A short-sighted boy had a crush on a girl whose name had the word "lan" in it. So on a dark and stormy night, the boy placed a candle with the word "lan" downstairs in the girls' dormitory. The whole school was in a state of excitement. Boys and girls in the dormitories on both s


A boy had a crush on a girl, and the girl's name contained the word "lan". So on a dark and stormy night, the boy placed a candle with the word "lan" downstairs in the girls' dormitory. The whole school was boiling. Under the cheers of the boys and girls in the dormitory, the girl rushed downstairs, slapped the boy viciously, and left in tears. Everyone was puzzled.

The female roommate said to him, are you short-sighted? You put it the other way around. Looking from upstairs to downstairs, it’s 38! ! !

Xiaobing said: At first glance, it seems that you haven’t done enough work and you don’t know how to work hard!

Backless skirt

Early in the morning, my brother called me, looking like he was hesitant to talk: There is something I don’t know whether to talk about or not?

My heart trembled, and I said nervously: What is the relationship between us? If you have anything to say, just say it!

He hesitated: Your girlfriend drank too much last night and insisted on letting us see her wearing the newly bought backless skirt.

I felt relieved: it doesn’t matter if I show my back.

Brother: She wore it inside out...

Xiaobing said: You're stupid, she wore it inside out on purpose!


An old man from the countryside went to the hospital because his cough could not be cured for a long time. Doctor: How old are you? How long have you been coughing? Old man: 62, I have been coughing for two months. The doctor arranged for an examination such as chest X-ray and , and there was nothing wrong. Doctor

: It's nothing, no need to prescribe medicine. Just smoke less when you go back. If the symptoms don't subside in half a month, it won't come back again. Half a month later, the old man came again... Doctor: How are you? Old man: It's serious. Doctor: Didn’t I tell you to smoke less? Old man: Yes, I’ll listen to you, half a box a day. The doctor thought it couldn't be done, why was it so serious? He asked with a confused look: How much did he smoke? The old man: It turns out that he doesn’t know how to smoke...

Xiaobing said: A generation of quack doctors is forcing the old man to get more and more serious! Friendly reminder from

: The content is sometimes very general, so don’t pay special attention to likes and comments, just have fun. The pictures come from the Internet!