1. Two years later, my ex-girlfriend suddenly sent a text message saying: Let’s get back together. After going around for a while, I realized that you are the best. I regret it. Just a few words instantly destroyed all my pretense and defenses. Hot tears flowed into the lingering

1. Two years later, my ex-girlfriend suddenly sent a text message saying: Let’s get back together. After going around for a while, I realized that you are the best. I regret it. Just a few words instantly destroyed all my pretense and defenses. Hot tears flowed into the lingering memories, and those beautiful days holding hands that I missed every night quietly came to mind. Feeling no longer tired, so warm, nervous, excited, anxious. I replied with trembling hands as if relieved: You deserve it!

2. I got up after dinner time and said to my mother: "Mom, I'm hungry." My mother would say: "Mom will cook whatever you want to eat." My brother got up after dinner time and said to my mother: "Mom, I'm hungry." My mother would say, "I've been calling you for a long time and I can't pay you back. You deserve it." It seems that girls are still popular in my family!

3. I work overtime on weekends, and my husband goes to my mother’s house to pick up my son. As soon as he saw me, he said mysteriously: Wife, do you know? I finally know who your violent temper looks like, and I also know how to treat you! What do I mean? He said happily: "Mom said, you can follow your father's temper. If you don't obey, just give him a beating!" I...

4. I am the front desk female customer service of a logistics company.

Once, a customer called to check when the goods would arrive.

Because I have been having a relationship with my boyfriend recently, I feel groggy and can’t figure out the contents of the order.

So I asked him casually: "What are you?

5. On the train, I used my mobile phone to take pictures of the young lady sitting next to me. The young lady stood up quickly and wanted to discuss taking pictures with me. I took my time. He sat down in the seat where she had just sat, took out his ticket and said to her: "Have a seat!" shameful! "The young lady knew that she was right and ran away. I looked at her leaving figure and breathed a sigh of relief. I was right, she was also a standing vote...

6. How cute are people who drink too much? Last night, my dad After drinking too much, I came home and said pitifully that my finger was pinched by the door and it hurt so much that I had to ask my mother to apply medicine. My mother looked at her hand, which had no scars at all, and wiped it with a hot towel helplessly. After applying the medicine, I asked my father if it still hurt. My father held my mother’s hand and said: My wife is so good. After applying the medicine, it really doesn’t hurt at all!

7. A woman was very distressed and asked the master: Master, I look like this. She is beautiful, but every day when she goes out, she is pestered by a group of men to confess her love, and it is difficult for me to refuse others. What should I do? The master silently picked up a ladle of water from the pond and poured it on the woman's head. The woman suddenly realized that I understand. Okay, you want me to be as calm as water and face everything in the world with a clear mind, right? The master replied: It’s not that complicated... As long as you take off your makeup, the world will be peaceful.