Wormwood is not only warming the meridians and removing dampness, but also the essence of the three major effects of wormwood boiled water

The benefits of wormwood

The whole wormwood can be used as medicine. It has the functions of warming menstruation, dispelling dampness, dispelling cold, hemostasis, anti-inflammatory, relieving asthma, relieving cough, fetal anti-allergy, etc. Modern medical research proves that Mugwort also has antibacterial and antiviral effects; antiasthmatic, antitussive and expectorant effects; hemostasis and anticoagulant effects; sedative and antiallergic effects; liver and choleretic effects.

The edible value of wormwood!

Mugwort can be used in recipes such as "Artemisia argyi tea", "Artemisia argyi soup" and "Artemisia porridge" to enhance the body's resistance to diseases.

In addition to making wormwood into food, there is also the easiest but most effective way to use wormwood, which is to boil wormwood in water! What magical effect will

have? What can the boiling water do? The following is an announcement for you~

Mugwort water shampoo: cures headaches and dandruff

Wash your hair with wormwood water about 3 times a week at the beginning; wait until your head is not oily or itchy , When the dandruff disappears, you can wash it 1-2 times a week, which will maintain the entire scalp and hair very well. In theory, it can also remove the scalp (headache)!!

Shampoo your hair with wormwood once, The basic scalp is no longer itchy; the basic dandruff is gone after washing 3 times; after 3 months, it seems that there are more and more velvet hair, and the usual headaches have also improved a lot!


1. Boil a bowl of wormwood water with wormwood, the thicker the better;

2. Use wormwood Moisten the entire scalp with grass water, and then wrap the hair with a towel, so that the wormwood water remains on the scalp for 10 minutes;

3. Rinse with shampoo or warm water;

4. "Ten fingers For combing, comb your hair 100 times with your fingers.

Mugwort Foot Soak: Tonifying the kidney and dispelling the cold

Take 50~100 grams of Ai Ye, put it in an iron basin, boil it with water, and pour it into a tub. The best way to soak your feet is Use wooden basin instead of iron basin or aluminum basin, because metal is easy to be cold, which is not conducive to temperature compensation. After the water temperature drops to about 40°C, you can start soaking your feet.

The amount of water should at least immerse the entire back of the instep, and it can reach above the ankles and below the knees. The time for soaking the feet is about half an hour. In the meantime, if the water is cold, you can add some hot water appropriately, soak it until you sweat slightly. Yes, just add some moisture appropriately.

The time of soaking the feet is also particular: For example, if you want to warm up the kidney-yang, you can choose to be around 21 o'clock in the evening, because the kidney meridian qi and blood are relatively weak at this time. After soaking your feet, your body's heat increases, the blood vessels in your body will expand, which is conducive to promoting blood circulation and promoting blood circulation and metabolism in the body.

The nerves that have been strained for a day during the day and the kidneys that have been tired for a day can be completely relaxed and fully regulated at this time. After soaking, you can also properly do a few minutes of foot massage, so that the organs can be further comforted.

Take a bath with wormwood water for children to relieve itching and remove prickly heat.

It is normal for babies to have prickly heat, but novice mothers will have no better way besides being in a hurry. If you use toilet water for your baby, Prickly heat powder is still not good. At this time, you might as well boil a pot of wormwood water to wash your baby. It should have a very good effect after 2 times!

You can boil wormwood for your baby every three to five, which not only relieves itching and prickly heat, but also relieves the mosquito bites and makes the skin slippery!

If the prickly heat under the neck, underarms, and private parts of the baby is purulent, don’t be afraid. You can wash it off and apply sesame oil and wormwood ash to the baby to sterilize it.


1. Use 3Add 0 gram of wormwood to the pot and boil for 15 minutes, the thicker the better;

2. After the wormwood water is warm, directly use a towel to moisten the wormwood water to wipe the baby's rash areas;

3. Then pour the wormwood water into the basin, adjust the water temperature, and bathe the baby;

4. Remember: After washing the baby with wormwood water, do not use any shower gel or water to rinse it!

Mugwort can also be used to make tea and drink, which has a good effect on removing cold and dampness in the body!

Especially the white-collar ladies in the air-conditioned room, think ginger and jujube tea is troublesome, so drink wormwood tea. The Southern Shaolin Huogong Tuina Research Institute reminds: Since everyone's physique and condition are different, no one method can suit everyone.

Miaoshou doctor reminds: For safety, non-professionals, when drinking wormwood tea, it is best to consult your local professional doctor first, and use it under the dialectical guidance of a professional doctor. Lost.

艾叶 清风计划

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