How to properly care for the elderly who are bedridden for a long time? Prevention is important

If there is an elderly person in the family who is paralyzed in bed, loses self-care ability, is incontinent, and needs to be cared for 24 hours a day, it means huge physical and mental pressure for any family.

Therefore, it is also a test of caregivers' care and patience. What problems should be paid attention to in nursing the bedridden elderly?

■ Nursing precautions for the bedridden elderly

If the patient is bedridden for a long time, if the patient does not change their posture frequently, it is easy to block the blood circulation of the skin under pressure. This is a bedsore.

The prevention method is to turn over frequently. Completely paralyzed people should help to turn over and change their posture, and use alcohol to wipe the place under frequent pressure to strengthen local circulation.

■ How to properly take care of the bedridden elderly

To take care of the long-term bedridden elderly, first of all, we should pay attention to the water intake of the elderly.

Because the elderly feel sluggish, they are not sensitive to the lack of water in the body, and they should not feel thirsty when the body lacks water. It is often encountered that some elderly people dare not drink water at night because they are afraid of affecting sleep. blood viscosity increases, circulatory resistance increases; it may induce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

For bedridden people who cannot take care of themselves, do a good job of feeding in bed, and the nurses should wash their hands before feeding. The patient is better to take a sitting or semi-sitting position. Choking into the trachea, bedridden patients must rinse their mouths after meals, patients who cannot rinse their mouths due to illness or other reasons, need to do oral care for the patients two to three times a day to completely remove bacteria in the oral cavity.

■ What are the health benefits of the elderly who are bedridden for a long time?

The patient’s activity in bed for a long time reduces the small intestinal peristalsis, which can easily lead to constipation.

Therefore, while supplementing nutrition, pay attention to the supplement of crude fiber foods, eat more foods with high fiber such as celery and leeks, and eat more foods that can increase immune function. food.

Such as: mushrooms, mushrooms, fungus, white fungus, etc.; you can drink more soup, such as pork ribs soup , fish soup, etc., to provide patients with sufficient heat and protein, eat more high-quality protein foods, such as milk, eggs, Fish, poultry, etc.

Elderly people who are bedridden for a long time, not only lose their physical functions, but also pay attention to their psychological problems. They need to accompany and listen to them, and maintain a good attitude.

Therefore, when parents have entered old age, as children, they should try to make their parents pay attention to exercise and maintain their bodies, try to avoid and delay the occurrence of disability or complete disability, so that the elderly can live longer and live a quality life.

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