bacteria may remain on the gum tissue , _span strong 30strong _span strong 30strong _span5 strong bacteria appear in the oral cavity.If you have dry mouth and bitter mouth while sleeping, I disagree. Drinking water at this time can alleviate the symptoms, but it can only play a temporary role, and it needs to be completely resolved through treatment.

Hair dry and bitter in the mouth, no matter what the cause is, it is necessary to make a treatment plan according to the disease and carry out reasonable care to prevent it, otherwise it will affect people’s sleep more seriously and endanger human health .

2. How to improve the problem?

1. Exercise

Proper exercise can accelerate the blood circulation in the body and improve the metabolism of food.

will sweat during exercise, and sweating also needs to replenish the lack of water in the body in time, which is more conducive to human health.

2. Light diet

5span_strong Span7_strong ,Regularly eat some fresh fruits and vegetables to help the body to absorb, avoid eating spicy and irritating foods that cause human discomfort.

3. Quit smoking and alcohol

For people who smoke and drink frequently, the substance in the body of cigarette alcohol may only affect the oral cells if it enters the body. Worse.

4. Pay attention to oral hygiene

, so you can wash your teeth in the morning after eating. Residue.

Conclusion: As the main part of human diet, the mouth should pay attention to oral hygiene and avoid oral diseases.
