With the release date of "Resident Evil 4: Remake" announced, "Resident Evil 5" is definitely the strongest contender for Capcom's next "cold meal", but fans are now wondering whether it is worth a try.

2024/06/2519:03:33 game 1144

With the release date of "Resident Evil 4: Remake" announced, "Resident Evil 5" is definitely the strongest contender for Capcom's next "cold meal", but fans are now wondering whether it is worth a try. . Recently, this topic has once again aroused heated discussion in the fan community. Players from both groups have different opinions. Curious friends, please take a look.

With the release date of

When Capcom officially put on the hat of "the king of fried rice", players definitely wanted to know the future of the "Resident Evil" series of works. Judging from the currently announced plans, after the release of "Resident Evil 4: Remake", the studio will give priority to the production of a sequel to "Resident Evil: Village" before proceeding with the "fried rice" phase. Although it's unclear what Capcom's plans are, the most likely contender for "cold rice" must be "Resident Evil 5." However, this begs the question, should Resident Evil 5 be remade?

With the release date of

As we all know, "Resident Evil 5" and its successor "Resident Evil 6" have often been criticized for their emphasis on physical gameplay, and these two works have also been accused of seriously deviating from the horror game setting. Although "Resident Evil 5" continues to receive criticism, it is worth noting that it is still the best-selling "Resident Evil" series. According to official information, "Resident Evil 5" has sold 13.4 million units. Of course, much of Resident Evil 5's success can be attributed to anticipation for the sequel to Resident Evil 4.

With the release date of

Players who support the reset pointed out that although the gameplay makes the game experience deviate from the horror game, the plot of "Resident Evil 5" is not bad, not to mention the popular villain Wesker . I believe that the next-generation engine will reshape a Excellent work. In addition, the much-criticized AI companion system of "Resident Evil 5" can also be improved through the reset version. And Capcom can also delete the action gameplay of the original "Resident Evil 5" to return the game to the horror theme.

With the release date of

Fans who refused to reset "Resident Evil 5" said that although the game's graphics performance will be greatly enhanced with the blessing of the next-generation engine, "Resident Evil 3: Reset" released in 2020 is far from it. meet deadline. In addition to the reset version deleting a large number of processes, its accompanying multiplayer game "Resident Evil: Resistance" has also been discontinued early. Without the right team to handle the remake of Resident Evil 5, Capcom is almost certain to repeat the mistakes it made with Resident Evil 3: Remake.

With the release date of

Fans also pointed out that if Capcom decides to continue to release remakes in the future, the studio will definitely damage the reputation of the "Resident Evil" IP. Most fans don't want Capcom to continue to focus on "frequently used games". They hope that Capcom can develop new works to feed back "Resident Evil" and allow this IP to continue to move forward.

With the release date of

Of course, in addition to "Resident Evil 5", fans who support the reset version also hope to see the reset of "Resident Evil: Codename Veronica" in the future. However, considering that Kabi's current remake projects are arranged in chronological order, the chance of seeing Alexia again is slim. Do players who have read the entire article support the reset of "Resident Evil 5"? You can express your opinions in the comment area.

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