The girl just broke up with her boyfriend and needs to vent. Master, stop the car quickly. I'm hanging on your car. Let me down! I met a girl on the bus who is my type. I was about to go up and strike up a conversation. But I hesitated when I saw the pants she was wearing. Hahaha

I have to say that the quality of this rod is really good.

The girl just broke up with her boyfriend and needs to vent.

Master, stop the car quickly. I'm hanging on your car. Let me down!

Uncle, you have caught up with the trend. This is the first time I have seen this kind of car.

Be happy every day of your life, don’t care how you celebrate your birthday.

Oops, the car is on fire and the boss is waiting to drive.

Unexpected, purely accidental! Forgive me for laughing unkindly!

This dog is really enjoying himself. He is so comfortable that he doesn’t even want to get up.

suddenly found himself behind the times!

The weak woman in your eyes looks like this after drinking.

Brother, you can really do exercise anywhere, don’t you feel uncomfortable?

Brother, you are so economical. The last click is the essence of the entire service!

I met a girl on the bus who is my type. I was about to strike up a conversation, but I hesitated when I saw the pants she was wearing. Hahaha, it was beyond my scope of cognition.

You see, sports games have started to be held.

Hey, what can I do? Gained so much weight? You're such a bad old man!

Uncle, why don't you tear it up and draw a new one?

Do you drive like this? Is it convenient?

An animated picture shows you the whole process of tadpole turning into a frog! Look carefully and don't blink!

Why hasn’t anyone come to make fun of the bridesmaid yet?

won’t let me pass. If you can, go ahead.

Math brain teasers, come and use your brain.

This is the girl who can't unscrew the bottle cap.

What is going on with this tree? Is it because you drank too much? Why is the water flowing?

As the saying goes, good-looking girls will look good no matter what they wear.

Brother, you are trying to trick your wife like this because you want the family to take care of you, right?

Brother Chicken, is it because your family does not agree with you being together? God is moved to tears.

So many things happen in an instant, how to sort them better?

OMG! The plastic bag has become a spirit!

This is the worst time Little Head Dad has been hacked.

Please give me the psychological shadow area of ​​the girl under the bridge, hahahaha!

This is the first time I know that there is this thing in the belly of a chicken. It seems quite strange. Does anyone know it?

lost at the starting line

Nowadays, we advocate saving, so it is better to keep a low profile when getting married. I give you a thumbs up and wish you happiness forever.

My best friend just got her driver's license and said she would take us to have a good meal.

She couldn't understand it when she read it.

Care for the environment starts from small things and details!

Sister doctor, can we not have a meeting here? This meeting makes me feel so cold!

As we all know, green vegetables will shrink. After taking the photo, you have to run home quickly, otherwise the leaves will be rolled up later and you will be too late!

Playing with balancing car , I am not as good as a child

The first line "An autumn moon rises in the sky", how to correct the second line?