You may have heard a while ago that Shenyi, a player who went overseas to join the North American division, did not show his worth in North America. If it was just like this, everyone would understand it, but what caught everyone's attention was that the TSM team actually posted

2024/06/2911:58:32 game 1027

You may have heard a while ago that Shenyi, a player who went overseas to join the North American division, did not show his worth in North America. Instead, he was continuously demoted by the home team, and had previously been demoted to the second-team league. Before the summer split was over, the TSM team where the miracle doctor belonged to officially announced that it would give up the player Miracle Doctor. If it was just like this, everyone would understand it, but what caught everyone's attention was that the TSM team actually posted a long article criticizing and satirizing the Miracle Doctor player. This unusual incident quickly attracted the attention of netizens on the Internet. What’s even more interesting is that the North American division official announced yesterday that the boss of TSM is suspected of bullying his employees.

You may have heard a while ago that Shenyi, a player who went overseas to join the North American division, did not show his worth in North America. If it was just like this, everyone would understand it, but what caught everyone's attention was that the TSM team actually posted  - DayDayNews

Brothers who have visited the forum recently must have heard about the miracle doctor. The original substitute assistant of FPX performed amazingly when he replaced Liu Qingsong during the summer split last year. Therefore, at the beginning of this year, he received a contract from the well-known North American team TSM. At that time, everyone thought that Miracle Doctor could make a name for himself on the other side of the ocean, and maybe lead the team to meet the LPL team in the World Championship. But unfortunately, things went against expectations. Due to language barriers and personality issues, Miracle Doctor did not have a smooth life in TSM. He was even demoted to the secondary league after the spring split. Therefore, Miracle Doctor's dismissal was expected.

You may have heard a while ago that Shenyi, a player who went overseas to join the North American division, did not show his worth in North America. If it was just like this, everyone would understand it, but what caught everyone's attention was that the TSM team actually posted  - DayDayNews

But what everyone didn’t expect was that Miracle Doctor was ridiculed by his boss when he was fired. TSM officials stated that Miracle Doctor was incompatible with the team due to language problems when he was on the home team, and then gradually became a liability to the team when he was transferred to the Development League for training. , in terms of hero pool and laning ability, it is far inferior to the existing support mia of the second team, and the miracle doctor player has no fighting spirit at all. After joining the second team, he quickly entered a state of failure. Many netizens expressed their surprise after seeing TSM's official remarks. After all, even if this kind of thing is true, it should at least be resolved privately and not be directly advertised when people leave.

You may have heard a while ago that Shenyi, a player who went overseas to join the North American division, did not show his worth in North America. If it was just like this, everyone would understand it, but what caught everyone's attention was that the TSM team actually posted  - DayDayNews

And more importantly, the club itself is problematic. Prior to this, TSM's boss had been suspected by many industry insiders of mistreating employees, and the North American league officials had specifically intervened in the investigation. After the miracle doctor incident, North American officials once again reviewed the TSM club. This incident finally made the latest progress. According to the official announcement of the North American League, it was verified that the boss of TSM had indeed belittled and bullied players and employees. The official fined the TSM club $75,000 for this, and required TSM's boss to complete relevant training within 60 days and undergo a two-year inspection.

You may have heard a while ago that Shenyi, a player who went overseas to join the North American division, did not show his worth in North America. If it was just like this, everyone would understand it, but what caught everyone's attention was that the TSM team actually posted  - DayDayNews

Not only that, North America has also set up a special hotline for the TSM club, and TSM employees or other people are welcome to report the team as soon as possible. It can be seen that the miracle doctor has indeed received some unfair treatment in TSM, and it is worth noting that these treatments have occurred for a long time. This is not a temporary situation, so fans in North America are now criticizing the TSM boss and demanding a public apology. However, the TSM boss has not made any statement about this yet, but the Miracle Doctor's departure has become an established fact. It is estimated that the miracle doctor will come back to compete in LDL.

You may have heard a while ago that Shenyi, a player who went overseas to join the North American division, did not show his worth in North America. If it was just like this, everyone would understand it, but what caught everyone's attention was that the TSM team actually posted  - DayDayNews

League of Legends is the same as Liu Yifei endorsed Hot Blood Attack, both are games that require exquisite teamwork to win. Verbal communication is the basis of teamwork. From this point of view, Miracle Doctor is indeed not suitable for the North American team. It is a good thing to come back. At least he can still use his commanding skills in China. What do you guys think of this?

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