Is it serious if the transaminase is high at 200? How much transaminase needs to be treated?

Many people will find that their transaminase levels are very high during the physical examination, and some are as high as 200. Most people will be very puzzled as to why this happens. Let’s analyze it today.

First, fatty liver is an important factor leading to elevated transaminase , whether it is alcoholic fatty liver or non-alcoholic fatty liver can increase our transaminase, if so, then you must quit drinking , Enhance physical exercise, low-fat diet, weight control, the only way to control fatty liver, can fundamentally reduce transaminase.

Second, obese people generally have higher transaminase levels than , because obese people not only accumulate subcutaneous fat, but also accumulate fat in the liver, which will make the liver unable to metabolize normally, and after liver cells rupture, transaminase will be released. Excreted into the serum, resulting in elevated transaminases. Therefore, you must control your weight at ordinary times, eat a light diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat less or no high-fat food.

Third, , people who are very angry will also have elevated transaminase , because if a person is often angry and irritable, his emotions are often out of control, and transaminase will rise uncontrollably. Therefore, in life, there must be Be optimistic and cheerful, try your best to control your emotions, and be less angry, not angry, because a lot of anger can damage your liver.

Fourth, if we do heavy physical labor before the physical examination, will also have elevated transaminases. This is not caused by disease factors, so we don't need to worry about it.

Fifth, disease factors , in addition to liver disease, many diseases may lead to elevated transaminases, such as gallstones or cholecystitis and other intestinal diseases, myocarditis , myocardial infarction, heart failure, coronary heart disease, etc. Heart disease, as well as some infectious diseases, such as typhoid, tuberculosis or pneumonia, will have elevated transaminases.

We have been saying that transaminase is higher than , so how high is high? In fact, the normal transaminase value of is between 0-40 . If it exceeds 40, it can only mean that the transaminase is abnormal if it has not reached 80. Generally speaking, if it is more than 2 times higher than the upper limit of the normal value and reaches 80, it must be Do further examination and treatment.

If the transaminase reaches 200, it means that the problem is very serious. In this case, generally consider chronic viral hepatitis or acute viral hepatitis , fatty liver or drug-induced liver injury , etc. In this case, it must be Intravenous injection of hepatic hydrolyzed peptide for liver protection.

In addition, during the treatment period, it is necessary to monitor the changes of various indicators of liver function in time, carry out targeted treatment, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, ensure adequate sleep time and sleep quality, carry out appropriate physical exercise, and eat more food. Some high-calorie foods and vitamin-rich fruits.

In short, once our finds that the transaminase exceeds 80, we must check the for the first time, mainly to find out the cause of the elevated transaminase, and if it is caused by a certain disease, it must be treated.