Number of people: 6 people Type: Ancient style Emotion Mechanism Restoration and release: Chang Geng drama production Duration: 3-4 hours "Nine Songs" script killing review Story synopsis It is a good and auspicious day, in order to please the gods, the whole country is respectfu

2024/07/0100:56:32 game 1977

Number of people: 6 people
Type: Restoration of ancient emotional mechanism
Release: Chang Geng drama production
Duration: 3-4 hours

Number of people: 6 people Type: Ancient style Emotion Mechanism Restoration and release: Chang Geng drama production Duration: 3-4 hours

Number of people: 6 people Type: Ancient style Emotion Mechanism Restoration and release: Chang Geng drama production Duration: 3-4 hours

"Nine Songs" script killing review story introduction
It is a good time and auspicious day, in order to please the gods, the whole country is respectful and solemn. .
The king of the human world stroked the agate-inlaid hilt of the long sword with his hand, and walked towards the altar step by step. The jade pendants on his waist collided together, and the sound was clear and sweet.
The table is covered with an exquisite Yao mat, and the sacrifices on the mat are overflowing with fragrance. Huicao meat wrapped in orchids is placed on it, and next to it is wine made from osmanthus and pepper flowers.
The drums of the musicians around are long and soothing, and the five-note symphony of Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu creates a peaceful image.
The witch dressed in exquisite clothes danced to the vocal music, and the whole hall was filled with beauty. I only hope that the god can bring happiness and health to the world.

Introduction to the killing characters in the script of "Nine Songs":
Aqiao (female) - adapted from Qu Yuan "The Ghost of Jiuge Mountain". If someone comes to the mountain.
Meng Ying (female) - adapted from Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs of Xiangjun". I miss you so much.
A Li (female) - adapted from Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs of Lesser Siming". Don't be sad because of separation.
Zixi (male) - adapted from Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs of Great Siming". No one knows what I did.
Changlie (male) - adapted from Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs of Dongjun". Raise a long arrow to shoot at the wolf.
Feng Yi (male) - adapted from Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs of the River". The spirit is only in the water.

Highlights of the "Nine Songs" script
The script is adapted from Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs", using "The Book of Songs" and "Chu Song" as the basis, and "Zhou Ji" as the big mechanism, to interpret the tragic songs of humans and gods in the Eastern Zhou period. There are no tangled emotional lines, the plot is "thoughtful and innocent", and both lovers and non-couples can eat it with confidence. 1.8W words to read, divided into multiple scenes, no reading fatigue.
"Nine Songs" is a real commercial emotional book, with more than 30 cars tested. The writing and story are very suitable for players. There is no self-expression of the author, and only the BE ending with enough stamina to make players feel uneasy all night long.
"Nine Songs" is a book that makes players cry! ! A book that will make players come to this store again next time!
emotional crisis! !
boss! Players say we bought a bad copy! Went to another store!
boss! Emotional players are being lost! !
boss! Players are laughing again!
boss! Players can’t immerse themselves!
"Nine Songs" is a true commercial emotional book, without the author's self-expression, only the BE ending with enough stamina to make players feel uneasy all night long.
"Nine Songs" is a book that makes players cry! ! A book that will make players come to this store again next time!

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