Now that the concept of the metaverse is hot, a new NFT game has begun to enter the public eye. Even if you have never played it, you must have heard of its name GameFi. The Chinese translation is financial gamification. Simply put, GameFi=NFT+DeFi+ Games, among which NFT is a ne

2024/06/2911:36:32 game 1171

Now that the concept of the metaverse is hot, a new NFT game has begun to enter the public eye. Even if you have never played it, you must have heard of its name GameFi. The Chinese translation is financial gamification. Simply put, GameFi=NFT+DeFi+ Games, among which NFT is a ne - DayDayNews

At the moment when the concept of metaverse and is hot, a new NFT game has begun to enter the public's field of vision. Even if you have never played it, you must have heard of his name GameFi. The Chinese translation is financial gamification. Simply put, GameFi= NFT+DeFi+games, among which NFT is a necessary means of decentralization, corresponding to game equipment and props.

But GameFi 1.0 games have been criticized by gamers for not having gameplay? Mainly because the playability is too low, and they basically cannot escape the card synthesis, investment and mining, and pet raising categories, and are really suitable for GameFi Games must be competitive, such as RPG, MOBA, , and FPS types. Through competitive interaction with others and completing asset exchanges within the economic model , only then can a long-term game group be maintained and investment players will not see currency prices drop. Immediately sell off the equipment and retreat, resulting in a serious mass stampede.

Why are most traditional games not only unable to make money, but also require players to continuously purchase paid props, yet there are still so many players online, contributing huge traffic and money to game manufacturers? The core is the superior playability, which makes Players can gain spiritual added value such as pleasure and a sense of accomplishment. After maintaining a number of core players, this game will always have the loyal support of players as long as there is no accident that greatly affects the balance of the game.

In the GameFi field, the vast majority of players actually enter the market with the idea of ​​investing. So a game that is just fun will not attract more users. Only by truly "Play to Earn" and making money while playing can we attract both game-loving players and investment-focused users, which places higher requirements on the game's financial system, or economic model. In fact, everyone knows very well that the revenue of the game requires a steady stream of new players to enter the game and continue to push up the currency price, so that everyone can see a "floating profit" in their books. The large-scale demise of GameFi 1.0 was precisely because it could not accommodate the support of larger funds and lacked follow-up strength, so it fell one after another. How to extend the life cycle of GameFi, or even continue it, is a question that must be considered.

If we call the single linear game method of NFT mining GameFi 1.0, then the blockchain game in 2022 has entered the GameFi 2.0 era. The leader representing the GameFi 2.0 era is MetaFish, which I will introduce today.

Metafish is based on the mermaid splitting event that occurred in the seventh universe. The story tells that under the worsening global warming , the sea level is gradually rising and almost submerging the last remaining land of mankind-Saar. West Devil, in addition to the rise in sea level, there is also the growth and attack of fish schools. Humans have to raise the turrets in their hands to fight against the odds. By challenging missions in different scenarios and with different equipment, you can obtain corresponding resources and token rewards, and you can improve the capabilities of the turret by forging upgrade functions in the game. As an open and free-style game,

Metafish has designed a complete reward mechanism and economic system for users to become the driving force for game users and promote the development of the game, improving the user experience from the game mechanism. In this game, both users and investors can obtain sustained and risk-free stable returns.

Through the game mechanism, GameFi reduces the entry-level to DeFi, rewards users for continued participation, and thereby extends the life cycle of the project. As new players continue to pour into the game, more and more in-game circulating tokens are produced. However, if the game is not playable, token consumption cannot keep up, and the rate of output is higher than the rate of consumption, the currency price will decline. will fall, players' income will gradually decrease, and the payback cycle will become longer and longer. Metafish will regularly use the proceeds to return platform tokens and destroy them, and the ratio is not fixed, but is determined based on the amount of coins issued within a fixed period, making the game compatible with playability and stabilizing the market price of tokens while improving. A positive cycle mechanism for user income. The economic benefits generated by

GameFi depend on the digital assets in the game, and the game mechanism can build very rich application scenarios for the transactions of these assets.Metafish has set up multiple game scenes and diversified equipment to enrich the gameplay and mechanics of the game. Different scenes are aimed at different user groups. Users can choose whether to continue the game after experiencing it. In this way, users not only get an excellent game experience but also Corresponding benefits were obtained from the game. As long as the playability is high and the application scenarios are attractive, it will continue to attract players to play, and value will continue to be generated and overflow. And the more players there are, the richer the possible transaction methods, and the more value and income will increase. This is something that pure financial activities do not have. Projects with strong playability will naturally gather players and form a community, attracting players to conduct technical exchanges, analyze game data and rules, and share tutorials and strategies. With the increase of player users, the formation of game communities will further expand the game ecology and game influence, forming a good community positive cycle. GameFi has a natural advantage in community building. It can establish a decentralized autonomous organization in the form of DAO governance, and transform participants into owners and managers of the entire community through token issuance to achieve full connection between players.

As the number of players, elements and activities in the game world increases, it will gradually develop into a "complex system" and develop its own "natural laws" and digestion capabilities. Build a more realistic economic cycle in the game.

Metafish is committed to creating a DApp game and community in the Web3 metaverse. The game is driven by virtualized role settings and corresponding token rewards and decentralized governance and construction. It will form its own fishing civilization.

If a chain game only focuses on the financial system and uses revenue to attract players, it will definitely experience a periodic and periodic collapse, and will be gradually eliminated due to weak gameplay and the dissipation of hot spots. Only by building the game itself well, making the game scenes richer, and the main plot more attractive, and at the same time recycling the economic model to further form a social, autonomous community or union ecology, can we gain a firm foothold in the GameFi 2.0 and 3.0 eras. At present, Metafish has great potential, we will wait and see.

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