Introduction: The weather is hot. It is better to eat potatoes and radishes than potatoes. It is extremely nutritious and delicious when cooked. It is a pity not to know how to eat it! "The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothing to ordinary people's hearts." Firewood

Introduction: When the weather is hot, it is better to eat potatoes and radishes. They are extremely nutritious and delicious when cooked. It is a pity not to know how to eat them!

"The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothing to ordinary people's hearts." Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, three meals a day and four seasons, food carrying the smoke of firework is the most soothing to people's hearts. Food is magical. No matter how tiring your life is or how busy your work is, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the moment of being healed by food! Many times, when we enjoy delicious food, we also savor life carefully...

The weather is really hot these days. The temperature in many places has exceeded 40 degrees. The happiest thing now is to stay in the air conditioner I was eating watermelon and drinking cold drinks in the house, and I really didn’t want to go anywhere. When the temperature is high in summer, people's appetite will also become worse, and it is easy to suffer from loss of appetite and strong deficiency fire. At this time, it is suitable for us to eat more light, nutritious and easy-to-digest foods, such as millet porridge, yam soup, mung bean porridge, pumpkin porridge, etc.; Eat less greasy and spicy food.

Speaking of yam soup, this is a delicacy that I often make at home in the summer. Yam is very rich in minerals and vitamins. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, promoting digestion, tonifying the body and replenishing qi, dispelling wind and dehumidification, and enhancing the body's resistance. In addition, eating yam can easily increase the feeling of fullness. , which helps control appetite and help lose weight. There are many ways to make yam. In the summer, I like to use it to make yam soup. When cooked, it is sweet, soft, glutinous, light and nutritious, especially suitable for hot summer. Let me take a look at the specific method:

1. First, take an appropriate amount of yam and peel off the skin, then cut it into small pieces and put it in a food processor. Add an appropriate amount of water to beat it into yam puree and put it into a bowl for later use. If you don’t have a food processor at home, you can also chop it into pieces with a knife.

Be careful when doing this step, because many friends are allergic to the mucus of yam, so it is best to wear disposable gloves when peeling and cutting yam. If you accidentally get mucus on your hands, you should also do it. Rinse clean immediately.

In addition, if you don’t rush to puree the yam after peeling it, you should first soak it in light salt water and set aside. Otherwise, it will easily oxidize and turn black, and the resulting soup will not look good.

2. Then let’s prepare the ingredients: cut half of the carrots into diced carrots and set aside; chop a few small green vegetables into fine pieces and set aside; take a box of fat tofu and grind it into a large bowl until fine and set aside. The internal fat tofu is smoother, softer and less fishy than the old tofu, so it is best to use the internal fat tofu instead of the old tofu to make this soup.

3. Take a casserole, first put the beaten yam puree, then pour in the tofu puree and diced carrots, and then add an appropriate amount of water. The amount of water depends on your preference. If you like it thicker, add less water, if you like it thinner, add less water. If necessary, add a little more water, then cover the pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

4. After the water is boiled, add an appropriate amount of water starch to the pot (you can omit it if you don’t like it thick), stir while pouring, then boil the pot again, add chopped green vegetables, continue to cook for 30 seconds, then turn off the heat, and sprinkle in an appropriate amount of Season with salt, mix well and let cool before serving.

If you like sweet food, you can also add sugar instead of salt to make a sweet soup, which is very delicious! The yam made in this way has a delicate and smooth texture, is nutritious and satisfies cravings! The weather is hot. It is better to eat potatoes and radishes than to eat yams. They are extremely nutritious and delicious when cooked. It is a pity not to know how to eat them! If you like it, try it too. When the weather is hot in summer, you can cook it and let it cool before storing it in the refrigerator. Take it out when you want to eat it. It will be ice cold and very refreshing!

I am Xiaofeng, an uncle born in the 1970s who walks in the sunshine looking for delicious food. If you like Xiaofeng’s sharing, please support Xiaofeng by forwarding + liking + collecting. See you in the next issue! Thanks for the support! Thank you for meeting me!

This article was originally created by Fengzi, a foodie. Welcome to follow and communicate with you so that everyone can benefit. If you are a threesome, you must have a teacher~