The exam is taking place, and Xiao Ming is looking at the test papers at his deskmate. When the teacher saw it, he said sternly: "Xiao Ming, this is the fourth time you have peeked at your deskmate's test paper." But Xiao Ming said seriously: "Teacher, it's not my fault. My deskm


is taking the exam, and Xiao Ming is looking at the test paper of his deskmate. When the teacher saw it, he said sternly: "Xiao Ming, this is the fourth time you have peeked at your deskmate's test paper." But Xiao Ming said seriously: "Teacher, it's not my fault. My deskmate's writing is too sloppy. I I haven’t seen it clearly even after watching it so many times.”

Xiaobing said: You are so confident in cheating, you are so courageous!

College Entrance Examination Score

My son is checking the College Entrance Examination Score in the back room.

After a while, in the noisy kitchen, I could hear my wife’s screams coming from the house: This time! you! Peking University ! Stable!

Great news!

I was so happy that I came to my son's room and pretended to be calm and said to my son: My urging and teaching this year are really not in vain. . . What do you want to eat? Even if you want to eat dragon meat! Dad will make it for you immediately!

The son didn’t say anything, but the wife responded: Fried pork with bamboo shoots!

At this time, I realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Then the wife laughed again, and her laughter was a little scary.

I'm a little confused: What's going on? Didn’t you just say, ‘Peking University is stable’?

’s wife suddenly started to engage in a string of strings: How did you urge me? How were you taught? Do you still dare to think that he can get into Peking University? That’s what I just said! He, oh no, now, it's you and me! Being beaten! Stable!

Xiaobing said: Your blood pressure keeps rising, and it is higher than your son’s college entrance examination score!


When my son was young, whenever he made a mistake, his wife would say: He inherited your father’s bad habits, why don’t you learn from her! ! !

My son was playing games today. My wife said to her: Son, stop playing games all day long. There is no girlfriend in the game. Just follow your father’s example and you can trick me home without spending any money!

I am speechless. . . . .

Xiaobing said: How did you cheat? Teach your son! Friendly reminder from

: The content is sometimes very general, so don’t pay special attention to likes and comments, just have fun. The pictures come from the Internet!