01#accidentally shit on my boyfriend’s face#Sisters, this is really a social death... Shit is pouring on your head. I hope your ex-boyfriend will forget about the shadow as soon as possible! 02 It seems to make sense. 03 The fouler the mouth, the softer the heart!


#accidentally pooped on my boyfriend’s face#

Sisters, this is really a social death...

Shit pouring down on your head,

I hope your ex-boyfriend will forget about the shadow soon!


seems to make sense


The smellier the mouth, the softer the heart!

Some people may look fierce on the outside, but they are very warm on the inside~


That’s too much, little boy.

Teacher: No, you have to learn to chew on your own...


My mother cooks things over high heat and forgets to turn off the heat,

When I smell the burnt smell, it’s already The house is full of smoke...

Now let me guess what is in the pot?

[The one above is a sweet potato, guess the white one]






That’s right, it’s a steamer! !


Leather Identifier (Dog Version)


Do not wear clothes that are too dark

Please do not wear clothes that are the same color as the background!


#I am too competitive, right? #


actually doesn’t even have a partner...


Wiping shit with a cat’s face, this is too hardcore!

Think about the scene of wiping daddy with a cat's face...


What is it like to experience poor sound insulation?

This wall has some sound insulation effect, but not much.