#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue!

2024/06/2911:35:33 game 1348

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, in today’s issue let’s talk about the perfect world!

As we all know, there are three female protagonists in Perfect World, namely Huo Ling'er , Yuechan and Yun Xi . In fact, the book Perfect World mainly tells about the invincible journey of Huangtian Emperor . As for other characters For example, these three heroines don't have many scenes, but if we say who has been with Shi Hao the longest, it must be Fairy Yuechan. She has the most scenes in the whole book, but because of her role in becoming an immortal Due to her obsession and taking the wrong path, she and Shi Hao still missed each other. Today, the author will tell the story of this fairy who is difficult to calm down!


The genius of the upper world comes to the lower world to attract talents~

Fairy Yuechan was originally a fairy from the Butian Sect, an ancient religion. Later, she practiced a spell that turned her original body into two independent individuals. The main body of Yuechan remained You should do whatever you have to do, and the second-incarnation Yuechan came to the lower world to recruit talented people. Regardless of the influence of the name of the second-incarnation Yuechan, in fact, these two independent individuals are essentially the same, but the second-incarnation Yuechan and Shi Hao have experienced a lot. As a result, her personality changed, and she eventually became a completely different independent entity from her main body Yue Chan. It is said that Yue Chan was tricked this time...

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews

Yue Chan originally took a fancy to Shi Yi and successfully recruited him. But at the same time, she discovered Shi Hao's amazing talent and wanted to draw him into the Butian Sect. But who would have thought that Fairy Tianhu would come to cause trouble? Fairy Tianhu and Fairy Yuechan were in opposing Taoist traditions. , so no matter what Yuechan did, Fairy Tianhu always came to make trouble for her. Fairy Tianhu, also known as the witch, discovered Shi Hao's talent, so she started her plan to cultivate a boy. Speaking of which, Shi Hao and the witch The relationship was better. Of course, these were based on common interests. Later, Yuechan united with the geniuses of the three religions and prepared to forcibly turn the Shi Kingdom into a puppet of the three religions. Fortunately, Shi Hao became the Human Emperor, otherwise the ten thousand-year-old foundation of the Stone Kingdom would have been lost. No guarantee!

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews02

lost Jingzhou! Yuechan was actually accepted as a maid by Shi Hao?

After Shi Hao inherited the throne, he fought with the three religions. Relying on the blessing of dragon energy and magic circle, he actually repelled the genius of the three religions. However, Fairy Yuechan was unlucky. Shi Hao used magic weapons to kill her. Yue Chan was captured and then forcibly taken as a maid, and the relationship between the two began to change from this point on. While serving Shi Hao, Yuechan was always teased by him, and was also attracted by Shi Hao's mother Qin Yining, so she organized the wedding of Shi Hao and Yuechan. Even though Yuechan was reluctant in every possible way, at this time she He was sealed and his cultivation was powerless to resist.

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews

On the wedding day, Shi Hao also took away Fairy Yue Chan's first kiss. Just when Shi Hao was preparing for the next step, Yue Chan's main body came and tried to kill the secondary body. Holy, but Yuechan's secondary body was captured by Shi Hao, and her independent consciousness was too strong, so the main body had to kill her, and then Yuechan's main body fought with Shi Hao. Yue Chan's secondary body still wanted to trick Shi Hao, but not only Yue Chan's secondary body couldn't escape, but even Yue Chan's main body was taught a lesson by Shi Hao, and finally escaped in despair... Wait until Shi Hao carried Yue Chan on his back After returning to the village, Yue Chan discovered Shi Hao's gentle face. It turned out that the invincible Huangtian Emperor sometimes moved people. After that, Yue Chan gradually developed strange feelings for Shi Hao.

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews03

Shi Hao died in battle, and Yue Chan returned to the upper realm...

