Once upon a time, a little tadpole got separated from his mother, so he decided to find her. They swim and swim and swim. The little tadpole saw a big lobster on the lotus leaf. The little tadpole shouted loudly: mother... mother... mother... The big lobster looked back and saw a

2024/05/2714:56:32 funny 1056

Once upon a time, a little tadpole got separated from his mother, so he decided to find her.

They swim and swim and swim.

Once upon a time, a little tadpole got separated from his mother, so he decided to find her. They swim and swim and swim. The little tadpole saw a big lobster on the lotus leaf. The little tadpole shouted loudly: mother... mother... mother... The big lobster looked back and saw a - DayDayNews

The little tadpole

saw a big lobster on the lotus leaf,

The little tadpole shouted loudly for mother...mother...mother...

The big lobster looked back, with a big head, a black body and a long tail. How could something as small as

be my child?

Go, go, you want to die, right?

How dare you pretend to be my grandson at such a young age? You’re tired of living, aren’t you?

Be careful that my pliers will crush you to pieces.

Once upon a time, a little tadpole got separated from his mother, so he decided to find her. They swim and swim and swim. The little tadpole saw a big lobster on the lotus leaf. The little tadpole shouted loudly: mother... mother... mother... The big lobster looked back and saw a - DayDayNews

Big lobster

The tadpoles left disappointed.

said to himself, "Whatever it is, I will skin you when I grow up."

The little tadpole continued to swim...

I saw a turtle,

It had a triangular head, a head, a tail and four limbs.

should be our mother!

happily swam over and called, Mom...Mom...

The turtle felt uncomfortable when he heard someone calling him mom.

You are such idiots.

Even though I am a male, you still call me female.

If I don't show them my color, he treats me like a sick cat

and says loudly, "I am your uncle, grandson."

Once upon a time, a little tadpole got separated from his mother, so he decided to find her. They swim and swim and swim. The little tadpole saw a big lobster on the lotus leaf. The little tadpole shouted loudly: mother... mother... mother... The big lobster looked back and saw a - DayDayNews

The turtle

The tadpole was so scared that he ran away.

Finally saw a toad,

finally found his mother this time!

Even though you are covered with acne and gain weight, it still cannot change your appearance.

Once upon a time, a little tadpole got separated from his mother, so he decided to find her. They swim and swim and swim. The little tadpole saw a big lobster on the lotus leaf. The little tadpole shouted loudly: mother... mother... mother... The big lobster looked back and saw a - DayDayNews

Mom...Mom...we found you.

The toad was shocked,

Oh my god!

This little bastard is here.


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