Total constipation, go to the toilet every few days? Traditional Chinese Medicine: These Chinese medicines can treat both symptoms and root causes, nourish qi and nourish the intestine

How does constipation feel?

"I'm so anxious that I dare to try those strange and dangerous laxative methods."

can not only drive people crazy, but also make people understand:

"After constipation, I know that I can eat and drink normally. Sprinkling itself is a kind of happiness."

So, what should I do with constipation? How to get back the feeling of emptiness and emptiness?

Perhaps, Chinese medicine can give you the answer.

Constipation is related to the internal organs

Many people think that constipation is the "unreasonable" intestinal tract. According to Chinese medicine, constipation is not only related to the large intestine, but also related to the dysfunction of the lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys.

The "Lingshu·Benshu" article says: "The lungs are combined with the large intestine, the large intestine, the organ of the preacher." The lungs and the large intestine are on the inside and the outside, the lung qi is not known, and the lung qi is blocked, which will cause the large intestine to be blocked and cause constipation.

Liver regulates drainage, which is accomplished by coordinating the lifting and lowering of spleen and stomach qi. If liver qi is uncomfortable, it is easy to cause intestinal qi disorder and cause constipation.

The spleen governs the transportation and chemistry, and the spleen’s transportation and chemistry are out of balance, and the body fluid cannot be used for the stomach, and the body fluid cannot walk the large intestine, causing the intestine to lose moisture and dry stool.

The kidney is sealed, and the resuscitation is in the second yin. Insufficient kidney yin can cause intestinal fluid to dry up, intestinal immobility and constipation.

Therefore, in the treatment of constipation, it is also necessary to differentiate and treat from the viscera. According to different reasons such as liver depression, spleen deficiency, and unexplained lung qi, targeted conditioning treatment is required.

Types of constipation and treatment recommendations

  • Blood deficiency and secretion-blood deficiency and intestinal dryness

Yin deficiency, intestinal dysfunction, manifested as body fluid deficiency Pale and dull complexion, dizziness, palpitations, dry stools, dry mouth and thirsty, lack of energy, insomnia and dreaminess.

for this type of constipation,If you need to nourish blood and moisten your intestines, you can use Siwu Decoction Herun Pills, including Radix Rehmanniae, Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Polygonum multiflorum , Sheng Baizhu, Citrus aurantium, Licorice and other traditional Chinese medicines; or take it Chinese patent medicine Shouhui laxative capsules are made from Polygonum multiflorum, aloe, cassia seed, wolfberry, donkey-hide gelatin, ginseng, atractylodes, and Citrus aurantium. It has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing qi, purging turbidity and laxative.

  • Heat secret-gastrointestinal fever

Dry stools, bloating and abdominal pain, irritability, dry mouth and thirst, short urine, red tongue, yellowish dry fur, easy to get acne or face Greasy feeling.

The method of clearing heat and conducting stagnation should be adopted during treatment. Suitable for hemp kernel pill, including rhubarb, citrus aurantium, magnolia officinalis, hemp kernel, almond, white honey and other traditional Chinese medicines; or the addition and subtraction of Zengye Chengqi Decoction, use medicines such as raw rhubarb, xuanming powder, stir-fried Citrus aurantium , Scrophulariaceae, Asparagus, Scutellaria, Magnolia officinalis, Licorice, etc.

  • Cold secret-Deficiency of the spleen and stomach

Excessive cold in the body and insufficient Yang Qi, manifested by dry stool, difficulty defecation, cold abdominal pain, cold limbs, and long urination , There are more nocturia, more common in the elderly and frail.

requires warming and yang laxative. You can choose warm spleen soup , semi-sulfur pill addition and subtraction, Chinese medicinal materials include aconite, rhubarb, codonopsis, dried ginger, citrus fruit, Cistanche, black medicine and so on.

  • Qi Secret-Liver Qi is not sparse

The stool is dry or hard, but it is still difficult to solve.But if you don't know it, you may feel uncomfortable, full of tightness in the chest and flanks, frequent belching, and less food.

The purpose of treatment is to soothe the liver and invigorate the spleen, regulate the intestines and intestines. You can add or subtract Sini San, including Bupleurum , Citrus aurantium, peony, licorice, scutellaria, and other traditional Chinese medicines; or drink Liumo Decoction. The main medicinal materials are Muxiang, Wuyao, agarwood, rhubarb, betel nut, etc. Citrus aurantium and so on.

  • Deficiency of Qi-Deficiency of Qi in the Spleen and Lung

The stool is not dry and hard, although it is intended to defecate, but it is weak in the toilet, difficult to discharge, fatigue after defecation, or discomfort with abdominal distension, and fatigue Shy, pale.

treatment adopts the principle of replenishing qi to assist movement and lead to stagnation. The prescriptions are the addition and subtraction of Huangqi Decoction, including Huangqi, Codonopsis , white peony, cohosh, Bupleurum, Jiao Hawthorn, dried tangerine peel, hemp seed, etc.

In addition to oral prescriptions, acupuncture and massage can also assist and regulate constipation. You can refer to the following actions when self-massaging at home.

  • Click on Hegu acupoint

Location: Between the first and second metacarpal bones of the back of the hand, at the midpoint of the radial side of the second bone

Time: 5-10 minutes

  • Click on Tianshu Point

Location: On the abdomen, horizontally flat and center of the navel, 2 inches apart from the front midline.

Time: 5-10 minutes

  • Abdominal massage

Manipulation: Massage the abdomen clockwise

Time: 20-30 minutes

You can also try some simple exercises.

Puff exercise : Inhale and exhale, the abdomen bulges when inhaling, and the abdomen is tightened when exhaling, repeat for 10 minutes.

levator ani movement : retracting and releasing the anus, that is, a retracting and releasing action during defecation, to exercise the contractility of the levator ani muscle.

treats constipation, dialectical treatment is more effective, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine conditioning is a long-term process, and treatment needs to be adhered to. At the same time, it can also be used with acupoint massage, pay attention to a healthy diet, ensure adequate sleep, and maintain a good mood. .


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