Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game is a top turn-based game owned by NetEase. It is a game that spans the entire youth of players in their 80s and 90s. When it comes to Fantasy Westward Journey, what an ordinary player wanted most in those days was What?

2024/06/2905:04:32 game 1437

Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game is a top turn-based game under NetEase. It is a game that spans the entire youth of players in their 80s and 90s. When it comes to Fantasy Westward Journey, this game was what an ordinary player wanted to get the most. What is the thing? I think it should be a mythical beast plus a weapon that is not to say levelless, even a simple weapon. When you form a team, you can see the envious eyes of your teammates and the "666" on the team channel. It doesn't feel that great. Feeling comfortable.

Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game is a top turn-based game owned by NetEase. It is a game that spans the entire youth of players in their 80s and 90s. When it comes to Fantasy Westward Journey, what an ordinary player wanted most in those days was What? - DayDayNews

Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game has unlimited fairy jade, no levels online, all-red summoned beasts

game features

can stop 69, 89, 109, 129 card level play, single player multiplayer PK battle, the highest level of weapons is 160, build 150 equipment. Books and iron can be purchased in shopping malls. This attribute of no level appears randomly on equipment (depending on the face). 12 constellations, earth evil spirits, etc. greatly increase the chance of obtaining the five treasures. Advanced treasure maps can mine everything (advanced Warcraft Essentials, advanced book iron, spiritual spirit). (Accessories, etc.) Equipment, baby, no customization, return your level-free dream!

Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game is a top turn-based game owned by NetEase. It is a game that spans the entire youth of players in their 80s and 90s. When it comes to Fantasy Westward Journey, what an ordinary player wanted most in those days was What? - DayDayNews

How to play

Ordinary babies can be directly purchased and refined, synthesized, and cultivated in the illustrated book

Spirit beast babies can be actively captured in the corresponding scenes where the baby appears

Spirit beasts can be improved and synthesized using the mythical beast pill, and the chance of synthesizing multiple skills is higher

Super The official mythical beast, which can be redeemed with Shen Doudou and cannot be refined. You can use the mythical beast pill to upgrade and synthesize

. The most powerful item for the summoned beast (Qianye Lulian) can reset the baby's level and regain the summoned beast's attribute points (it can reduce the baby's level by up to 40, one baby Can be used up to 2 times)

Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game is a top turn-based game owned by NetEase. It is a game that spans the entire youth of players in their 80s and 90s. When it comes to Fantasy Westward Journey, what an ordinary player wanted most in those days was What? - DayDayNews

Game guide (how civilian players should develop)

  1. Leading a team and being the captain can get captain points [can only be obtained if the team has more than 3 people, ghost hunting cannot be obtained, in order to avoid random brushing of trumpets] captain points can be obtained in Character attribute column - information - point redemption view

[Captain points are equivalent to recharge and can be exchanged for various rare props in the game]

  1. If you are active every day, you will have VIP experience, and you can receive the first recharge reward in the game
  2. Subdue monsters in the secret realm every day You can buy fairy jade for free, and the top ten must-play sects have
  3. 155 levels. You can use the reincarnation pill to downgrade to level 60. After reincarnation, each attribute point will add 300
  4. . The master's task can produce the god Doudou.

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