On July 15th, Beijing time, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the FPX.ZQ team's interview, the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, and the Gr team Interviews with the teams th

2024/07/0112:41:32 game 1254

Beijing time on July 15th, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the interview of the FPX.ZQ team, and the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, Gr The team defeated the GW team’s interviews. Please see the interview records of the three winning teams below.

The following is an interview with the Reborn team:

On July 15th, Beijing time, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the FPX.ZQ team's interview, the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, and the Gr team Interviews with the teams th - DayDayNews

Q: In the second game of the chair battle, you frightened the magician who came to the rescue. Can you talk about the game ideas?

Yan: Because he is in a stuck state, let him get stuck, and when his state is about to improve, make some fake moves to trick him into saving him.

Q: In the latter part of the second game, you switched skills to abnormal field control and won the key four draws. Can you talk about your thoughts on field control?

Yan: As long as the conjurer is knocked down before the progress of the cipher machine ends, it will be at least three draws.

Q: In the opening game of the third game, the "Apostles" left the acrobats at the door to keep the tie. Can you talk about the operational ideas for the opening game?

Yan: The second-level "apostle", jumps and dodges, just keep it casually.

On July 15th, Beijing time, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the FPX.ZQ team's interview, the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, and the Gr team Interviews with the teams th - DayDayNews

Q: In the third game, the mechanic restrained the Dream Witch until nearly four cryptographic machines were decrypted. Can you talk about the containment ideas?

Tx: Contain and decipher at the same time. I also play like a witch. If he controls the field, I will decipher it.

Q: In the third game, when facing the Dream Witch, she held her chair and controlled the field, saving the mechanic and and entering the undertaker . What was your operational thinking at that time?

JMT: If the ball doesn't knock over, I will use my life force to save him. If it does, I will save him without injury, and then he will use parasitism to stabilize himself.

Q: Please give a comprehensive evaluation of today’s performance.

coach: The supervisor scored 9 points, and some details can be optimized. I’d give Survivor 7 points. There were too many flaws today. I’ll review it again when I get back. Thank you all.

The following is an interview with the WBG team:

On July 15th, Beijing time, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the FPX.ZQ team's interview, the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, and the Gr team Interviews with the teams th - DayDayNews

Q: In the first game, the striker used a wonderful game to contain the opponent for 136 seconds. Can you share your containment ideas?

iron: Just run and you're done.

Q: In the opening battle of the third game, you saved the "Psychologist" twice in key situations and held the team back for a long time. In the end, it was a smooth draw. Can you talk about your operational ideas?
MK: In this case, it all depends on personal awareness and on-the-spot operation. If he doesn’t catch me in one wave, I have no chance.

Q: In the early stage of the third game, the acrobat was quickly knocked down and hung to the basement. Can you talk about the pursuit ideas?

Ymm: Just drag it to the basement to contain it.

On July 15th, Beijing time, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the FPX.ZQ team's interview, the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, and the Gr team Interviews with the teams th - DayDayNews

Q: After eliminating the Gravekeeper in the opening game of the third game, the "psychologist" was left at the limit. Can you share your ideas for controlling the field in the opening game?

Ymm: Good luck, just the last second.

Q: In the third game, the Fisher Girl was chosen to win the game. Can you talk about the advantage of the Fisher Girl in Lakeview Village?

Ymm: If you have the opportunity to grab it quickly, ban the mercenary and there will be no bad points.

Q: Please give a comprehensive evaluation of today’s performance. Coach

: 8 points, come on, Oli gives it!

The following is an interview with the Gr team:

On July 15th, Beijing time, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the FPX.ZQ team's interview, the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, and the Gr team Interviews with the teams th - DayDayNews

Q: You scored four points in the opening game of the first game. Can you talk about the operational ideas in the opening game?

ppx: There are people on hand, and there are people in front of you. Give priority to the people in front.

Q: In the third game, you dodged the Air Force flare gun and hit a double down. Can you talk about how you played the game?

ppx: He had a gun, so I pretended to give him a chance to shoot, and then used the building to hide.

Q: In the third game, you controlled the field and completed three captures. Can you talk about Hongdie's play style in Yongmian Town?

ppx: Chase in the early stage, double upside down and then control the field.

On July 15th, Beijing time, the first day of the seventh week of the Identity V IVL Summer Split officially started. In today's game, the Reborn team defeated the FPX.ZQ team's interview, the WBG team defeated the MRC team's interview, and the Gr team Interviews with the teams th - DayDayNews

Q: In the third game, Hongdie was restrained until nearly three cipher machines were decrypted. Can you talk about the restraint ideas?

Tea: Just turn it over and back when there is a board on your face, and the progress of the cipher machine is enough.

Q: You completed four runs in the opening game of the third game. Can you share your operational ideas for the opening game?

heart: Good luck.

Q: Please give a comprehensive evaluation of today’s performance. Coach

: 8 points, keep up the good work.

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