Hello everyone, I am He Weiyi who is sorting. Today’s article is finally here, our analysis of the first player index list of the new season. In fact, judging from the player performance at the beginning of the season, although there may be some weird phenomena, for example, ther

2024/06/2905:22:33 game 1526

Hello everyone, I am He Weiyi who is sorting. Today’s article is finally here, our analysis of the first player index list of the new season. In fact, judging from the player performance at the beginning of the season, although there may be some weird phenomena, for example, ther - DayDayNews

Hello everyone, I am He Weiyi who is sorting. Today’s article is finally here, our analysis of the first player index list of the new season. In fact, judging from the player performance at the beginning of the season, although there may be some weird phenomena, for example, ther - DayDayNews

Hello everyone, I am He Weiyi who is sorting.

Today’s article is finally here. Our first player index list analysis of the new season. In fact, judging from the player performance at the beginning of the season, although there may be some weird phenomena, for example, as of today, there are still many players in the player index list. There is no player on the national server list with 5000 points, but Yasuda...Muto...these extremely unpopular players have one player on the national server list, so you say it's weird. It's really weird, but objectively speaking, there are certain rules behind the weirdness. Looking back, if you look at popular players such as Sakuragi and Rukawa Kaede, you will still find that their rankings and indexes are similar to previous lists. Steady, so who can take the first place in our player index list for the first phase of the S12 season? Then let’s take a look!

Here is a brief premise. The so-called "player index list" refers to the ranking based on the weekly merit value of the Glory Theater. The average merit value of each player's top 10 in the national server is used as the ranking standard. This Glory Theater merit value It can comprehensively represent the characteristics of players in several aspects:

  • High popularity: The higher the merit value of the player in the war zone, the more popular it is, because the average merit value is also a value that increases with the tide. The more people play, the more likely the value will be. Higher
  • High winning rate: The higher the war zone merit value, the better the winning rate is. Because the war zone merit value is accumulated based on the plus and minus points of the winning and losing games, players with a higher winning rate should have higher war zone merit values.
  • High intensity : The higher the war zone merit value, the better the player's intensity. After all, popularity is only the basis for a player's popularity, and comprehensive intensity is the core reason why most players use this player.

Hello everyone, I am He Weiyi who is sorting. Today’s article is finally here, our analysis of the first player index list of the new season. In fact, judging from the player performance at the beginning of the season, although there may be some weird phenomena, for example, ther - DayDayNews

The picture above is the cutoff. Zhou's S12 season player index list, including:

  • Originally Weiyi thought that the top three on this list should undoubtedly be the internal competition of the Honor Trident, but the unexpected defeat of Honor Mu Shenyi was a big surprise. Contrary to Wei Yi's expectations, Honor Mu Shenyi is actually still better in the third-row team competition. If he encounters two teammates in a single row who kill him without catching the ball and attack, he will feel like every day! ! ! So maybe at the beginning of the season, the core score of Glory Mu Shenyi, who is more inclined to the whole team organization, has not reached the peak.
  • . In the competition for the top two, Glory Vine has really come to the first place on our list for the first time. , and the score ahead of Glory Mitsui is not low, so this is enough for the courseware of high-level training. How high is the intensity of Glory Fujima? Although it is not so stable, as long as it is paired with the rebounding duo, it will basically be a match for Glory Fujima. It still has a very high winning rate, and Honor Mitsui is also the same type of player. It is estimated that the official creation of such abnormal Honor players has fully met the previous expectations. The technology is just sublimation, but the player's own strength and richness are the foundation. Hey
  • Crucian carp will not be online this week, so... this time the time interval for new players to be online is as long as 49 days, which directly reduces the interval of 7 weeks. Compared with last year, the efficiency of this kind of player online is Compared with the previous year, there has been a cliff-like decline. Considering that there are fewer and fewer players in the future plan, Weiyi feels that the official is deliberately slowing down the speed of new players to come online, so that it can be done easily. Can change direction to reserve more new players for future versions... Of course, this is just Wei's guess, and the official will definitely not admit this, so everyone can think about it for themselves, because there will be players this year The speed is really too slow!

That’s it for today’s analysis article! Finally, I hope you can follow and repost to support Weiyi. Thank you again for watching!

Hello everyone, I am He Weiyi who is sorting. Today’s article is finally here, our analysis of the first player index list of the new season. In fact, judging from the player performance at the beginning of the season, although there may be some weird phenomena, for example, ther - DayDayNews

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