The second day of the fourth biweekly regular season of the Everlasting Professional League NBPL has come to a perfect end. In the three rows, the 17th and JL teams temporarily ranked first with a total score of 83.7, the FPXZQ team ranked second with 70.3 points, and the XCG tea

2024/07/0112:42:32 game 1184
The second day of the fourth biweekly regular season of

Everlasting Professional League NBPL has come to a perfect end. In the three-tiered competition, the 17th and JL teams temporarily ranked first with a total score of 83.7, the FPXZQ team ranked second with 70.3 points, and XCG The team ranked third with 57.6 points. The best performing team today is undoubtedly the GG team, especially the performance of the three gods in the finals, which is undoubtedly the highlight!

The second day of the fourth biweekly regular season of the Everlasting Professional League NBPL has come to a perfect end. In the three rows, the 17th and JL teams temporarily ranked first with a total score of 83.7, the FPXZQ team ranked second with 70.3 points, and the XCG tea - DayDayNews

In the competition version of NBPL, the new weapon Dual Blades finally appeared. However, this new weapon did not seem to have much outstanding performance in the competition. Instead, every team in the lineup began to flourish. Although the selection rate of the double-change lineup is very high in this version, the lineup of double-skinned milk + Big Buddha seems to have become the target of many teams. The first team to use this lineup was the FPXZQ team. When the GG team used this lineup today, the effect was quite good. The

The second day of the fourth biweekly regular season of the Everlasting Professional League NBPL has come to a perfect end. In the three rows, the 17th and JL teams temporarily ranked first with a total score of 83.7, the FPXZQ team ranked second with 70.3 points, and the XCG tea - DayDayNews

GG team played very well in the early and mid-term of this game. They scored four kills on the landing, and were also persuaded by other teams in the middle. Because the GG team has a double-skinned lineup, if they can't beat the little devil, they will just run away. This is also one of the advantages of this lineup. If you cannot defeat them, you can leave the battlefield directly. This is something Yueshan cannot do. Although the three gods were in the lineup in the mid-term, the little devil once again saved one with his ultimate move. This wave of GG defeated them with two more.

The second day of the fourth biweekly regular season of the Everlasting Professional League NBPL has come to a perfect end. In the three rows, the 17th and JL teams temporarily ranked first with a total score of 83.7, the FPXZQ team ranked second with 70.3 points, and the XCG tea - DayDayNews

In the later finals, the 3 Gods finally started to exert their strength. They occupied the high point and transformed into the Big Buddha for the first time to take away Xiaonan and Shuaiguo with double grabs. The second time they transformed into the Big Buddha and took away Ziyu and Benchu ​​with the double grabs of the 3 Gods. , the last wave of 3 God Genjue, after being banned from the skill, directly grabbed Li Xinghen and poisoned him to death in the dark area. Then, with remaining health, the three gods once again double-grabbed to end the game, and the GG team successfully won the chosen one!

The second day of the fourth biweekly regular season of the Everlasting Professional League NBPL has come to a perfect end. In the three rows, the 17th and JL teams temporarily ranked first with a total score of 83.7, the FPXZQ team ranked second with 70.3 points, and the XCG tea - DayDayNews

During the interview after the game, the teammates couldn't help but praise the three gods as "the biggest Buddha in the world". Their performance in the finals was really amazing! What's just ridiculous is that Sanshen said in the interview that he doesn't like to be interviewed on the English stream because no one watches the English stream. As a result, when the female hosts Ya Ge and Chen Yu found out about this, they became angry instantly. They even said that next time they would ask the director to appoint three gods to accept interviews in English, and the program would be very effective!

The second day of the fourth biweekly regular season of the Everlasting Professional League NBPL has come to a perfect end. In the three rows, the 17th and JL teams temporarily ranked first with a total score of 83.7, the FPXZQ team ranked second with 70.3 points, and the XCG tea - DayDayNews

It can be seen that 3 God is still a little introverted, which is not a social attribute! But the Big Buddha of the Three Gods is indeed strong, and the double grip is too harsh. What do you think?

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