The physical system, like the legal system, still has two indicators: speed and damage. When there is a magic system in the team, the physics system must be faster than the magic system, so as to ensure that monsters do not fly as much as possible (animation of knocking them off

2024/07/0113:36:32 game 1803

The physics system has the same two indicators as the legal system: speed and damage.

When there is a legal system in the team, the physical system must be faster than the legal system, so as to ensure that monsters are not flying one by one (animation of knocking them off one by one)

The physical system, like the legal system, still has two indicators: speed and damage. When there is a magic system in the team, the physics system must be faster than the magic system, so as to ensure that monsters do not fly as much as possible (animation of knocking them off  - DayDayNews

So, we are back to the source of everything - Xumi

Xumi It is faster than monsters, the magic system is faster than Xumi, and the physics system is faster than the magic system.

speed is very easy to determine.

As for damage, the panels of the physics department cannot be uniform, especially after 129.

is mainly affected by the following factors:

1. The master passive skills

have large differences in damage and hit bonuses, some add more, and some Some add less, some don't add...

2, weapons

Generally, physics departments will choose not to grind, except for Datang (the sect's characteristic is that the durability consumption of equipment is halved, so there is a high possibility of choosing high-damage weapons)

3, Sets

Generally, physics departments will choose power sets, except for STL and LBC (transformation sets and broken star sets)

4. Racial characteristics

Racial characteristics lead to the difference in basic damage

Demons: 1 strength = 0.77 damage

Humans: 1 strength =0.67 damage

Immortal clan: 1 strength = 0.57 damage

5, Fifth Dan

The additional damage to the meridians of most sects will be displayed on the panel, and individual sects will not display it: such as LBC's "Evil Qi", STL's "Nine Heavens", etc. ?

After explaining the background, here are the physics department standard attributes organized by Dongshan for your reference.

The physical system, like the legal system, still has two indicators: speed and damage. When there is a magic system in the team, the physics system must be faster than the magic system, so as to ensure that monsters do not fly as much as possible (animation of knocking them off  - DayDayNews

1, 69 physics department standard attributes

comprehensive speed 300-335, unqualified damage 1200-1300

2, 89 physics department standard attributes

comprehensive speed 370-405 , unmatched damage 1400-1500

3, 109 Physics Department standard attributes

comprehensive speed 435-470, unmatched damage 1700-1800

4, 129 Physics Department (5 Dan) standard attributes

comprehensive speed 500-535, unmatched damage: Wuzhuang 1950 -2050, Shituoling / Lingbo City 2000-2100, Huaguo Mountain 2200-2300, Datang 2300-2400

5, 159 Physics Department Standard Attributes

Comprehensive speed 600-635, unqualified damage: Shituoling /Lingbo City 2500-2600, Datang, whatever? (Only recommend these three sects after overcoming the tribulation, the last one to draw...)

6, 175 Physics Department standard attributes

comprehensive speed 650-685, unqualified damage: Shituoling/Lingbo City 2600-2700, Datang, whatever?

Well, today’s sharing ends here. If you like it, don’t forget to like, collect and follow. I am Dongshan. See you next time. Farewell!

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