Will the blood vessels be blocked again after the heart stent is placed? Can you live longer? Reminder: There are 3 points to keep in mind

I often have friends who ask me in private messages: After heart stent surgery , can they still live like normal people? Does it mean that blood vessels will no longer be blocked in the future? Will putting a foreign object affect the lifespan? Regarding these problems of the heart (coronary artery) stent, I will talk to you in detail in this article today. I hope you can have a correct understanding of it after reading it, and avoid the misunderstandings that you have entered before.

After the heart stent is placed, will the blood vessels be blocked again?

, everyone should know that the role of stent placement is not to completely cure the clogged blood vessels, but to dredge . After , it will not block again. The possibility of . This is like the water in the sink that does not go away when washing dishes. At first glance, the water pipe below is blocked by food residue. Even if the water can go down after dredging, it may still be blocked if you do not pay attention to it afterwards. If the blood vessel is blocked again, and the range is relatively large, or the position of the blocked blood vessel is very important, it is necessary to place it if necessary.

Will it affect the life span? Can you live longer?

Generally speaking, the effect of heart stents on life span is positive, which is conducive to prolonging life span. However, even if it is a doctor, we cannot pack a ticket. This will vary from person to person. Some people have problems later even after releasing it. has not reached the expected life span ,But some people with are no different from normal people and have a longer life span. . Take Academician Zhong as an example. He put it out more than ten years ago, but now he is in good health. Many people may not be able to see that he has put the stent off, and he is even healthier than ordinary people.

If you need to put it, the patient should not hesitate to avoid missing the early treatment opportunity, which will bring more serious consequences, and don’t relax after it is put. The key lies in yourself and daily maintenance. I remind everyone to pay attention to the following 3 points:

The first point is to insist on taking antiplatelet drugs

. You still have to continue taking the medicine, such as aspirin or statins . If you feel that you don't need to take the medicine, stop the medicine yourself, which is very detrimental to your blood vessel health.

Point 2, check the various indicators regularly

in different time periods after surgery,Corresponding inspections are required, and regular re-examinations are performed according to their actual condition, so that the condition of the blood vessels can be understood and the maintenance plan can be adjusted easily. If any problems are found during the re-examination, they can also intervene in time to minimize the damage.

During the examination, some patients may have heard that MRI can no longer be performed after the stent is placed. Is it true?

In fact, this depends on the situation. Generally speaking, most of the stent materials used now are stainless steel or titanium alloy. has relatively weak magnetic properties, and some are not ferromagnetic. For implants For patients with this type of stent, after a period of time after surgery, can perform the examination . Of course, before the examination, the doctor will usually tell you what to pay attention to. The patient himself should also tell the doctor about his condition in time to see if the examination can be carried out.

The third point, please follow the doctor’s advice, and live a healthy life

Putting stents does not affect normal life. It refers to a healthy lifestyle. If you understand that you can still retain the bad things like before Habit, that would be wrong. Patients should learn from the previous lessons, instead of forgetting the pain after the scar is healed, and to avoid blood vessel problems again and prolong their life, they must adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

In this regard, exercise is more entangled in some patients, and some people think that they should stay quiet after placing the stent.After all, it is a foreign object, but it can actually be exercised. As long as starts to exercise moderately at the right time , it is good, but remind everyone to be moderate. If the current physical condition is not suitable for exercise, you must pay attention to recuperation. If you recover slowly later, you can exercise under the guidance of a doctor.

These three points are not only the key to postoperative maintenance, but also an important way to prevent the recurrence of coronary heart disease. If you want to protect the heart and prevent it from strikes, everyone must keep in mind. Regarding these questions about the bracket, I believe you already know the answer, So under what circumstances do I need to put the bracket?

can’t be put if you want, nor can anyone with a bad heart. Generally speaking, 75% is a dividing line , if the degree of blockage does not exceed this range , You can take other measures to intervene, if it exceeds, you must consider implantation. However, this is not very absolute, and it must be analyzed in detail based on the patient's actual condition.

The above is about the introduction of the heart stent. I believe that after reading this article, you should have a more correct understanding of the stent. For those who have installed it, still need to pay attention, don’t be too slack, the above 3 points Keep in mind that for people with a bad heart, if implantation is needed, make a decision early when it is critical.
