TS4 Sound Tool is independently developed by ID denton47, a senior developer in the Sims overseas community (some additional underlying code and database information come from ID CmarNYC and ID Peter L Jones). The latest version is 1.1.14; this version corresponds to the latest W

2024/06/2905:05:33 game 1406

TS4 Sound Tool was independently developed by ID denton47, a senior developer in the Sims overseas community (part of the additional underlying code and database information for comes from ID CmarNYC and ID Peter L Jones). The latest version is 1.1.14; this version corresponds to the latest Wolf Home DLC, students who need it can pick it up and update it themselves.

related tips: Sound Tool has been introduced before. Its main function is to listen to and extract all the sound track documents (BGM, sound effects, dubbing clips, etc. ) in and The Sims 4. Another function is to replace various original files. Although the sound track is very interesting, such operations can easily damage the original files of the game. If it is not necessary, it is best not to perform such operations ( or make the corresponding file backup in advance yourself ); in addition, the APP still has no Chinese, but it is not difficult to use. If you really have difficulty reading, you can use it with the OCR translation function of 163 Dictionary (, if you have other useful similar apps, you can also use ).

This APP is not directly related to the main program of The Sims 4. There is no need to put it into the game archive or MOD path. You can just make the archive record yourself so that you don’t have to look for it everywhere when needed ( As long as your Sims 4 is logged in normally After clearing the system registry, the software can automatically identify the root directory of the game (); in addition, the software needs to rely on a set of audio encoding packages to start normally. It has been built in and can be used after decompression.

The Sims 4 Sound Tool - 1.1.14

TS4 Sound Tool is independently developed by ID denton47, a senior developer in the Sims overseas community (some additional underlying code and database information come from ID CmarNYC and ID Peter L Jones). The latest version is 1.1.14; this version corresponds to the latest W - DayDayNews

TS4 Sound Tool is independently developed by ID denton47, a senior developer in the Sims overseas community (some additional underlying code and database information come from ID CmarNYC and ID Peter L Jones). The latest version is 1.1.14; this version corresponds to the latest W - DayDayNews

TS4 Sound Tool is independently developed by ID denton47, a senior developer in the Sims overseas community (some additional underlying code and database information come from ID CmarNYC and ID Peter L Jones). The latest version is 1.1.14; this version corresponds to the latest W - DayDayNews

Supported systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc ( theoretically supports Win 8, Win 10 and Win11)

software package sharing:

Lanzouyun ( direct Chain ) wwi.lanzoup.com/i52fT07v7qyb Get the code ddde

Additional remarks: This software has a very interesting function of adding your own custom music channel. The original game does not have this function. You can only add music with other channels Mixing, but the stability of this function is not yet certain and it needs to rely on an external XML MOD ( wait for the individual to figure out the specific development process before announcing the relevant step instructions ), considering that EA officials occasionally add new radio stations, Therefore, beware of any underlying code conflicts between custom radio stations and the original program.

Finally, this resource is still the original author’s free and public content. Any third-party individuals or sites are not allowed to reprint or upload it in the form of borrowing chickens to lay eggs. If you find this kind of situation, please do not Be fooled ( do not pay or recharge, it is basically a scam, many modders have reminded you of this ).

update instructions: There may be omissions and incompleteness in the description of . If you need more details, please search and check the description of the corresponding project homepage ( Some third-party referral pages will also provide relevant descriptions ).

P.S: For the sake of safety and security, it is recommended that you use the security APP suite on your own system to filter after downloading it. If the file size is small, you can also use the third-party online virus checking website that I have mentioned many times before. Verify ( generally does not exceed 20MB and is allowed to be packaged as a compressed file, but it must be connected to the Internet for normal use; therefore, it is recommended to mainly use the security APP suite in your own computer, and try to keep the associated virus database updated at any time. Status ), make sure everything is normal before decompressing it for use; although these documents have been scanned with the latest virus database of tinder before uploading, you still have to be cautious about the free network disk service used by third parties ( third-party platform Occasionally, there will be some situations, especially the versions packaged by APP bloggers themselves. For example, they themselves were infected with computer viruses or the homepage of the project they led was hacked and did not discover and deal with in time). In short, drive with caution. Boat.

Written by: Allan.Jr.Cylakes / Matthew.T.Raccoon / Erick.W.Knight / Jack.R.Growl / Natte.F.Simonz

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