Even though Emperor Huang Tian was invincible, he was only invincible at the same level. If a strong man several levels stronger than him came to fight him, even Shi Hao would feel it. At that time, when the Seven Gods of the Eight Realms Catastrophe descended to the lower realm, Shi Hao fought with them for their lives, but he still couldn't escape death... After Shi Hao died in the battle, Yue Chan was released in his second body. She already had some feelings for Shi Cun and Shi Hao. There was a trace of reluctance for Shi Hao, but because of Yuechan's inner obsession with becoming an immortal, she returned to the upper world without hesitation and joined the Tianxian Academy to become Qingyi .

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews

Later, Shi Hao was resurrected and came to Sanqian Daozhou. The two met in the Tianxian Academy. After Shi Hao helped Qingyi obtain the Qingyue Flame, the relationship between the two quickly heated up. The two met again in the ancient ruins of the Immortal, but At the same time, the main body Yue Chan also came to join in the fun. Here the main body Yue Chan laid a trap in an attempt to surrender Qingyi and Shi Hao. However, when Yue Chan and Qing Yi merged, Qing Yi chose to have a sexual intercourse with Shi Hao. In fact, Shi Hao and Yue Chan have established a relationship, but things went wrong and they missed it in the end...

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews04

Qingyi entered the fairyland, and when he saw Shi Hao again, things were different...

Qingyi had completely sunk, It was just a chance encounter back then, but now she has feelings for Shi Hao. Later, the dark turmoil came, and Shi Hao was abandoned by the immortal to spend the rest of his life in the lower world. At this time, Yun Xi never left Shi Hao, and finally Shi Hao and Yun Xi ended up I can’t tell what the relationship is. I think Shi Hao is more responsible for Yun Xi. At this time, Qingyi has merged with the main body Yuechan, and Qingyi takes the dominant position. When she sees Shi Hao In the end, there was only regret. If Shi Hao had not left that year, it would not have been Yun Xi's turn to take the lead. The author also felt that it was such a pity...

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews

Although Shi Hao is extremely powerful, he is extremely high-profile in his work and is trying to attack the Immortal King Realm. At that time, the three immortal kings decisively took action to kill Shi Hao. When Qingyi learned the news about Shi Hao, she regretted it. Because she could not accompany Shi Hao, she missed her obsession with becoming an immortal again and again. Being too serious caused Qingyi to lose the opportunity to spend the rest of his life with the one he loved; when Shi Hao returned 500,000 years later, he directly killed the three immortal kings, but when Qingyi saw him again, Shi Hao was surrounded by There are already Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi, but Qingyi has nothing left...

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews05

Summary: Fortunately, Chen Dong is kind-hearted!

After all, Shi Hao still loves Qingyi the most. In the early days, Shi Hao always chased Qingyi, but unfortunately, Yun Xi took the opportunity later. Huo Ling'er was the person Shi Hao felt most sorry for. She was in the dark After suffering so much and waiting for so many years, Huo Ling'er finally got married to Shi Hao's lover, but there was too much sadness in the process to mention. Perhaps Huo Ling'er finally became the strongest among the three female protagonists. It must be Chen Dong's compensation for her!

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews

As for Qingyi and Shi Hao, they missed and lost again and again. After all, they could not go back to the way they were before when they finally met. They obviously loved each other but still could not achieve success. Perhaps this is the biggest difficulty in a perfect world. ! Fortunately, Chen Dong was kind-hearted, and finally got a good result for Qingyi and Shi Hao in the Holy Ruins. Qingyi lived in the "Qingyi Pure Land" in the Huangtian Emperor's dojo. Also living here were Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi, but compared with the two of them, Qingyi is really upset. Fortunately, Chen Dong is kind-hearted and allows people like Shi Yi and Ten Crowns to live well. This kind of happy ending is wonderful. ! It's just that the lines in it are too awkward, what about sleeping for 500,000 years, and tens of thousands of years have passed in a flash, and an era has ended... The time span is too big, and it seems confusing, so it takes a while to remember the specific story. So exciting!

#PerfectWorld# Hello friends, let’s talk about the perfect world in today’s issue! - DayDayNews

Okay friends, this issue’s explanation of Perfect World Yue Chan is complete. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

  • I am Qingren, looking forward to your attention!

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